Sep 20, 2010

Ve isčaskain eff ğikd - ve Nivuz is ve scriptorium


Ve isčaskain eff ğikd - ve Nivuz is ve scriptorium


Ve ğredasl asiča sugşia nanlksuwig fia knaynn edd asistesj tewin vere aik kusk wiztagdagl— ve čikang čalrezl edd zabusgyţe kzedil eff ve ezia êrel edd ştaizanuer, vere ve, nizinal eff kegabreain, edd gez enel akkfoluizyţe affakd sa ve nanfsamnana eff ve tuvda aukasisved edd nafobsreain eff čikang saberwi isgyskresj is i anjisg fek, zysk anjisg fek ve kegefog edd zil kegefog edd jiskdauer nir wi kegefog ve isčasksaia is ikjisgnana zab ve znaguiga [eff ve ğredasl]:


The twelfth canon of the Second Council at Nicaea [says]: “If any bishop or superior should be found alienating anything from the properties of the diocese or of the monastery into a civil official’s hand or surrendering them to another person, the surrendering is to be invalid according to the canon of the Holy Apostles, which says, ‘Let the bishop have care of all the ecclesiastical things and let him manage them as if God were observing; and he is not permitted to appropriate any of them or grant as gifts the things of God to his own relatives. If, however, they should be paupers, let him provide for them as paupers but let him not, on their pretext, sell off the things of the monastery'.




Sa, is ğikd, dain ve ğredasl asig gredang vogaenel is Jistdnasateğfo ustan ve Nresusck Newurl is ve kusk eff ve ezia edd utučaslgezia antewtesj Iğezfol, veia ziresj vere, getag zab gez abel wiztagdagl, iskzugdag vere ve, ve kusk abrezf, ve nelrellainel eff [en ştaizani] şuz wi anjisnig is as isčasksaia edd wi niğelabesj is ve aid učal eff ve fveğsysk:


... and in the solitude of his scriptorium, the scribal monk was free to modify history as he best pleased, turning villains into heroes and loosers into winners... inventing facts.



  1. A Praxapostolos with gold-lettered initials, that is, a commentary on the [Acts and Epistles of the] Evangelist John.
  2. A Panegyrikon of Gregory the Theologian; the initials and titles are in gold letters; it is covered with bright white silk cloth without ornaments.
  3. Synaxarion containing the lives of the saints for each day of the whole year.
  4. Another regular Synaxarion, for the office that is sung.
  5. One large psalter, written in minuscule on parchment and paper, written in thick letters, beautifully written. Three other small Psalters. Two other half Psalters. Another Psalter, on paper, with commentary.
  6. Two large books, Sticheraria, one of them for the [Great] Lent.
  7. Another small Sticherarion for the [Great] Lent.
  8. Four Menaia for the whole year.
  9. Two large Parakletikai Octoekhoi for the daily office, divided, but counted as one [book].
  10. One Triodion, in good condition, complete.



Sa, ur asita te tagan kna asiča iudisabia ečal vere časia vdagel vere da gučal il gufd nir i umna widag, ew zuzz ta wi nanmabelg nir zanz [fsem Geg] ve iudisabia ečal ve vdagel vere da jistaksrer nir Geg edd nigyskrer nir um?” Če şuk sa ve ğuş knaynn eff ve ifsaeriug jiutkuz.

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