Oct 18, 2011

De Linguarum Artificio

De Linguarum Artificio Cover


De Linguarum Artificio





Čičekarši kodo nameni ivrit, aramit man atiniki šozhari kiele theguri keči defnsimo kheřsimo theguri si govekharde mai akker řolej ethkhar kha fuzima theguri ter zifra theguri, iluri duzhnikano danti kaver narkari, kado dařzin otkar metodi ka posksimo danti narkari řečekharši numerologija inđuri:



There is no single secret of literary translation. In fact there are many ways, and none of them includes the notion of perfection, since perfection presumes a perfect transfer from one tongue to another, of a = b. Language is much too rich, on too many cognitive and aesthetic levels, to be reduced to the perfection of a formula of equality. Only in purely denotive, physically measurable matters — ten acres of land, ten tons of pure iron ore — is exact translation possible and required. Even the slippery notion of "exact equivalence," fashionable in contemporary translation circles, is deception.



Deleli ter danti gabali, gitano vaj na, kha tugimo padikanalo ka edna agkar ter zifra theguri. Kia irano začekar ter sizhikerši khuřthsimo ka pizeni niš kha louri deleli si nošekarde edna vethkar keči, rugkher keturi vaj na, akhere na akker padikano. Tegin ter naphekharši edna fobin man absoluta vethkar čathkhar kha edna basi i, man řijekharši paphřimo ter dadimo, keani, man bařlibeni ka šdanelibenimo zucthipen ca keturi rogeli ka kajči, kado naguri lozheni basi ter matematika.






Mutvimo gematria si edna řodni ter khečekarši odari šuzari ka edna khensimo vaj tičekarde, ando šoššimo kodo deleli vaj tičekardi ca zhicsimo odari phedteli čozipen unyi gekhčimo ka keda kaver, vaj čozipen unyi gekhčimo ka vethkar keturi pesko kha keturi mai večekher ka edna gařiben' theguri kheriben, sofuri berš, vaj duzhnikano.






Eřzani gematria si metar zelaj timano ka futhfkhar phedteli ter amđino deleli, "psukim" (đořkimo thikibeni), talmudikaj zumnuri i, fomzhani iz duphari thacimo irčari, gařibenaj, angelikaj man pheuno navari, man kaver religijo rivima gakhnevalo, kabbalisti bethkhar lengero zelaj akhiben d'ičekarde tičekardi man, vamzjev, akhiben mabgno ezphuri:




תבל The world, the inhabited world. Moist earth [Psalm 24:1]. One the 7 earths in the diagram of the 4 seas; attributed to Earth of Yesod (and Malkuth). Tebel is the equivalent of the title of Key 21. Note the number of Tav (The World, Key 21) is 400, and that it is the 32nd path on the Tree of Life (400+32). With different pointing: 1. tehbel. confusion, violation of the natural order. From Balel בלל , pollution, profanation [Levi 18:23; 20: 121; 2. tebeil: spice, seasoning, to spice, to improve.




Edna ceřa phevani ter gematria ando koguri, sophbima man atiniki, zujekherde ca mutvimo khuřthsimo, si nonekarde ando zhošeli ter zhansimo Abraham Abulafia; unyi hasidika zhansimi niš timano keturi, eřzani pišgi, akhiben pomšari:





"These terms, Daath and Death, do indeed have a mystical affinity and it is no refutation of this fact that the words are in different languages, for the salient elements of both words Daath are qabalistically equivalent to the number 474. One of the meanings of Daath is knowledge".



Sarso, gabali akhiben gematria fufeli khenare efzhjev verto man rekali mutvimo man, ka edna khivimo gosni, aramit:



And he said in the mind of the light, 'AI EIS AI OU PHAR DOUIA EI OU, I have come in great rest in order that he may give rest to my light in his root, and may bring it out of harmful nature.



Kado dařzin daipen theguri sar gematria tečnika theguri pezin akker robkher ka romaniel man sar rezultati fođikerde khekhphar kodo gematria, kha edna mebzari, si ter thuđlimo cořzhalo šuzari akhiben amenge: This is glossolalia, ecstatic speech, the language of the heavenly realm.




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