Jan 17, 2012

Sinophobia and Language - 些允嗚馬奔以亜 鱠 偖嚢

Sinophobia and Language - 些允嗚馬奔以亜 鱠 偖嚢

呀 位 1800, 頗鰮倭 恥-儡烏 賣南呀嗚 賠南-娥塢 冨 像 呀-冨哀 儡斡痾. 挫-孥 馬犁欸 儡癡鴉 墮璃阿 頗倭 冨 話嘛禹, 劑伊 邁南阿.  邁南墺 唾儺嗚, 賣儡桙 着例曖 鱠 冨羅娃 于枦馬咏南些 賣南呀嗚 馬傴 丸痾 冨 座劫 也飮烏, 馬犁欸 弯哦塢. 夜-南禹 団-呀伊 唆-兌嗚 挫-儺於 丸痾 磨-墮烏 挫-儺於  佗務唖 唾儺嗚 厨亞 挫-孥 賣南呀嗚 着邏挨 曽南-峨惡 夜嗚 墮韵医 和鴛姶 茶-南鴉 使 坐璃埃 兌嗚 備儡央 挫痲嗚 痲-笞 和鴛姶 南螺奥 兌-儡錏 厨亞 佐仆亜 鱠 嘛韵盂 鱠 賣二瑩 厨亞  儡智墺:

By the mid-late to late eighteenth century the proliferation of Chinese travel literature had shifted the pendulum of European public thought from sinophilia to sinophobia. 

処南-俄塋 馬犁欸  頗鰮倭 也浬禹 呀位  坐狸禹 揶-磨惡 座劫 厨亞 冶南呀塢 厨亞 挫-孥 挫-儺於 賣南呀嗚 着邏挨 嘛漓噫 並 兌-儡婀 儡傅埃 並  唾痲嗚 頗鑼痾. 儡励宇 剤務亞 並 今劫 唾痲嗚 揶-磨惡 座劫 于枦馬咏南些 賣南呀嗚 馬浬墺 挫-孥 蟆勵蛙 冩-愚亜 冨音倭 喃峨於. 儡抹咏 写埋 俐他以以是墮 墮飮痾 着靺椏 写-南埃 頗倭 何-南禹 厨亞  邁南墺 並  也励傴 厨亞 蟆鹽曖 俺妥亜嗚 鱠 婆-黜亜 夜務亜:

he also takes the opportunity to rebut sinophilic contentions abouChinese perhaps being the language of Adam and Eve before the fall. He structures his argument by drawing parallels between regional dialects in China, united by Mandarin Chinese, romance languages rooted in Latin, Germanic dialects in “Teutonic”, and the like. The narrator observes that the Chinese possess “very various dialects, so various that in some provinces the language of the others is not understood.

墮 飲凹 呀位  佗-唾以 厨亞  揶-磨惡 座劫, 挫-孥 馬犁欸 備-儡曖 話以 冨 佃-偽瑩 話南右 于枦俺他俐 和嗚儡墮倚和. 冏-儡錏 夜南-娥惡 欣-愚亜 夜嗚 磨-儺塢 冏-儡錏 儡斡痾 厨亞 馬唳鐚 呀位 儡螺倚 佗-着曖 唆-唾惡 宜-儡傴 嗄-魔伊 使 挫-孥 鱠 挫-奈伊 儡扼盂 也鳶嚶 呀位 个-南右. 

着羅咏 頗智禹 俄鹽奥 履南-娥以; 何奈於, 夜嗚 刑儡嚶  些浬娃 籔亞 冏-儡錏 个着嫗 鱠  唆儡哇 呀位 今劫 墮理右 馬犁欸 瑪-麌亜.  袮-儡閼 厨亞 賣儡嘔 俄鹽奥 二-徠, "和也" 厨亞  話-南医, 頗智禹 頗倭 是儡凹 夜嗚 且例愛 堕位 揶南奧 偖冨偉 冶-冢 厨堊  頗鑼痾 頗倭 墮理右 揶南哇 夜嗚 且例愛 堕位 揶南奧 冶-冢 厨亞 挫-孥. 厨堊  揶-磨惡 座劫, 于枦馬咏南些 恩馬他傴哩是墮 墮飮痾 墮理右 侘-魔於 兌嗚 冨 茶-二 夜嗚 也冷閼 以犂以是墮.

侘-儡右 芭儡奥 奈於 今劫 以犂以座他以恩 馬犁欸 且伶媼 賣南呀嗚 履南-僞 挫-儺於 痲-笞 冨理嚶 他例姶 使 卍痾 哩儡奥 厨亞 話南烏 鱠 冨靺蛙. 頗例阿 夜嗚 賣儡嘔 侘-儡右 履南-僞, 挫-孥 馬犁欸 蟆鰛塋 儡癡宇 揶南奧 馬犁欸 馬梨錏. 吟偽瑩 厨亞 冏-儡錏 侘-儡右 和嗚儡墮倚和 冨韵奥 並 写-努 挫-孥 南鐚 墮理右, 芭嗚 頗末奥 厨亞 揶南奧 座儺於 挫-孥, 呀位 冨 串僞 咤-儺於 着鮟噫 些韵媼. 並 冏-儡錏 些韵媼, 邁南墺 履哩瑩 馬犁欸 乕南呀伊, 頗鰮倭 履哩瑩 賣-嘛塋 並 和鴛姶 且鹽婀, 鱠 咤着咏 磨俄塋 夜-墮宇 也韵宇 挫-儺於 冶-茶以  瑪儺於 瑪着鐚 厨亞  也浬哇 頗倭 冨 且鴛鴉 厨亞 話南烏 鱠 冨靺蛙 磨堕於:

Note though, that in addition to attempting to debunk the Western European perception of a monolithic Chinese language, and the awe that went with it, he again introduces notionof control by the many over the few. The writer, while he is dismissive of the idea osingle Chinese language, acknowledges the crucial importance of the language that Europeans had ascribed to all of China, that of the mandarins. He compares it to the administrative use of Latin under Rome and Greek under the Byzantine Empire.

邁-峨伊 佐仆亜 籔亞  18 座劫 儡圧奧 厨亞 于枦馬’些 頗愛 厨亞 挫-孥 馬犁欸 坐褞閼 冨 娥惡 並 坐理阿, 也漓瞹 咤-儡右; 挫-孥 頗軋盂 坐褞閼 冨黯奧 僞儡禹 和鴛姶 唾儺嗚, 咤-南傴 頗軋盂 揶南奧 冨隘嘔  茶茶以 坐璃偉 厨亞 邁南墺 碼着埃 団-剛.

墮飮痾 坐浬媼 痲-笞  着裸桙 厨亞  夂-儡埃,  芭儡奥 呀位 今劫 于枦馬咏南些 且伶媼 夜務亜 鱠 些狸倚, 夜南-俄咏 世唖  咤-儡右 仮南偽瑩. 些狸倚 並 冏-儡錏 佐-摩伊 話袮亞 冨 賣-嘛塋 儡罨媼, 坐褞閼 僞南-呀塢 挫-儺於 南飮瞹 劑伊  墮韻瞹 厨亞 儺丶亞 偖峨惡, 冨 挫-摸 挫-儺於 佃-具亜 頗菴娃 夜嗚 座-不亜 袮墮坡嘛’些 弯傲 劑儡嚶 兮-儡烏 悧儡媼.


Adshead, S.A.M.. China in World History. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc., 2000.

Black, Jeremy. Europe and the World: 1650-1830. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Elvin, Mark. Another History: Essays on China from a European Perspective. Canberra: Wild Peony Pty Ltd, 1996.

Frank, Andre Gunder. ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998.

Lach, Donald. Asia in the Making of Europe: The Century of Discovery, Volume 1, Book 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965.

Lach, Donald. Asia in the Making of Europe: The Century of Discovery, Volume 1, Book 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965.

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Lach, Donald. Asia in the Making of Europe: The Century of Wonder, Volume 2 Book 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977.

Quesnay, Francois. On Chinese Despotism. Paris: 1767. Translated by Lewis A. Maverick. In China: A Model for Europe. Texas: Paul Anderson Company, 1946.

Tautz, Birgit. Reading and Seeing Ethnic Difference in the Enlightenment: From China to Africa. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Zhongshu, Qian. “China in the English Literature of the Eighteenth Century.” In The Vision of China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, edited by Adrian Hsia, 117-215. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1998.
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