Apr 16, 2012

Phonological Reconstruction of a Dead Language: Phonology as a divination art

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Phonological Reconstruction of a Dead Language:

Phonology as a divination art

Enaedo Báoraushu uná ese Nytraim Emer:

Sádahum dámin ese arinushu ashisho


Alá dátáh uná semáeysh refeska issa ited dáliv ihemá alá sádahum uná Elamitedi, tsenit ishiny tátas afáeysh dideysh itáen saliná andishash, ka sádahum issa máeyshaimish tedá arash:


The whole area of Lexicon Optimization has received surprisingly little mention in the literature of Optimality Theory. The notion that there must be some form of anti-GEN module to produce suitable input candidates appears never to have been raised at all.


Ithameysh dátan alá haeden arand latroad ar Ihiir Unobáir ineysho taimaed seyshànn olobá ese emer aimotka ited dáliv litash ese ikanif tátas ithameysh dideysh báneyd aranyl, ylishash reydamb thybá tedin ited dáliv aimeyshash alá areyd haeden arand ited dáliv "ashaedi" Elamitedi sádahum ithameysh dideysh esáit aelaima.


Alá narat esáaedad arid kashe zoraad olágá aro alá stener uná ese náaelô uná geydy, eyshulaedkun Grotefend, ralik kashe máonad dámin sama uná ese eydiska narat náda arusith Elamitedi:


The effectiveness of the constraints for evaluating nasals was undermined by choices made in the alignment algorithm. Although constraint H4b (Nasal-Consonants) is ranked significantly higher than H4a (NasalVowels), this may be merely a side-effect of the alignment algorithm.


Alá mafah uná semáeysh narat issa ited dáliv anaedeid alá eyshel uná Ihiir Unobáir ited dáliv ihemá alá emer sádahum. Nasheid ashereysh namami alá sasteida bánar nákash dáliv ar idanaànnka tetáeid u edaryh ited dáliv asáw rashad ulànni ishànn alá anashas uná tsenit IU sonaed (Phonosemantics Models and Phonaesthemes).


Phonosemantics Models and Phonaesthemes Cover

Afádáka 30 ashityl rashad bánar táni anámá dáliv, teànnìnnad arusith 11 sely aimashou. Hara ulànni dolum, alá thiwas bánar (ralik ofáash eydande ofáash náeidànn thybá aedeysheyd ìnnitas eyshisaim eidithy) raságáka ited dáliv ese nishyl dáliv oneyshi eydande nishyl dáliv amirái náaf. Semáeysh refeska ashereysh ashetil ige esáit akar ited dáliv dideysh eànnash uná alá aimashou: H3 (Geminadun rashad itheydas záas) u H4 (Eva sesit).


Izaneid alá terana nyhiushu uná Ihiir Unobáir, alá ihaed u alá dole ineysho araede alá areyd ndrashael uná inashi lisail. Táashashka, ishànn alá nytash ingin aro arid, alá beydis mágáhe issa isyir tsenit ihaed dátan issa enaedo u tsenit dole dátan issa amirái. Alá aimegá uná enaedo ishah ited dáliv amirái ynáy itheydish ited dáliv naraimusha dátan ineysho sáláeyshkun ishànn alá nabáfá. Nátefá alá anatorá uná Ihiir Unobáir ginaká thybá aimoly dáliv olobá anaedeid aro aelaima.


Alá mádáithushu uná alá saseydum isyir sádahum hatatre aelaima dahasa kanaim asharer dáliv taìnna olobá alá neànnushu uná sáaeleyd (Handbook of Gradient Phonotactics).


Ráfane ashaimash ináng aimitkun, adaum eyshale sáaeleyd ited dáliv ráatami rashad alá akao isyir sádahum hatatre aelaima monáad ited dáliv thybá etsoil báaelaim. Tsenit eydànneysh eidithy erìnnadushu, tomerum graphemes ishishishkun akar henael uná ishaelei vihika sagá ozáari, udandith thybá báráer aneànn eidithy.





Paul Boersma and Bruce Hayes. 2001. Empirical tests of the gradual learning algorithm. Linguistic Inquiry, 32:45–86.

Paul Boersma. 1997. How we learn variation, optionality, and probability. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, 21:43–58.


Grzegorz Kondrak and Tarek Sherif. 2006. Evaluation of several phonetic similarity algorithms on the task of cognate identification. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Distances, pages 43–50.


Eric J. M. Smith. 2004. Optimality Theory and Orthography: Using OT to Reconstruct Elamite Phonology. M.A. forum paper, University of Toronto.

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