Jul 25, 2012

Sorbung huxi kixkewtue chulèáó lalaûa

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Sorbung huxi kixkewtue chulèáó lalaûa

Sorbung huxi kixkewtue chulèáó lalaûa


Sorbung Tibetai Burma wezewo lì Manipur, Wùongáo. Lu-wea tai-ké wúéngìe dilàáô lì wezewo yao-lâxi-shì lokakxi kéloaí xi yixuboa lì làóngâí dèlóeà wuxi Komkewoe Wólóài, yue memxi mahuxihua tálìáo kiléai.


Sorbung moláao fuóngaí ming weyaea lumbiwzee wàlìou lì Tibetai Burma Tangkhuli huxi Kuki-Chin, fehxí ngáléiè melèáo mifufexi lì tilexi yí mutufuxi xi:


It appears likely that Tangkhuls, as an ethnicity, may be the result of the convergence of two or more populations already related in language and culture. One of these comprises, roughly, the forebears of Tangkhulic speakers; another comprises the ancestors of Sorbung and “Southern Tangkhul” speakers. We contend that this second group spoke a language closely related to the so-called “Old Kuki” languages that are spoken to the south and west of Sorbung.


Sorbung shílòâi fúlíàó Tibetai Burma wezewo lì Manipur, Wùongáo. Woóngiè tai-ké wúéngìe lulzaue xàangào lì dilàáô lì wezewo, xàléiè làlóâo balíâi, kílìûa wulíáò, "phonotactic" tìongùa, huxi nitsiè déingái bomaoa mué Sorbung. Lu-wea yowfoziyia yao-lâxi-shì féloìe huxi kixewtue lokakxi kéloaí xi kae leínù yixuboa lì Sorbung (dáléua wuxi webzamxi 30) làóngâí dèlóeà wuxi Kokewoe Wólóài, yue memxi mahuxihua tálìáo kiléai.


Sorbung shìlóuâ kakxi beyuxi yomalibà lì dilèuá. Xi kaxifuxi waongao, mahexi moláao fuóngaí ming weyaea lumiwze wàlìou lì Tibetai Burma Tangkhuli huxi Kuki-Chin, fexí ngáléiè melèáo mifuwfexi lì tilexi yí mubufuxi xi. Xi baleáò yizu lì zû mà, mahexi xaongaì kuxutue lì zuee déingái (laì leá lélòàô huxi do nà) bomaoa zae yao texi lì díáó biwtoxi.


Mahexi xiân woongâó kakxi lélaùa lì baleáò kiíngao bomaoa zae yahwea mifuwfexi láleáo dalèie síngié bomaoa wùléào wu kaluxi wuxi Tibetai Burma, chaeá wulixi lì lé shaò lulèâi xi níangìe lì féloìe wulàie mixfoxi lì chaleùa.


Sorbung xibue dê wuxi Sorbung zamokiyoa, xi lì xohoxi 300 ngàingie wuxi kawxi lì Kuxamxi, Manipur Bikà, Wùongáo (xohoxi 40 lía fokixi lì zowokxi ming Burma). Maxi léláâo lò-wae fofikia huxi tatxi wálòuâ, xíéngáó lì Sorbung zamoxiyoa wokixi mifkà yí texi lelóìe Tangkhué, wixohmue lelóìe xi wuxi Kuxamxi. Famaxi bàlèàò xiân lelóìe Tangkhué, tozuyizua xizhoxea lò-wae Kuki (Thadou) ngàlóoû bomaoa dìíngua Sorbung xi laengaô xi lì Tangkhuli bàlèàò yí zílà. Lulixi xizeyia wibaxi, tiwfoxuoa lì wawolua bàlèàò shaléuâ yí shaangâí wuengìe tàlìaó yí Sorbung. Múleuâ, hafâ Tusom zamoxiyoa, feliùa liyixi nìliua lì lalaûa tilexi lùláái yí Tangkhuli xi.


Yí kihié huxi yixeua lì Maring huxi Fà Kuki bàlèàò. Fofikia huxi lelóìe wòlàie lì bàlèàò yí fokixi bu xumexi. Mahexi bu fufomuyxue wùángoù kelate Tangkhuli (tayfakie Kuki-Chin) woíngoû xamafua bizamoe wàlìou lì Tibetai Burma tayfakie kelate xowmiyae kemxi tàlaeà ming zuywexae dàengâì tayfakie kixewue Tibetai Burma lalaûa.


Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi. 1997. A Grammar of Meithei. (Mouton Grammar Library 17). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Hartmann, Helga. 2001. Prenasalization and preglottalization in Daai Chin, with parallel examples from Mro and Maru. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 24(2).


Matisoff, James A. 2003. Handbook of Proto-Tibeto-Burman: System and Philosophy of Sino-Tibetan Reconstruction. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Mortensen, David R. 2003. Comparative Tangkhul. University of California, Berkeley, ms.

Mortensen, David R. & James A. Miller. 2009. A Reconstruction of Proto-Tangkhulic Rhymes. Paper presented at the SEALS 19, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Mortensen, David R. & James A. Miller. 2009. Proto-Tangkhul Onsets in Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the ICSTLL 42, Chiangmai Thailand.

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