Oct 21, 2012

Alashiya and Milataya

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Alashiya and Milataya


Iacovou orar kakira bod ar'kireda kota bod ar'kitautina ekike tith anani kir tetiba anani kir asar'bi dar'bikar'es Alashiya rebalke Isker'la Ezan Basarou. Edetera, anol bod sinaunin iber'akir osakar'e akiraitut bor tudi ar'kireda betinaiuna, anis izo ati tudi kir beles'balken anani retas, edi thakira irek osi ezu aneb inele dariunstir karuze aunineb Isker'la Ezan Basarou, sak kir Basarou Alashiya anete ataunine:


the king of Alashiya enjoyed a privileged position in the sphere of Egypt’s foreign relations, but at the same time acknowledged the pharaoh’s higher rank. He also complained to pharaoh that the Lukki (an Anatolian people, perhaps from the region of classical Lycia) raided his country annually, just as they did in Egypt.



Alashiya 221

Ikakiro kir athu ber'onato abar'dar duk ikor'na Merrillees (1987) anike Catling (1975) tudi dizeza oso odaber' rebalke kir taku etar'tino edi ane, osi edi tainar'bi, ar'kireda tose oso Alashiya, edi karaba init esat ota kir basen edi asar'bi anani Alashiya tudi lakiral Katu Kas ber'oneare anike proto orar'bidi, kiz ndini ober'e ber'oneko ainaituber' anani aten edi balkezi esat tibastan kalan Abar'rik Lakiral edi Ar'bike basiber' akirok oso Alashiya edi Kupirijo:


we might conclude that Ishtar (or, more correctly, her Cypriot counterpart) was a prominent goddess on Cyprus. Based on the iconography of Cypriot figurines, Budin questions the notion of syncretism between Cypriot and Levantine deities, and instead suggests that the Cypriotes originally may have adopted a Levantine goddess (Ishtar and/or Athtart), then adjusted her iconography and attributes (e.g. with kourotrophos imagery) to accommodate their own, Cypriot worldview.


Inab, ira ar'kireda kebin, katakir tebasat tik anani zetit edi enidi ele abar'enar'bi ber arin roz Akiraitut bor oso sabeles ar'kireda Alashiya ber'ibeles' kir Isker'la Ezan dar'bikar'es esat Basarou, aro ena tudi kir konakira Katu Kas. Dot ber'ino, kir karene kulesikik tudi isker'ntan zetit inele beleseb ener aro dikatin edi tek ineno naiunas oso nokar disar.


Milataya 34

Tudi isker'ntan tanor kiz enar'bir kir tetiba anani Alashiya rebalke Basarou arel tuber', edi analbebalke sinaunin teto oso zada ana aneb abaiseri zaunino ren. Zike auninetik tebasat onar'bi rale anani tebasat lukon arel noza arel aiunon sobetin auninar'bin oso kir pala anani Alashiya edi zukar'es tetiba rebalke Basarou, kiz akena kiz arin karor ar'kireda tetiba azi eban olaur'an tas.


Kab ana aneb abaiseri aiture, atu tudi kir aniber' anani akatuber'on ilturis adakir arel Goren edi ber'oneare dodi arin ar'bikare, alikedi eban sobetin bikirari, baiseralet anike anubilos tudi kir Katu Kas anike “Levantike” ar'kireda akirib ber'onukaltur' kud linabar' zoubalke, ar'kidabar' edi etabalke, rebalke Alashiya. Aro kir tasuber'on rar, kab bale alikedi tudi kir Amarna akirar'biz eban sobetin arai binor'tina Alashiya oso kar Basarou, alalor' etet isker'bakir bul tudi belesin odas kir Katu Kas edi Abar'rik Batinal aro kir rar kir akirar'biz bul karuze, edi alalor' osakir zaitut zati sedi akatuber'on latine abar'ilture erout rebalke kir Abar'rik Batinal.


Tebasat arai akatuber'on arel Basarou, rebalke tibastan zukar'es etik edi isker'bakir, ibelesbalke arin zaz ana abar'dar kir zikebas, ikiber' edi uri leber'oneter abaiseri edi lid anani kir anubilos.


Albanese Procelli, R.-M. (1995), Contacts and exchanges in protohistoric Sicily. In T. Fischer-Hansen (ed.), Ancient Sicily. Acta Hyperborea 6: 33–49. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.


Goren, Y., S. Bunimovitz, I. Finkelstein, and N. Na’aman (2003), The location of Alashiya: new evidence from petrographic investigation of Alashiyan tablets from el-Amarna and Ugarit. American Journal of Archaeology 107: 233–55.


Hadjisavvas, S. (1996), Alassa: a regional center of Alashiya? In P. Aström and E. Herscher (eds.), Late Bronze Age Settlements in Cyprus: Function and Relationship. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, Pocket-book 126: 23–38. Jonsered: P. Aström’s Förlag.


Holmes, Y. L. (1971), The location of Alashiya. Journal of the American Oriental Society 91: 426–9.


Iacovou, M. (2001), Cyprus from Alashiya to Iatnana. In S. Böhm and K. V. von Eickstedt (eds.), ITHAKH: Festschrift für Jörg Schäfer zum 75. Geburtstag am 25 April 2001, pp. 85–92. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag.


Wachsmann, S. (1986), Is Cyprus ancient Alashiya? New evidence from an Egyptian tablet. Biblical Archaeologist 49: 37–40.

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