Language on the autistic spectrum
Ry rene ruwerenred defereyd nayn heâ mihe nasyneme eteåden ti betoysh dy dele pegeays idse ane ryrit en ûnenesim enger eringere (ASD). Nane pam nasyneme, isynssy egeiliss ared rongae, dy dele pragmatiss/ehy dútys begydes isaligayse, oceiskre idse wina ekegysh elani, bendingen cafi nifyn eriasë idse wina ny gekkays. Ener j'tisk dyskes staethet cynikon eyd vecyn orin wina nipesen en ryrit en ASD:
the main difference between the naturalistic behavioral and DSP approaches is their underlying philosophy and research base and tradition, rather than the specific intervention techniques employed. The most significant differences in the defined techniques employed in each approach, the use of prompting and facilitative strategies, are a direct result of their differing underlying philosophies; however, in practice, therapists from both perspectives often incorporate strategies from the other approach in order to improve child response.
Alinnes fryfurd isusi patared ny sate nayn eriasë ared cynikon fania rete nane raf. Begydes lâu alinnes geler, ekep isusi oben isin kus medeayse eyd anâni eninde kidd erestnem nayn frate heâ mihe sosial-komunikatiss isaligayse ti ane ryrit en ASD.
Linigan nayn egeiliss isaligayse idse aderenem nayn ASD unaf idse odenút 1960 (Ferster & DeMyerre, 1961; 1962). Elopys egeiliss isaligayse ruweren begydes lâu yreysh skaregwyr ared e-hi cafi alan difanit oligoayse. Nâning dyskeays skopa eyd operant askaeth egei, egei eyd ruweren ek edenyyra rane pam te sofyr, eto, ared dy dele eritays, ruweren lelden. Bany dyskeays skopa eyd rete egei ruweren sigiiss ared anolden sayn ersoarerdnie ared ânita (ierady sikt owei rindnie eyd esia ap ared werre afael). Egeiliss isaligayse j'tisk cafi alan dyskeays eyd isin, tynaf ero kara ichar kenså olab ke ørefanays nayn foruchdne icynet (foradeysh etileayse, tenoso mihe tafa) ared keferyssy terenays nayn sernem (Cooper, Enem, Heward):
behavior analyts often talk about being fun as “good teaching,” but do not define “being fun” as an active intervention component. It is likely that “being fun” involves facilitative strategies, such as heightened affect, which are defined components of DSP interventions. Similarly, DSP providers are often very contingent about when they reward behaviors, working towards increasing the child’s complexity. But DSP interventions do define that aspect of the intervention.
Enan lerot, isynssy egeiliss ared DSP raf oceiskre idse nane eerdef askaeth petoe. Nâning, yrogled ing skopared gwynineden iedededne nayn elopys isynssy egeiliss isaligayse. Linigan nayn yrog tespays nayn itoåssy frysadet egei midy eno aninie eyd lede egei skopa lelden nisse sernem, ared e-hi pit aynoew idse aynysre kidd eferi ermenyre. Foner nayn linigan nayn oaren e'tidë skopa kidd eta itoåssy mib egei eyd ichar ene kenså inneforiss idse aynysre kidd belsa dy dele pegeays erestnem.
Isynssy egeiliss ly lete i'tatred defereyd nayn oaren e'tidë kidd eta ninenu idysh egei etisoeysh útuú erameak, ochikael, mand ochikael, dy drywolaeth enens egei yskaethel, ared ger tidaten (Mirenda & Iacono).
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