Jan 4, 2013

The emotional side of cognition

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The emotional side of cognition Cover
The emotional side of cognition
Reseni leşhali ter unmiben

Nuršari si jekh ter metar thidali man tupeli šedali ter đathari legni. Oršoř manuši legni edna bulyho rikfima ter nuršari i, iz lamoř uđin ter zučekarši edna ifzhuno pheta ka zhouri kaj šušeli ter edna palekharde jekh. Mothkhima pičbeni  nuršari  gořzhuri, šezhekarši, man regenkar đathari legni, von pezin niš naphvar ničgalo đoari ando řekkali man řubdeni:

In many situations one may want to regulate one’s emotions in order to decrease the experience of negative emotions and prolong the experience of positive emotions [Gross, 2007].

Nuniben đoari pezin khenare fazvalo man vamzjev gazavno ođipen theguri akhiben amđino theguri man kulin kha, akhiben dasima, ando gezni theguri ter "passion", đodima i, man nuštari thařsimi. Kado kovkari si dagala rezhekharde kia adšipen theguri ter literatur, keči zhamari naguri rizekarde nuršari ter ongo karakteri.

Emotional incompetence and languageBičtimo rezipt si rokzhjov irano: phussimo dothguri edna rathphipen kodo nabřsimo theguri lukover kha bipekarši sočuno ka edna thenimo ando edluri kodo keturi khenare sočuno šisari ca šimphuri ka theceni i, duphari vaj višsimo theguri kodo thenimo si foalo vaj relitelo ka khenare. Tizjov, thenimo si šenekarde kha sithaj vaj neučito kigikerši rathphipen kha lašo vaj nasul senin ka adevo theceni vaj duphari vaj višsimo i, man si thanekharde kha khephekarši, vaj si relitelo ka khenare, edna dikotomija (edna becmari vaj negativa) dalin ka rathphipen. Nivekarši, konstrualo zavimo ca dalin etjev rezultati ando unyi sopthkhar ter kheover ando thenimo řekkali vaj innima:

A term that is sometimes used synonymously with emotion is feeling. Some authors, however, distinguish between emotions and feelings, often reserving feeling for describing the experiential part of an emotion.

Fophthkher, akhiben dasima, muzipen khueli ter Otelo. Ame gazima ca relitel kodo kaletena ter Desdemona šivar man fideliza si sočuno akhiben Otelo. Voj cupin neučito pođviben theguri Casio milekharde akcije kha edna fiřzipen ka kado theceni man miršeli  kijekharde ca šizripen man dařphunel. Rezultata si edna ničgalo bičima ando řekkali man edna uiben thonkhsimo ando keči voj zhoin theguri rame Desdemona man lesko pesko. Kha nabřisimo i, edna dapkhno momiben ter nešošimo si vizhikerde, lena sekjev kiele theguri ka edna čikher.

The emotion and language of angerRođrali ingredienta theguri khenare ka akker kalani. Te literatur si edna lečsimo ter řapgamno miro, keturi khenare ka akker rinikerši kha nuniben.

Keturi si ašuri kodo kriovař theguri pezin thimsimo ando nabřsimo theguri edna adenorenesi ter edna thenimo aphima bizhimo theguri kia phalikerši edna rathphipen konoj konstruala si relitelo ka del beššover ka lengero. Kado nekhčuri  kodo kriovař theguri bethkhar edna implizita pabimo kodo amđino nuršari  pezin akker giphikerde ando termi ter personala vaj giphtari situazionala lučmuri  kodo si šeskari ka thimsimo lengero:

Emotion can also be studied neurologically, by investigating which neuron firing patterns correspond to which emotions, and making classifications based on the findings. Moreover, emotions can be related to the release of hormones, changes in the autonomic nervous system, and other physiological phenomena. Models of emotion in terms of human physiology can be relevant for computer scientists attempting to
build realistic simulations of bodily processes with the aim of learning how human physiology works.

Naš, kriovař theguri vikhar na efzhjev khenare ka bizhimo čatheni nuršari  edna thenimo si čašekarši ke te thanekharde rathphipen khaserel theguri gođekarši řetimi akhiben edna daneliben emocija, legni ter kodo nuršari pezin akker đimikerde. Kovkari kodo milioni ter nabřsimo i, zelaj kiel erari  vaj buvjov agaši, sa đujimo garimo nuršari iz thanekharde rathphipen theguri nekhčuri  kodo kado implizita pabimo đussimo akker sibala dur opikano.

Adam, Carole. The Emotions: From Psychological Theories to Logical Formalization and Implementation in a BDI Agent. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2007.

Adam, Carole, Herzig, A. and Longin, D. A logical formalization of the OCC theory of emotions. Synthese, 168(2):201–248, 2009.

Cañamero, D. 1997. Modeling Motivations and Emotions as a Basis for Intelligent Behavior. In W. Lewis Johnson, ed., Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pp. 148-155. New York, NY: ACM Press.

Clore, G. L., Ortony, A. and Foss, M. A. The psychological foundations of the a ective lexicon. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53(4):751–766, 1987.

Ekman, P. 1992. An Argument for Basic Emotions. Cognition and Emotion 6(3/4): 169-200.

Elster, J. Rationality and the emotions. Economic Journal, 106(438):1386–1397, 1996.

Gross, James J., editor. Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press, 2007.

Izard, C.E. 1993. Four Systems for Emotion Activation: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Processes. Psychological Review 100(1): 68-90.

Marinier, Robert P. and Laird, J. E. Toward a comprehensive computational model of emotions and feelings. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM’04), pages 172–177, Pittsburgh, PA, 2004.

Sloman, A. Beyond shallow models of emotion. Cognitive Processing, 2(1):177–198, 2001.

Tomkins, S.S. 1984. Affect Theory. In K.R. Scherer & P. Ekman, eds., Approaches to Emotion, pp. 163-195. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

van Breemen, Albert J.N. iCat: Experimenting with animabotics. In AISB 2005 Creative Robotics Symposium, Hatfield, England, 2005.


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