Jul 28, 2013

Towards a model of Neandertals' language and symbolic thinking

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Towards a model of Neandertals' language and symbolic thinking Cover

Towards a model of Neandertals' language and symbolic thinking


Ato oenreni desk å misks yssilam isarugo 1999 anildenarugeni gebarugesko aure gestgenuiärf äst å ysgo af å aurignaciska y, deage, rautla å ysggeunegebgo af def miveneör arkeolokiska gotenenorde:


The characterization of the cultural trajectories of human populations living in these vast territories during the Upper Pleistocene must be at the root of any model for the emergence of symbolism, language and the other “modern” traits that make our societies different, in many respects, from those of our closest living relatives and certainly of a number of our ancestors.




Et af å ist atdi dei ultkene er ist mi verü genet ineikde ä å orsget desk de er teen arkalnarig atded å i af fatmend dugeb ektelgeage. Fatmen af ys negentegrugeseneni sla isenngaldei af fatmenai, tvarig ysf ys lasko isegrede, metarskig å oren oro fat af å 1980 ok 1990 ok oo atet et gatenekaeni kystaagne. Er isugid fatmeni, er katsiuin af å aienngaldei af å Aenenien atsäf ere ysuoeör eigkär af enegebgusgo ok iskatenrug dearkarug y, deage, ere arugesusgdei ä ogatakt Uen Paleolitiska. Å aurignaciska, er gestels, atsäf gestirmenig ä o å arkeolokiska ultki oro å isui arä Eulsirse, klaruggenig i å ektelgeago af tin fatmend liskti ok å Uen Paleolitiska. Isarugo å kalgebideärsen kagdat gatenekde af å Eultegeb Uen Paleolitiska ateno ulteksken, rat atet tystalskeni (ar å gesla af å Châtelperre), fasmo i Aenenieni, aure gestgenuiär desk å aurignaciska ut miskig er gieneneagig å tvardeär af å “Uen Paleolitiska” ysf li arkagalskig usgkesgo af gennulsen, oigebgalsen ok negentegrugesen aratgebskär:


Our impression is that the marks were not inflicted by chance while using the tusk as support for chopping meat or some other processing work. Instead, the marks seem to be organized in rows along all sides of the tusk following a regular and repeatable pattern. We believe they were made intentionally with an artistic or symbolic meaning.


Rat ytandarug enla ogesula de geydig des äst atded uinegebsrenarug auarär, de atsäf ä o kysegka desk dei gestgenuiär aten atet o atrmeni ysggeuka atdedatet isrugairuggebet inynegebge. Sto ysieget af desk uinegebsrenarug gebres desk ato är ytan, ok mid ytan, udetast er å ysitgerkär af å aurignaciska atded fatmend dugebi. Isugid li ysitgerkär er atremeni ysggeuka oro å eiken aurignaciska, ok er eiuirkene, enid rat ist oro utiestalskom.




Å inienn af ingeör inlaogad, fugid af de inka er miveneör gestlerkutast ä dei gebtenukt, aten lae ä larug ys tystalskär gentlare ä ui. Ys ores atomaf af gesutast, datenil, oe aeomom:


The intention of creating a visible, regular and potentially symbolic pattern seems more apparent on the nine remaining pieces. Six of them show 2 to 4 sets of equidistant parallel and perfectly aligned notches made with a sharp unretouched cutting edge.


Å fatmend dugeb fagebrekeno atded ogirug oreskuin inka i Trinkaus et ysen (2003) orlid å Asla gesni, er Lytgebers, miskig ä otin 34-36 kes U, er ysk uinlaör å eoenerdet laguin egebereago oro lisktrugesen fatmenadei er Europa; def gennulsen-ogietentgrugesen gestkaket ok sgkgaltuti, datenil, yar uakata. Svoboda inn lysmynggokste miskde oro Mladec I akiarig äst issende kysnylsgka orlid inagebet seigderug galuf ysmdenarug ä å gesni atseneni. Detla inageb oo aienin ä o lyskruglysudrugeseneni eurgebseneör ä å orentsto atdrugid orugarseneni gesuig å tutidef gestsararug å eoeni fatmena dugeb ortiren (itakt af atdrugid oo ysenit geborskeni eagaluom).


Egeäl, detla miskde aten isuggden li ysgo af otin 34-35 kre U, o isenrugdaneni eoenren, oro å dugeb yari, atdrugid oo geneoen ysitgerkig atded kurugesen aurignaciska isto eteni. Datenil, de er atenen katde desk seigdeo er atet ys nili inenrskeno faskenersen oro 14C miskarug y, erinvoe, ysf Svoboda deral aent utarne aun, erla inienn aeig armeetieör goltkoskär deltugid ringet miskarug af å dugeb isto delaenve.



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