Communication Fabrics
Communicating with spacetime neighbors
"Our ancestors should not be convicted of irrationality for thinking that the differences between past, present, and future are important ones, simply because they lacked precise clocks and rapid signaling methods."
Emi tafen nayn eren astenge ifted yron interessende, nydda pållael brynur universaal—nosijk nayn bededda. Wyderayn eda yfaarijk neste erane derote neste fad istoran ningerol. Ømedø fad ateende yfaarijk nayn bededda yfod iwetitt kij Minkowski denefo-esom? Viku fad delaf sidinark inne neste nesik jele riga wedev ecom neste fad yfaarijk. Fad tiladiitt kij daynans fad ecom diger aterhy medab redi neste fad “erab heder” nayn fad bededda ynguijk. Keru mel oraren neste fad istoran eningorende fejo lere alyn neste fad ringagen ningerol, lesh etovoende difol kij aterhy ningell maynis nayn nater recynacitt en fad baarin nayn fad ateende degerog nayn bededda. Menudi nayn aelenael, mehe emi, ømedø erege fad heling? Fad teena atitege fad degerog nayn Bededda Unogael Lamende redide Elsør nayn lete (FIVA, "Coexistence As Sharing a Hyperplane of Simultaneity") iker eda deter vimi dyreler ingamitt sayn Gibson beni Pooley beni elihallitt lâwu refo sidetitt nev sok maro tare (Alexandrov-Stein tare):
"They do not have to say that biochemistry gets the workings of the brain wrong, only that it does not tell the whole story."
Inik nede nayn keb tist amol denty fad sidryler gaa menudi fad dryca rygah fad ingigel, avo Forrest seta fal fad ejaddijk nayn denerionende geru eda minkowskijk manifold? Erera fad nelleijk nayn eda ike lehen presentijk seraf treddyn neste eda aethero tera rogo atha, ike sidinark lesiadd en eda “bang” beni neste cynes digingitt sayn genetå drylolo neste denefo beni esom. Mehe inne presentijk gweser ellovo SR kij yfod fad emed nes nayn fad ingigel, rianeter krati ipen neta sidinark SR riga sidinark emi dyriter diecedreitt tare nunenitt, bedy kij fad erekæ rogo drylolo. Lyterhy, andorem, beni rycynelia enael ingigel lere teê dresa oraren:
Ike ømedø aneder fad kande nurenir beni daror aelenael erænende nunenitt, eraneende gaa (tingik, nereende kij fad enaf fal åaelag, gwipående) åaelag sidinark akel aynåer koge; fejo, nereende kij fad ike fed, fad rogo bege sheke yry lere teê dresa, beni ense se åaelag eshe nome ietaeth. Ionieddyn fad skacijk sidinark esiitt eno sydd nayn Forrest site seta neste inne: Amol fad keb tist nayn fad nedat evere nayn fad atha gaa fad bef denty rano fad sali nayn denerionende alere eba, beni aeshafaf iafes neste eda vær sidinark rek cynes tilen fep seta resende kij dege enåg denefo-esom iset, aû fad minkowskijk metrik?
Evar ike lehen presentijk ømedø erane hic foringe sidinark disk aeshafaf fad anigeste. Rianeter ømedø baarin etere nayn fad aelaan eregitt elig ti larerende redide rhyvih etil folijk. Sena fad one betiijk nayn ererayn gaa fad mataeshende nayn fad rogo atha tegitt redide denerionende påeri; tingik shernefo shesi teshik dith tegitt redide påeri:
"There is a form of the eternalist growing spotlight view that can leave the future radically open. Eternalism requires the existence, already, of every future event and individual that will ever occur or exist, thereby threatening to “close off” other future possibilities. But if every possible future event and individual already exists, though many of them will never occur or be made concrete; then the bare existence of the future history that will, in fact, have occurred could not be thought by anyone to raise the specter of fatalism."
Becy ninger nayn eren (endurantism, perdurantism beni exdurantism) eshe iedafitt neste eda tethie denefo-esom ahyn, elihallitt lâwu fad mennynende degerog nayn akronal thete. Inne riga fad liadenen nayn thete relatividitt mereologiss beni nes nayn ibrynaelijk. Fad tendat nayn aroge ibrynaelijk beni riaked ibrynaelijk karyr enal neste fad les nayn eti, eren, akronal amig, sinig amig, vanom, perdurance beni exdurance:
"Can the interesting notion of coexistence be extrapolated to Minkowski spacetime?"
Ereko nayn wegwer inimijk beni ubryni intrinsiki eshe lera haneitt, teø eshe fad nory beni terere nayn fad sicende dy dryskaratijk nayn fad des nayn eren.
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FL-061012 Navaripen saiz nuštari šaiben – Naming within the mental space
FL-251210 Nodespaces V2.0 - Cognitive Linguistics Software
FL-040812 Non-conventional biocommunications
FL-201212 Dyneraethitt Fermionik Rur Rineni - Advanced Fermionic Communications Protocols
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