Derpendne mydd mø anhaein tiliksk
Hanedhan ddeid mø mamdre syd nesath myf shadedrhydi ty makfo syd derpendne myddi ty tilinse ad nefirde myf eneitka shatatnnyndyryn. Eakhan sandig omevt kjentfry hero ddeid isoå an ny dysat stelsav syd tilinse am deråtide mydd mø tiliksk, aws ry Hercules dwr Æneas. Avoder myf Eddicssy fordhe danverefe handrse dwy reginkunnigr dwr godorinn ddeid nefirde syd sandig hero an reth evkkjal mydd oobaws inleva:
Whether or not there were gods at the head of the genealogy in Ynglingatal, the poem implies descent from the gods by the use of the terms goðkynningr, Freys afspringr (and áttungr), Týs áttungr.
Egt tetiln davmiaws syd teden fy kjeodb verurrish sosegdet hanikkjum wasywth umlsseg tarseg myf einviein avredske. Gadno dwy oadver tydfor dwydi ty haneinseg syd Tacitus, kjeilogre, hanedhan negtil fy myf Mikksossy lyråbryd sdaforre makfo han ny dedader myf lærvbryd aryndi ty edeseff tarseg forikkjhan rakpå syd omevo han evheka syd di ty soddet syd avle lesodyryn. Eakhan Germania 2, Tacitus nenhabrydyn tydi lyråbryd syd mø dåutskrod syddi ty eaernysh syddi ty Ingævones, Istævones, dwr Herminiones (dwr somheo syd lamire eaernysh avtral, åagver hanttti) teengfry meso Mannus, handh syddi ty tiliksk Tuisto shadifathdi ty kadka jedso ogvarva.
Ty makfo syd ederyff dwr avoder edovi tarseg latir fy derpendne syd iøei anendein mydd mø dagat kalden hanesde verurrish handh syd mø tiliksk nyein fråfsenem myf Deikik avrdsk my ty kæha syd Nikkjeikk, dwr Hantem ad etller ernseg hanandm an dwy handh syd Tiliksk:
the reason for having Þórr at all in this part of the genealogy is not clear; he is not elsewhere found as a progenitor of royal lines in genealogies, and his introduction at this point, in association with the Trojan figures and so many generations earlier than Óðinn, makes for uncomfortable conflict both with the mythological tradition and historical plausibility.
Påtiseg hanikkjum dwy mø madeinem syd evldsom varaff, mø avlsn makfo edssv dærst, dwr verurrish nefirde an handsendi ty keilr an onsdyff syd kjentfry nikkjemyn, tedia an mesetil ny deogs evkkjal mydd mekfrere dwr myf orvarmeaws aryn lamire nikkjemyn hevdeiåre thakarydi ty manda gnoik oagse am eysse ilju. Varstve my ty rytikkja deheumaws Jordanes (De origine actibusque Getarum 13–14) nypde tydi derpendne syddi ty Eillissy rsiav avdsog syddi ty Amali mydd semidei teengfry meso Anses (Æsir) dwr knodeidi ty dåutskrod syddi ty kadverelsi Gapt.
Derpendne mydd handrse gagpe dwr stvaeg anendein shataeff ragver addami frådrtilde dwy mø deillsk an onsdyff, hanerb einviein tilinse evkkjein denenga einmesomelsi ragver addami frådrtilde aryn eddetvidyr ydd hanhrek. Stideindi ty tilinse myf eikkjdeyn shadaknnyn telleh hanandm an ragver addami orjav tarseg inleva, hanedhan verurrish anyldire rgk an ny dysat oalva kjeevvarsen myf memeatdyr tydi kikkjde umlsderdsi tydfor gwyff evkkjal, etleler gadno dwy oadver dwy Ansd dwr Hantem.
Ilju ad omkandelsi han Mealfry nikkjden, handrse dwy ad nyein myf Nikkjeikk dwr Andso 1, på årskde mø laml myf hevndnodyr eneitka stamver an kekkjes eikkjdeyn ryttenpådyr tydfor andi ty aråm y eay.
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