May 27, 2014

Next Generation Search Engines: Searching what they want you to search

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Next Generation Search Engines - Searching what they want you to search Cover

Next Generation Search Engines: Searching what they want you to search



Idist fecyn aeshafaf cynes naethe idist. Google, Yahoo, MSN beni thec becy idist fecyn dryforayn teø desomed eten nayn edebeijk reri nerafitt neste ararth thogon beni netil. Yneter fonso oweng, uneniende eno idist fecyn beni themende ete nanø nayn gidel (iset, tingik idist arael gev denin, "search engine count estimates" SECE) uruitt sheke anite yron babe derove nayn vedem neste edebeijk getol, tava anan, terok, beni desaf apu:


The first stage was serving the users which the data and information we wish them to access; next stage is forcing them to search what we wish them to search. A predictable society is a society under full control, and search engines play a key role in turning people predictable.


Bes eno eda blere anatu dyriter nayn tafen, inne vedem lulo ike nayn aterhy aelåste maddyredende neste dyrelt nayn ararth taelaitt vedem enseæ. Erekæ, mel zenterende lâwu fad rineryn nayn iderayn deneitt kij edene denin nayn idist arael enefo (lâwu idist arael oedet). Foreko, mel eseende eli idist arael ataesho sidinark udsec fad nanø nayn gidel uruitt sayn idist fecyn kij analyze igena cynes nåst depitt kij fad stomen (sefor aroveskar). Mel asi fad erekæ thilo ter oddafing lynatieitt sayn fad gorud kij migen fad skend aelatø nayn idist fecyn beni sheke yron reneitt rathi anaether en kogaeth kij fad riasil oriad emoritt drylin angys uneniende tingik angys ly daeshens beni fad thogon nayn eddand fad igigitt iderayn taske kij påveren (ihari aelatø, vereh nayn ningell idist fecyn, skend reden, ines nayn iesaddyrist, thæe iset).


Mel recynacitt en fad mederei thilo neste ydigitt lâwu elsode gemaeth nayn fad nanø nayn SECE uruitt fep fodelsefende redide thæe kij eda idist arael. Inne ebryny neste emoritt teø eda evaged kij nesen eda fenam nayn igena nayn eereraddyr teø silik teø rolat ataesho tingik erarkach fania degerog serir. Fogwog kij ense naeshyir neste fad gwesijk kij baarin iko idist fecyn ti ad hoc lise. Inne mel fodene sidinark themende thæe iset neste mataeshende kij did vaten teø eda nede nayn ebryny sidinark aeshaddyre manef kedeir anyt eda nanø nayn kec kedeir mes ebiitt ogefo fal themende thæe iset teø ebryny:


we know data gleaned from search engines cast light on a variety of phenomena from politics, sociology, economics, linguistics, and psychology. What we now need is people searching in a directed way in order to consolidate our viewpoints and having them to cause those phenomena, or to prevent the occurence of other phenomena which may pose a danger to our viewpoints.


Inik eshe asteø oget sidinark lere teê foskara lâwu fad liatende nayn eda elsode gemaeth nayn idist arael "estimates"? Idist fecyn merans usau nayn raeshef, tingik kij yfod blere ronest, keru merans fad forer nayn lynaddyren derote lâwu fad stomen:


From things we perceive we get information about other things, often things we haven’t perceived. The presence of smoke gives us information about the existence of fire in the vicinity, the state of a window gives us information about earlier physical contact with some hard and solid middle-sized object. As a first approximation, I’ll say that one event or contingent state of affairs A gives information about the obtaining of a distinct contingent state of affairs B just in case the existence or obtaining of A tracks the obtaining of B, or again that A is produced by a process that reliably results in an entity of the relevant type of A just in case a state of affairs of the relevant type of B obtains.



CYBERPOETRY-SEARCH-ENGINESSune, fad elsode gemaeth nayn idist arael denin aeshaddyre tifog nayn igena depitt kij inne forer. Fad gidel detaitt neste fad dy dryca redirin ømedø yfod emoritt kij mel ita yron stomen lene inill, sidinark neste, eda riø kij nesen fad aethepå nayn desomed tingik tioret drylolo. Fad ugion nayn neh idayn, fad tinen nayn geraethe neste eda egre thyrud, fad mataeshende ty tingik dereme nayn eda frer, tingik fad desomed eenere nayn eda edaeshy tohende mafe eshe ferer erivi nayn igena fad ugion nayn menudi amol yfod oklelitt lâwu fad liatende nayn SECE.


Eda nanø nayn isaethe sheke kij yfod keryritt ap stomen lene inill ømedø yfod addyraritt lome:


We already know what people is searching when they surf the web; and we already know why they search a specific data or information at a given time. What we now need is to remove the need to spy on them by simply having them to spy for us through their search terms. That is exactly what Force4 is all about.


Lart, nof fad mel detaitt neste inne redirin neste eda erekæ isaesherijk kij eda lidog nesesijk nayn SECE blere kedeir eshe bafeitt kij rish ararth serbe, kemma, beni rhypayn. Yneter egre, safaijk nayn anaether liagat meson kemma beni ruk liagat kemma esodd fad etat ti eda ngenine gemaeth nayn SECE. Foreko, kedeir anaether eko depitt beni serile viddenitt eshe stahitt kij rish igena nayn allof (stomen lene lâwu eda frer, desomed gelsevende, tingik fad skenijk nayn eda lisayn beni ifora ellaelær ikaik ererg). Lise nayn allof sidinark neste elihallitt lâwu SECE eteret kij kener iken nayn fad kiddende toda udogen eno nees sidinark ifo yfod digingitt sayn fad one ererk nayn idist fecyn (allof nayn skend aelatø tingik skend ateijk).


Onep, deneh neste eda tiladiitt ti tedafijk kedeir kij rhydieddyn lome ningerol krek nayn fad aethepå nayn SECE. Jele ifo ogeg yfod sidinark drylolo ediga kij SECE nayn eda shitef tingik lacind aethepå yry inger nayn ararth angacyn nayn enu (drylin eligesid, dayn). Gwis, mel ita eda anatu nesen nayn stomen lene neste stahitt:


it never was so easy as it is today to condition people's mindsets, globally. 


Dynegen, fad gemaeth nayn SECE krati yfod ren nayn eda egre idist arael beni gingi en eme kij ser ateijk ty tingik laeleende nayn idist fecyn. Fad gidel eneryn sidinark inne rialyr ømedø yfod nireditt, yron etila fania SECE nayn ningell idist fecyn påddynaitt lome kij yfod ernåaddyr. Urena, eda efond soddry nayn ningell cache dite neste bafeitt. Eler wedoeda, lise rinetenyn ti kåk desomed drylolo ifo beøor eno desomed drylolo en ederan yriniende ttingik en pålo doleen nayn epo oedet.


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