Aug 18, 2014

Past Globalisations and the Failure of Genogeography

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Past Globalisations and the Failure of Genogeography Cover

Past Globalisations and the Failure of Genogeography


Bos kue genogeografia arin ber'ino beles'eb ober'e abar'abar'e nilture anani febelaur' iselkil. Ekar'sosina feker'e rebalke Y-kromosoma ar'bibakaltur' seno anani eraunine ter obekonar'ki anani afrasiako enata alun. Abar'ez dis'ar ber'onakira es, beles'dan anani kir kokar ar'kireda ezat okobas' eni akirabar'n takirin oso kir tas'uber'on haplogrupa, itad, ede, oniko loz karaba zar'kikar'es dab. Kir ekar'sosina nak oso erin kir tas'uber'on lika eni bikirak seno oso kiselki kir kum'bar' anani kir zabas dab anani afrasiak; inab, isker'ntan ineno sinaunin akak beles'bikirar.


Kota ezat eber'ono nir zeselkik ikaber'on rebalke binetakir ar'bibakaltur' seno, itad, okar'eso oso balkebin ised, ekar'akiru lainiltur oso itit kar'esara ubeles're oso zabas kokar:


According to DNA genealogy, the Old European language family is nothing other than an alternate name for the Non Indo-European languages of the Arbins (R1b). In other words, the Non Indo-European  languages of the contemporary Europe (R1b haplogroup) are probably  surviving descendent languages of the Non Indo-European languages of the ancient Arbins (R1b). 
Kota bod tebas'at ikol anani tonisker' akirar'bita entara kir ono enata makrokubak anani kir kebaiser saiuni abar'dar kar'esar ekar'sosina eni kir alor'anius enitaunin. Erabar' inele rali kir Niger-Saara akeror'tina anani ar'bibakaltur' aiunet entara kir etat akirit saharan zabas enata kub, kue kir adakir anani isker'ntan kar'eser zitalor' tibas'tan zabas tonisker' tebo ebalor' sorar'kit. Inab, kiz kabar'es ber'onukaltur' kar'esabar'r tar'kilaku kir abar'ilture ar'bikare: kir abalken anani etar'tino anani akirabar'n bod kud rene ar'kireda osa tebas'at tebekon ekar'ikeber'on anani iber'onan rebalke tebas'at tesa abeles'bin ber'onana oniko sinaunin akak zeselkibeles'.
Oso beles'en erira oran, rene ukot oso tet proto enata ndobeles' uno ainire eni aibebas'r, selkiras ubeles're seno tibeles' rene anike etat etar'tino anani tebas'at iten. Ikita, kir iselkil anani kate kue uka abeles'o
oniko ber'onukaltur' kot karakire tibeles' tebas'at oser labeles':


Based on the dating of the Tocharian language it is unlikely that the proto-Tocharians migrated westward to Europe and the Russian Plain with the proto-Indoeuropeans (R1a), and then moved back to the Tarim Basin. It is more likely that the proto-Tocharians migrated from the Altai region of north China to the nearby Tarim basin and remained there (never going to Europe), forming the autochthonous R1a peoples of Central Asia. 
Filogeografika iselkil ezat bali tas auninalor'l ikobeles' isker'se ADN kue ezat sinaunin akerakire anani ar'kiteta azo. Atinit orar'bidi bod sinaunin aikol. Elera dek, kir orar'bidi anani tebas'at niusena sed bod teba tebas'at eno. Eterabeles', kiz sab ar'kireda niusena kue atinit zeke bas'ber'onal sinaunin okabar' olakir rene alul, ar'kireda bod, kir niusena eno beles'eru sinaunin baiserabin oso kir atinit eno akeralaku tas tebas'at zukatu nobetan tate, nas anani aneselki uti zabi.

Kir kopi filigeografia bod zatata kue kabar'es ber'onukaltur' atibas'l oso abar'ez genogeografia, ober'e baiserara kopi dinan talisker' eni ar'kita iselkil. Genogeografika iselkil ezat alaur'o nas abalkebas' akirib ralai kir athiltir' okato anani zabi kue dusakar' rezaz, kue eni kar'esar eroko, aneselki obaisera zabi.
Oso katured itobas', badi ar'bibakaltur' iselkil anani kir asar'bikar'es anani europeak sabeles' iunstirid ener ateber'on bali tas eber'oni seno ar'kireda inele sinaunin zaz akisker's oso rabi ebekona itut. ADN genealogia inele sinaunin ibikiris eber'onabar' azi oso aiuneber'on dot kue auninera karainat eni osi nabeles', dis'ar inele akora arite azi oso auninora kir tibas'daunin ziz akiral dere itut. Kiz arin zaz enin oso keti kir kurganeko kum'bar' kue kir ebikiro balketabar' kum'bar' kue ener zobetin zanar kir Bas'era anani Afrika” akeror'tina. Kiz arin akora zaz enin oso dakira adain kir vaskonieko kue anatolieko akiral.
ADN eno anor azi oso ar'kitet kir tes anani osi lakubikirar kue tabar't, itenen, oso nakiro, dis'ar inele sinaunin ito azi oso danan ar'kitet etar'tino. Ira haplogrupak katakir etar'tino itarar'ki kir tas'uber'on eni kir ozor anani tes: haplogrupak akirib iti abar'ez tebas'at abas'baiser anani raibet, les, kue ekologiko betinultir; eni akatuber'on eroko kir etar'tino nden abar'dar kir haplogrupa tezat tanes iti. Tas ozit, inab, kir etar'tino ezat soubikir abar'dar sobetin lakubikirar:


A great Indoeuropean invasion in the Chalcolithic, triggering a total ethnic and linguistic substitution on a continental scale, is simply inconceivable. 


Eni kar'esar eroko kir aiuneteker' betanub kir enata anani kir azak esat obar, kir elo anani tebas'at azak takire ine oso karol karaba abar'ral enata oso karaba akirultid, anike ula tebas'at azak takire inele tebas'at dot nas teth ubeles're zukar'es lekar'a. Akeralaku aunined kir haplogrupa aibeza esod ibas't kir ozor anani laur's'arabar' tes, etar'tino lotas' aser kir tar'no anani glotokronologia kue kir ekar'ese disi anani ziz akibas'a.


Inab, eni kar'esar eroko, tebas'at enata akirib zet kue lotas' katu rebalke kir dot kue akibas'a anani haplogrupak tar'tinukar laur's'arabar' nikor'z anani rar kue tar'tinukar as'araunin naunino. Kota ezat aiunon alor'selkin ar'kireda iti ber'onukaltur' sutar' aunined ber'onabar'bas' beles'balken anani ar'kindu eroko bod oso ber'onukaltur' atakar'es:


1) kir nasike entara kir haplogrupak kue etar'tino inele oso ber'onukaltur' nir abar'dar akeako, ADN, kue arkeologia,


2) kir etar'tino iti arin balkeditas' eni rar kue akirikar,


3) kir etar'tino akirib ber'onukaltur' soubikir abar'dar tezat anani ar'bire haplogrupak eni rit eroko.


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