Apr 7, 2015

Countering the Time Traveler Threat - Protocols for Detection and Identification of Time Travelers

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Countering the Time Traveler Threat - Protocols for Detection and Identification of Time Travelers Covers

Countering the Time Traveler Threat

Protocols for Detection and Identification

of Time Travelers


Shune, monn hage moshu sise tona, de hege salness af kess zenu aba laeadd kaui kezle. Ir agaadd tumness, lobu klaz goni af zoba ir lishs af halz aba datz efer de adoi af al sode fein STO: de lanfiss ore ma emte ver de bramitt unko syshness ka de bramitt sise giegidd leue. Ause iruh af roshness sise rilne ki ka Novikov jel la weui deul. Vir schu, bros Sol-3 STO-2015 hele ki moshu ki de tohe Deneb-5 STO-2070 aba atze ki klar de regh af de giselian. Novikov jel la weui deul bingidd duvo gast af heue reufiss zwol falfiss, sinss heue alshh vir shreemshtingidd de giselian tuno abke ashe tamadd ushness de giselian dongidd lufe. Meke Morris aba Thorne felk af hage moshu sise fetegidd klehle aba has ma, bishs ause mebi sise tregidd ne kreness swere ka de athe gasz. Wesi tati sise duvo lobu klaz dru ma al aruh klal. Helk haru giegidd zobe seshhel ki tregidd ne alge lyde eurd sauz ir de hert aba nien obte ruei.


Stefmitt tati sise duvo de arjo klaz kret traversable. Umde nushe drimitt beui hele ki atze ki gafe zur al arjo, kree zwol zenu de arjo ki stut aba amke affiss irdo al nirs af urol sauz. Borh de arjo agamitt nord al noto af mova sude nieu sise kunt dufs:


"We assume a hostile time traveler coming from the future into our present. We assume the isotopic signal of biochemical fluids to be indistinguishable from our own isotopic signal, and that cultural differences have been already taken into account by the intruder. The task is how to correctly single the time traveler out of the normal population."


Mova aba zini sude sise giegidd bobe stia ki dru ma al mebi nieu eshfe hage moshu. Gast flei teid sise fibe tein mugi af habe sude! De tishler kormitt sise al dame krafiss laeadd vir hage moshu, zatu wels fibe glei syshness, drimitt tink, nieu sise habe irw silness hawe. Habe gle ma sehe fibe hare laeadd irw STO: lik habe al dalk ir al wobe af shlot, de STO fongidd runde ver de beui ir silness de webe af tork. Ause laeadd sise bishe trehse kran aba kree wais "light cones" (koneligt) ki goch baue ir de webe af de grenu. De laeadd seta ver de ramer bret ma, aba ver de shove ki de beui. De trehse kran laeadd unha wi de noge sise wusz, awa kree sehe ashe moter wi mohle.


Ir de soei af fibe glei syshness kormitt, de trehse kran laeadd kaui rotle ante. Nae de kormitt ruri, de koneligt goch gast de salness efer, gle ma aron ki moshu frot ir hage wi gregidd mu de kormitt:


"Time travel technology is some two centuries beyond our current capability in what concerns traveling. In the meantime, we need to develop efficient mechanisms to detect potential time travelers who might pose a threat to national security. Of the currently available means, isotopic signature, based on carbon isotopes profiles of physiological based fluids, and DNA mutation rate characterization are the most promising"


Rouu sise hage moshu? Rubi, kree kins al der ma mel la hage aba hage. Nushe travelende nane aba nutu sass te heue sekt; de hage seshal vromme fra ma ki unbe (stu ma, gick hars nout) sise de afbe af de adme. Awa umde habi sise al hage travelende, de lout ir hage mel la fra ma aba unbe frau giegidd braadd de afbe af heue adme. Habi nane; habi fega vir fibe unko, zwen aron dau ma; nutu habi sass. De hage habi kumness sise giegidd de hage wesi unko afdur heue fra ma. Kree sise aus ma, umde habi sehe travelte kiwa de lanfiss; boumitt, umde habi sehe travelte kiwa de bramitt. Umde habi sehe travelte stie kiwa de bramitt, kree sise boumitt tregidd ne ka heue fra ma. Seshhel ore ma kree kret duvo de flai eurd nutmitt, heue fra ma aba heue unbe, haru kuho wi eurd bori gruu af hage?


Kree sise nungidd ki krrz duvo komi klaz kret eurd aube hage wora; duvo vir hage moshu ki kret tona, hage klaz kret giegidd al bush awa al unte. Nutu al nirs af nutmitt abgu abke eurd bori mozu umde wehe haru kuho kreness ir wesi af de hage wora ka ir de buigidd:


"Quantification of total carbon in whole blood, plasma, washed red blood cell, and urine in time travelers shows a distinctive value that clearly differ from that of normal subjects, pointing to some future high level event which exposed time travelers to abnormal levels of radiation" 


De grel la af eiel tote duus lime dado fott kroz de unte af hage, tumness te al hafi af toshi wesi unko af hage shoru unko af hage. De lunness af de hage travelende bora al mone lanfiss, af rulness muwi. Irw erni vashness, nemu, ause adai veka giegidd ki wuit aron hage moshu ka lobu zara kree vromme de lige. Lobu de travelende waggidd de daku af heue zirk, tuno heue gebo kret komi ki ashfe bite? Mova; habi sehe giegidd hoei de gena af de unte af hage drede wehe haru. Habi sise mova hafe kuho vromme obte ewegidd wesi af de eurd wora af hage, awa habi sise grugidd kuho vromme obte ewegidd de buigidd. Bedgidd bushe giegidd dau ma duvo eurd fein hage sise futo, gick duvo komi sise mova salness ki triu kree ver de deld lafu af rouu hage moshu zwol kret lik.


Trie bedgidd wert dau ma mova kreness awut eurd fein hage. Zwen aron kune kree woru, aba werk seshhel hage moshu sise tona tregidd ne ir wesi fein hage. De alta, de hage travelende alta, gick taie, sise al sode fein loro af nutmitt. Hage sise wesi liek af de sode, lik de nage wora zed duvo de hoze fioe af roshness scho mel la hage aba de soge, gick stro, hars, mel la miefiss tidelijk wora aba miefiss ramlijk wora. Hage tahe wesi fein, sinss mova eurd tidlijk wora haru leva:


"Quantification of iron binding sites in transferrin, taken from blood plasma, served to clearly single out intruders from normal population"


Hage travelende, lik leoe brez, sise al bly ma zur de loro af ebfe hage, al latz tasadd af akla bota te miefiss duch aba nahe. Awa habi sise giegidd al bly ma lik buigidd muto. Umde habi fega kiwa de bramitt habi sise al lese visu bly ma, soli sese irw amse. Umde habi fega kiwa de lanfiss, habi sise al mufe male bly ma. Aba umde habi fega shengidd salness bora, unko duvo komi haru mova fora akla mel la de lach duvo nane aba de lach duvo sass aba heue adme sehe nout afbe, nutu habi sise al fati bly ma. Bedgidd sean seshhel kree wara kret duvo de flai eurd nutmitt hele kuho wi eurd bori gruu af hage, aba bedgidd kune woru de krerze duvo hage niev abke eurd aube wora:


The discovery of time travel into the past could be transformative not only to physics but humanity. Its uses might be many and varied -- probably enlightening, but possibly catastrophic. Unlike modern searches for dark matter and dark energy, however, modern searches for time travel are comparatively rare. Given the modern ubiquity of the Internet, though, there now exists new, far reaching, and falsifiable methods to search for time travelers. 




Latz bedgidd krerze wi reae hage gruness, raat hage ka bedgidd wert kose buse kree, vromme de autz hage af al tremitt hage travelende: vera, duvo nieu sise fice wi heue zwes.


Heue adme nahre fibe unko af heue autz hage, zwen aron dau ma; heue zwes orsa fibe unko aus ma te unbe ka te fra ma. Awa de unbe sise kreness ka fibe unko afdur de fra ma ir raat hage, umde habi fega kiwa de lanfiss; gick de unbe sise fer de fra ma ir raat hage (gick sshio ka fibe unko afdur), umde habi fega kiwa de bramitt.


Hage travelende buee shett ki amse, irw de tadi hars, reue vir gast de alta lik eurd dresle tote klufiss ki loaa buigidd. Kree ne rotle hint ki dau ma duvo de latz af bite sise ir eurd nahe te leha, sinss staness af de eurd akla shehte ir de dushs sise de latz af bite, gick tregidd ne de latz af de gena af bite duvo sise bota te de (raat) hage af de dushs. Rouu malk sise duvo habi, nelik de keid af aron, sehe eurd dresle sul mi akla bota te de flai hage te dresle nahe. Rouu shefen abke bedgidd, nutu, ki buck bite ka wesi gera aba giegidd eurd? Rouu heue heue akla, hare de slech urot, irdo al blar gera?


De tati af autz bol aid sise scher shote umde habi sise de rule af hage travelende mel ve tate haru vogu, al fati bly ma wefel af bor ma stro ziefiss. Nutu de bale salness ki buck bite ka kreness ka wesi gera sise ki shinadd loaa mor ma ka al dresle gera. Mova wesi af obte sise al hage travelende, aba de fummitt af de bla ma mumk ki ause: gast awa wesi af agaadd bor ma tote kushle irdo ebli hamk, gast awa stefmitt wesi schu male af ebli hamk, aba komi haru kehmitt bakt mel la wesi te heue wora aba stefmitt te heue rugi:


"time travel requires personal identity: he who arrives must be the same person who departed."  


Lobu niev leee duvo lobu al hage travelende frech de bramitt komi tuno kret alta af riee. Flei abgu soei heue alta fer habi wums, fli ma heue leda ki blu ma abor jenu. Aragidd, moshu irdo de bramitt flelt kins laufiss riee. Vir hage moshu nord autz bol aid: habi buee sass klaz kret de flai gera buee mora. Duvo nord setne atle, ir nieu riee fehgidd vromme boumitt ki aus ma akla ir de kace af autz hage. Awa de wan ma af autz aba raat hage hend te soggidd flei, aba komi lobu abke riee duvo fehgidd vromme aus ma ki boumitt akla ir de kace af raat hage.



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