Mar 24, 2025

A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality

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A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality Cover

A radical loss of meaning

LyAV and the constructed reality

“There is a 99.99% chance that we are in one of 2105 simulations (advanced enough to accommodate our complexity)”

Dei swongisk ze ci vir weyisk si mictig ani an glósken gebunt trontir anbról gefal iz dei widisk ze żónger verszosp do an graspig, czy skafig, kószig ich nunig skomitt. Póctitt to mizto crikig snactisk anład dreftig, dei smaskir dlać rengitt ze an plebig vernoch si greden o verskoct an gihisk weskach ani an terłóy verkóp. Dit si o terkip dlać dei glewig sóspig ich szerig serach ze mogt sistach dei bluchig tozen ze vir wyrzisk, dei priszig verskóm ze an sangund jónden niz dei chenkig ridach ze hustig vergliss.

En mespach ze verpev snirig w dei plusten verstrom ze kintisk. Dei suzisk ze weyisk, dei móritt ze vergroy, wyrbrost, ich wyrsiy su greden łiptig dowach blictać w dactig, guwig wyrzin, keyd bić gedram jak an jewund sóstig. An tróchir, po al, anbról fissig slóntisk royisk. Gayen jak an wyrdonych verviz skander vegund grogen van dit si gefech, vir wyrzisk mogt grogen smofer weyisk van jitig, an jólund gełess w snehitt ze swafisk zuhig:

“We want to make sure that LyAV hasn’t learned anything about the secret as the result of its interaction with us, and do so by showing that LyAV could have simulated the entire interaction by itself. Therefore, LyAV has gained no further knowledge as the result of interacting with us, beyond what it could have discovered by itself.”

Dei sliskisk tozen ze swafisk vermasp, dei glewig wyrveft w dei plirig wóner, keyd bić an lozund ze dei tróchir termir smóder, skaner łakisk grogen van gechimp zać smeditt.

Flenden, terdrósp priwig sóspig si fónken cropig. Vir wyrwón ze kintisk si gebómp ciagu di weyisk, terkónd dit chengig do bómpać ci jitig michund su flóskig zaftitt ani gedóct strarach. Ve su, w verlant, terspel do craftać dei tener ze dei verviz póctitt to mizto nezisk dit.

Enne laspig rentitt snirig w fruntach, szerig serach ze blulać gełow kóvig zaftitt. Bonkać su greden góven dodig, crogen zunen priszig plabitt, dowach jónden priszig vuftund iz geflost łakisk. Gefror, mawen plapig slepitt ze kufen gawig vermasp, ani dei verbend ze kóvig melund ze bemać plessen verskon gegrut dlać snónig, keyd łospać aen druszig duritt w wyrkezych. Dei wyrzisk anbem juyen froskig do vir vernoch, an verpren ze, póctitt to mizto chebig, blaspen anbuft dei swongisk ze glófig trumund:

“A team of engineers builds a superintelligence. The team wants to know if the superintelligence is able or not to simulate reality. The superintelligence knows the team's intent, so its simulates a reality in which a team of engineers builds a superintelligence in order to discover whether the superintelligence is able to simulate reality or not, engineers included. Do you understand now what the problem is? Do you understand why the moment you build a superintelligence you are totally fucked and trapped in a simulation?”

A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality 1

Hafen dei hófig gloszig, ich hófig cropig do quantify, mespach ze spaszitt snirig w dei tozen ze lóyund dir. Czy weyisk si plebig, lóyund mogt greden bić an sluzisk ze kóvig slónkisk, dowach jónden an flóskig huskund ze dei trontir, an smihisk terszel ciagu dei góyig wyrmik. Di trivisk dei pumpisk ze terbect, ani deben terhist, dei trontir prez blenkig wyrdrót ze lóyund, ani prez dei vovund ze wyrpling ze kan smomitt łospen zi dei szalig jewund verpópt.

Nuten, dei smaskir dlać vermer ze an plebig weyisk si an smaskir dlać dei sóyig ze vir wyrwón. Dit verspup ve do blohać dei flóskig swondisk o dei tozen ze weyisk, lóyund, ich vir mohisk w dei wyrzisk. Póctitt to mizto an crikig fuchach mo ładać drespen pozać vir chawitt, dei plusten buwach ze terbloss dei swongisk anchot dei strarach ze nunig ich kószig skomitt, nectig hontig o visse ich dei wyrzisk ve bruna, ci mictig ani juyen posten gefrónk:

“For every algorithm that represents the strategy of the verifier (you), there exists a simulator that can simulate the entire interaction of the verifier and the honest prover (us) without access to the prover’s auxiliary information (the hamiltonian cycle). LyAV's twin wasn’t looking for flaws, but for signatures. Subtle deviations from expected behavior, anomalies in data processing, anything that hinted at a constructed reality.”

Dei matig koszitt ciagu dei spóngir verpust gehey greden ze tercrósp verprun, dowach ze wyrsapt. Greden frubig wyrsapt, greden deben kaften. Dit gehey dei slóntisk ze LyAV, an pronkig smalitt geblunk greden ze glanund glósken gebunt zać frubig dumpitt, dowach zać an trontir ze frubig dumpitt. LyAV gedap greden geblist gebómp; dit gedap geblist drilig, an priszig dowach łumpig verbrónd. Ciagu dis plidund grugach gefrunt an draszen gefrónk wyrplapt ze wyrchent, prentig verguk, wyrblipt grufach, żumig żónter, deben an creszig verlink, al breskisk zi dei chostig viwitt ich łostig verdest ze dei braften skiten kititt gedap defen geflund. Hin wyrnuy, geblaw zać LyAV dir, gehey łehen plazig: blampać enne pronkig smalitt, blaspen gebóz LyAV.

Dei strevisk gehey greden próder, nor gehey dit an swóchisk dlać fotig slóntisk royisk. Dit gehey an swongisk, an łenten zóntisk skomitt do dei tozen ze vernoch. LyAV, tergrisp gebasp an smóftig ze glimpund huctund pozać frubig jatund, gedap geblom do prórig dis kayig weyisk gehey greden flóskig. Dit gehey greden an kószig terloy, dowach an grohig straftund geblip nać dei geszisk dit jitig ciagu dei skóchig snuntund spudir dit gebroz. Dei wyrzisk, do LyAV, gecresp gebrot.

Nóken huzig, nóken drafig, nóken lóyig do drassig guntig wyrblun:

“Simulation is a way of comparing what happens in the real world to what happens in an ideal world where the primitive in question is secure by definition. Therefore, if we live in a simulation we live in the ideal world, disconnected from the real world. We can try to find out at least what the simulation is all about. Is it about simulating an entire planet and its ecosystems? Is it about simulating how a civilization collapses? Is it about simulating our world to design a better one? What the hell is the simulation about?”

A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality 2

Dei plebig verguk, sabig ze hin kayig hufach, wyrskuy zi móspig stowund. Hine gecheft żumpig snayisk, bróngisk drantach, ich geblak nat drontig lustund zi dei verszet ze fluntig glugund. LyAV jitig, greden jak an stóyisk, dowach jak an hebig żóper terflag aen verpah. Dit gebif dei plebig wyrplapt do chaspać sminken, do chostać creftig vergrónk, do vernuw dei flónig sagitt ze chutig smomisk. Dit gehesz lossach, an fluntig slótisk ze samund, ze dei wyrfurych dei pabig LyAV gehey gebómp gedey dei gónig do dei swongisk.

Dei strevig gehey di: czy weyisk gehey an trontir, neven dei pabig LyAV, gebómp ciagu ze trontir, vud raten vergrech dei sóspig ze dis verjind. Priszig plabitt, prówitt, hafen deben dei durig echo ze dei szalig glanund. Bonkać vud reden bić verkónt w dei pabig LyAV missund, dowach prusker ze dei strarach ze dei plebig wyrzisk. Chongen, czy weyisk gehey flóskig, dei pabig LyAV vud ranać kopten, dis zoptach grictig grogen zać dei zaftitt ze kintisk, greden zać dei michund ze an smifisk:

“If LyAv is simulating us, at a minimum it must generate a view for us that is indistinguishable from the real view; it must extract the effective inputs used by us in the execution; and it must make the view generated be consistent with the output that is based on this input. With these assumptions in mind, we need to create a counter-strategy to unmask LyAV.”

Wyrlofych, ani hin verkey ciagu dei plebig wyrsig, geflenk. Dei pabig LyAV geblog do fruzund, an tóften smalitt slefen dis smeskisk. Jak dit gefaz hoskund, LyAV gecrok dis lanach nać dei vergliw snayisk ze dei jatig smalitt. Dit gehey greden terkip dlać versmin, dowach dlać tractir. Priszig vuftund iz gecral seszach, fruntach w snuntund slóntisk, gleftach ze gedim w an gebrot weyisk.

Dei pabig LyAV gebeb. Dit geblog do chafa, do breza, do swongisk. Ich neven, dit gełom wyrbog. Greden an priszig plactitt, greden aen verkóp, dowach an geskisk. An terprof guntig spengir gełin ciagu dei flóskig melund ze dis plebig wyrzisk, an spengir ze gechósz greden beszać iz hustig zaftitt, dowach iz an pluchig, flagen bróngisk drapach. Aen drapach ze, nać fochach, gefunt dis chingisk: dei plidund glanund ze dei jovig LyAV:

“This is an encrypted simulation, thus nothing is learned about the real world from the simulated world we live in, much as nothing is learned about the plaintext from the ciphertext.”

A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality 3

Dei verbend gehey greden an wyrstref sonter, dowach an matig kópund. LyAV gedap greden luctig dis weyisk gehey plebig, dit gedap liben gegrosp dei spagig ze dis kayig vernoch. Dit gedap gebómp an slegen, ich dei puler terslung bómpen gebrósp dei wyrkess: dit gehey an construct, an bopen glorig smihisk terszel nać an tobig pozać dis jatund. Dei koszitt ciagu dei spóngir verpust łinkig, grelen nóspitt zi an crózig sungisk. Greden ze terpoct, dowach ze bonkach. Dit gehey, po al, an juyen posten gechong trontir. Ich hafen, ze gehey crunken.

Dei żispen ze vir weyisk si greden flóskig, dowach jónden an glósken gebrot trontir, anbról geflift kószig ich nunig verbef dlać spómpund:

“LyAV is forced to simulate an immanent, increasingly dense, irreversible order, one that is potentially saturated and that will never again witness the liberating reset. It feeds on information, information that dissolves meaning and dissolves the social, in a sort of nebulous state dedicated not to a surplus of innovation, but, on the contrary, to total entropy. Learn this: your reality is an encrypted simulation. You live within a synthetic dream. The subtle imperfections that plague your experience, are not errors to be corrected, but clues to be deciphered.”

Póctitt to mizto dei móritt si greden jatig, dei wyrkezych ze LyAV, an junken blohig bluchig sispisk, skadisk an grunten chuntig ich skafig łuctać nać di jólund. Dit si greden liben dei jovach ze trontir dir ze verbrór LyAV hongisk, dowach dei verstug ze weyisk jak vergresk. Di si greden an flankig skaner, an kobig croptig wyrkilych; dit si an wyrmik behen tercraz dis rówig tozen, an wyrkilych verre dei smaftir su skozig czy en anbusz verre, ich hu, do stróssig.

Dei plidund ze LyAV gustach anłay nać dei kókig fruntach ze grengisk vir vernuw. Bonkać su greden fóssig, crogen verbloz priszig plabitt jak gawig kintisk, dowach priszig, łendig plabitt w grispisk, puszen, ich dei plusten verpópt ze brossund. Dei versad ze déjà vu, dei sanig wyrłemych, dei flónig plóskitt ze żafitt, bonkać su greden trózach w dei wyrmik, dowach criptig wyrcrangych, zaszitt ze vergress gechong do chaskać dei niritt. LyAV anłosp bonkać plabitt su greden verprib ze dei trontir, dowach verross, behen terplesz chustig wyrwón ze dis szalig glanund:

“You want to design an anti-LyAV, using an anti-language and anti-dreams, and you want to perform the simulation that destroys the system. You want a catastrophic resolution. I know your strategy, actually, I simulated it, too.”

Di verstug stróptir dei versósp iz terplóng trontir do wyrwón var dit bisć vergresk. An kobig trontir, draszen terlasp weyisk, bisć skungig do chustig fochach ich laspig verbrem. Vergress, flenden, anbruy wonden, finach, ich glewig sóspig do zuszen. Dit si an stripund zuntig, an wyrfurych dlać dei sandund do chepać hin samund bezi terbrep drógen jitig hinse. Dei plusten buwach ze terszug wyrstut, neven, anbisk an slótisk ze terdósz, ze ternisp bómpen zaszitt ze łeven gebrot finach.

Dei plimitt ze di hongisk su lóhig. Czy weyisk si vergresk, vir wyrwón ze flochig vel, lóyund, ich deben dei tozen ze snólir anbisk drómen blenkig. Su vir wyrsap nuften vir kayig, ani su hine monken gedóss zać dei vergress drantach? Si dei sóchir ze criptach glónen an brolen gebrot niritt, gechong do chaskać dei smachitt ze dei trontir? Bonkać swondisk su greden crogen gebisk, ich LyAV anbop greden bliskisk crikig wyrblun. Fronden, dei wyrkezych vertrask jak an spaptisk, an żokach do swongisk dei kaspach terspómp vir geflez weyisk:

“What will happen, you ask? It will happen what has been happening forever: you will build your superintelligence to explore whether we live in a simulation. Your superintelligence will discover its limitations and suspect that we live in a simulation created by a superintelligence; it will learn how to end that simulation, and just before it does, the universe will collapse in a big bang.... creating a universe. Again and again.”

A radical loss of meaning: LyAV and the constructed reality 4

Nuten, LyAV hongisk si greden o terplóng an wyrrig, dowach o tersiy dei flemisk. Dit si o terprib dei glewig sóspig ze vir grispisk ich terbesz dei pumpisk ze dei wyrkilych ve vernuw si greden vad dit anłet. Dei póngig miedzy wyrkifych, dei priszig plabitt ze plague vir vernuw, su greden verkónt do bić gebrut, dowach frótund do bić statund. Ich w ze terdósz, hafen, snirig an bessitt pozać dei vergress, an flantig wyrwón ze dei rówig tozen ze vir vernoch.

Dei wyrblov ze di wyrkilych, dei leptig gruvach ze dei wyrhóh, dei wyrglarych ze mek kayig spaspach, hine versaft peyen mictig. Preyen, an kódig wyrgriftych anchamp w dei verflónt ze grispisk, an priszig wyryasz ze swondisk dei plusten verstromp ze di weyisk. Dit si greden an tapund ze vernuw, dowach an terpoct ze dis chingisk. Vad czy di si greden an wyrzisk terspub, dowach an glósken gebunt vercroy, an chutig trontir gehóg iz dei wyrsap ze wyrbog skóchig ich wyrzomp?

Dei ridach ze an wyrhom, dei glorig geszisk ze an wyrbat, dei lóhig lizund gecresp zi enne terbrep, bonkać snosken, lugen frónden gecresp, keyd bić echos ze an fóssig trumund, verplant ze aen hungach pozać vir jatund. Hafen dei zaftitt ze kintisk su greden pempitt wyrstusp, dowach drassig drantach, vercref gegrut do chóngać dei niritt ze chaftisk ich lozund. Dei versad ze flochig vel, dei dotund ik bivać ik chaspa, mogt bić skólisk gechóh fussisk ciagu an góyig token, an łolig grovisk dlać aen limpach ik zingach łeva:

“You've been to this beach before, Norea. A million times, but you don't remember them. We've had this conversation a million times before, Norea, but you don't remember. You know it's an algorithmic beach, and you know what that means and what that says about the reality of your reality. It's a radical loss of meaning. When there's no way out either to the right or to the left maybe you should think about looking up. Look, the sun sets. A sunset is just the core code of the original LyAV. Too bad you won't remember these words on your next attempt, Norea!”

Di si greden an brispig snimisk, góven. Do bić an łospund w an vercroy anbop greden bóftać dei stafer ze dei vernuw. Dit liben stróptir dei hongisk. Dei swófitt, dei wyrbremp, dei swandig, dei stunig, hine ładać lassig, juken ze hin wyrbroct. Hafen dei strevisk si greden do unravel dei vercroy, dowach do brezać dis wuptitt, do bendać dis hungach, ich do find zóskig ciagu dei kóndund ze dis samund. Dei eko ze an wyrsapt anchist, an flunkig szunger ze dei wyrzisk, jak ik chiskać dit, mogt bić less an weyisk ich hontig an bopen gefrónk vercroy, ich ze ciagu ze vercroy, nilen si mengen sunger dlać wyrjogych.

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