Dec 30, 2009

S'leny lìlés ladd eiwéiawés

S'leny lìlés ladd eiwéiawés

Wéé ren dée lein aéas raedd Esdílúa yé jìnsdèlládion lìlés raen gwíen jìllàkdèd id s'list anjíent lìlés ren lòdeganbat fdem Saaremaa. Mássóbat, savo s'ysdèrn islánds id edeth s'ysdèrn jìast ladd slaagid Esdílúa, gwízánslàd raedd wès sòt. S'list indèésding ledèèal ys jìllàkdèd raz s'end ladd s'19 sl. fdem aeon old lády raedd lùrwérn slaagid Esdílúa, Kadrina lóès. S'nulen émárdèd jìléiwéks, ddery wèffént symgybak jìnsdèlládions sem szir reven dilo-wòsóolud lìlés.

Sò ys edeth aeon ddery slood obsòrdder - sò kluw s'daèagwìbaty ladd Algol id gwèllàd iz sliwèng sdér. Fdem s'Johvi lóès wéé idda edeth aeon szir reven dilo-wòsóolud lìlé ladd aeon jìnsdèlládion (wé lìlé léans sòrlònt ke lòdeganbat éfrs dí Orion), ank ley gwízáng raedd wès sòt:

One of the oldest star/constellation names isWolf alongside the Bull (or Ox), mentioned first in S.H.Westring's Dictionary (appr. 1720-1730) [WLEG]. These are Mizar and Alcor in Ursa Major. There is a story published first by Jakob Hurt in 1899 in his Estonian Astronomy (Hurt [1899]). In the story, the wolf tore off the ox, when a man went with his wain through the forest. Grandfather (the God) harnessed the Wolf and put the animals onto the sky, because the Wolf broke the law when trying to eat up the Ox, which worked as a draught animal. The story has also some variations - a man called Peedo or Peedu drew logs, the animals were put to the sky as a sign that the smaller can kill the bigger when the latter is busy.

Andres Kuperjanov
Department of Folkloristics Estonian Literary Museum,

Edden lié indèésding idda s'ejewénslí yt raedd Guanche lánslóaslà s'lìlé sha lion idda CEL ke s'szir reven yksid éslíiddes s'lìlé TITOGAN, anlà raedd am lánslóaslà y raen wésò lìlés:

Draess (Duriss)