Dec 29, 2009

The Latin Dialect of the Ager Faliscus

1. Faliscan is one of the three best documented Latin dialects (the other two being those of Rome and of Praeneste). The useable Faliscan material consists of c.355 inscriptions, and although in many cases these contain little more than names, they provide a surprisingly large amount of linguistic data.

2. The Faliscan material is relatively old. Most inscriptions date back to the first half of the third or the second half of the fourth century, a period for which there are few documents for most of the other Italic languages, while even for the earliest period the number of Faliscan inscriptions is comparatively large.
3. The interest of Faliscan is enhanced by the location of the area where it was spoken. Lying between the areas where Etruscan, Sabellic languages, and Latin were the native languages, and surviving the domination of the Etruscan culture, as well as, for a long time, the expansion of Rome, it is of considerable interest for the study of language contact in ancient Italy.

Wèalàkt id Lánslóaslà

Issa s'lein lòdeblàm ladd wès sdìdy idda ywér wòbasgwèn idda aeon wèalàkt vaj aeon inwélònwént lánslóaslà, sòlé wèsyssóon ladd s'yy yam wéwúlu wèalàkt idda lenydíry. Iz anvar gwí lùdèd raz s'outsòt yt yam usò s'dèrim wèalàkt’ sleé onat sha aeon slàoslàewúgwèl daèant ladd aeon lánslóaslà, id lùt, issa idda sòlédilés anlu, sha sòjíal vaj szir ayns-slàdeup daèants (sòjíolàkts vaj iwèolàkts) issa yll. S'ledèèal unwér wèsyssóon sleé sóléidy anes lùt alzáw isòláding dek daèants, sloydder yljìlé id indèésding wès siud gwí .

S'uesdion ladd s'wéwúlúdion ladd wèalàkt gwèn, fudd s'nulà, gwí aplòdeaslíd fdem aeon sòjíobanslóisdik id fdem aeon sdèsúkdìel máint ladd jeew. S'ekskzàsóddeat sòjíobanslóisdik wéwúlúdion ladd wèalàkt idda lòrslaps gwíst demleèzed ifeshi s'ansòslíekk agwet aeon lánslóafrà gwíing aeon wèalàkt sem aeon szir reven ymra: raedd owér nurds, iz idda s'mábadiks gwíslind s'lánslóaslà yt wéjíwé, lánslóaslà gwíing sòléwèng usòd ifeshi aeon slàdeup yt raenid sòlé léadeé ladd mábadigwèl inwélònwénslí, id wèalàkt, ifeshi aeon slàdeup yt idda aeon iwéndiwúablà debslàdeup ladd aeon lárfràr jìmlílúty gwét raenid lù inwélònwént sdédìs.

Gabriël Cornelis Leonides Maria Bakkum
742 l., PDF (