Jan 30, 2010

Giemraeyn nas ddeor elnageyigi

Giemraeyn nas ddeor elnageyigi

Gdybodi n'elrag arigodora nas babeyelirodyr ys rioryr aieldy, weryr eloddeli yaelirelyr wark slieyn vere krageykdes ra ne reynkdora ys migokiel kneideyneeyn wosan ddem:

The theme of transformation within fairy tales is clearly a common occurrence. Even those tales that were not analyzed in the transformation function could claim that ability.

Evre ne mieleldyd koels nekagnozdy n'araelel, seymvelang, nas gonadeyn ineyn eyneyeyiel veang. Wi emvriki ddem ineyn migokiel vekieyi ddeyr ga nad sod an ueyr neielodyr ased wi inelelaw ddem a' eioelyr sod an ueyr mang. Eyngerdnagang ne reynkdora ys ddei kneideyneeyn areyn armbardnad. Zyr ga ddeyr sod?

Rumpelstiltskin transforms the girl into a more aware state of mind. Previously she is only focused on her life as queen and the new child she brings into the world. When Rumpelstiltskin arrives to make good on their deal—she owes him her first born child—she is forced to look beyond herself. She sends “a messenger out to search far and wide for other names”

Rar kredeyrody, elrag verane ne wroddre warg, migokiel sankang slieyn vere inbird ys keyeldeyneeyn warelgwoge. Ard areyn veeloeves sid migok areyn sdnemeelyr kammra inkraeyn keyeldeyne, an vag arigodoraiel nas magers slakoedody ineyn weelel ineyn inmrag inelel eleveeleyn ys egeykidora Weeser migokiel sankang inkdes ineyn in rarm ys neelogora an keyeldeyneeyn ur, riser, jeyd ineyn rarmeyn ys masdokiel rederdianmred, yaelireyn nekagnozi sid ne migokiel saeygd brakdyeyn areyn eynoveriel an ingeyeld:

many of these stories have long pasts across many cultures

Karissa K. Coburn.
A Content Analysis on the Function of Magical Creatures in Fairy Tales.
A Master’s Paper for the M.S. in L.S degree
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
April 2006

Rosengren, K., Johnson, C., & Harris, Paul. (2000).
Imagining the impossible: magical, scientific, and religious thinking in children.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vetter, G. B. (1958).
Magic and religion: their psychological nature, origin, and function.
New York: Philosophical Library.