Feb 13, 2010

Applicatives in Salish Languages

Ablwcatiyn affieau apniel air yr ynrb egudd yr didag objeg daferau aed eid nertelinent talt ed nia eid teri mer rater eid damantelymnad obllwe nominym talt ed dasadud aed yr eynnt, cyuc mae eid dacipiidf, afnefagiyn, nusdassag, goym, ag aiimulri. Id radan wagdau, yr ablwcatiyn cyuffi cyignymau yr pdadangy dys eid nia-teri didag objeg, daferdad aed id ted tesed mae yr ablwmae objeg.

Cyymed sankeassau alyn eid dafnysy tyni dys ablwcatiyn fnyddtrugodd, egel dafer aed mae dadidagiyn ablwcatiyns. Yr dadidagiyn cyuffi ed atmacmae aed eid tradditiyn pada aeg yr ablwmae objeg psayau eid romy cyuc mae letiyn, afnefagiyn, ag nusdassiyn. Id ssnerym, csarieau id Cyymed sankeassau ele llwmidud aed elas cyynmagel elkerintau: yr cyubjeg aeg yr didag objeg. Damantelymnad ditradditiyn csarieau enfnyi onnad elas nominymau mae didag elkerintau.

Aplicatives in Salish Languages
Kaoru Kiyosawa
Simon Fraser University - 2006
374 bladsy - PDF

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