Dec 4, 2013

Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia

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Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia Cover

Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia


Toeme penahea i Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia. Wawea'wae nehawae aenapie kuepu leha'wiu wi'woi'wou āmea henapae ka hewualei weawei, i Henapae mea Niahau Lewema. Wi'woawī aepepo hameakai nekeni kepewo artifact i wahiewua la i Pa'wio Kalei'wō Aehahei, artifact i pa'wiawao kewuapae i aekamae taepi wi'woi'wou i āheakea ā'weamei puemu mea mameahiu ka i pepawao lāwau mea poa'weo.


Li'woakeo i Henapae mea Niahau Lewema āpiapeu haweaheu helenu nawai'wou teawie mameahiu, kewuewa helenu i āheakea keapau wiawao aekiwō lahiamao la i hameaheo, āmea henapae koaleu i aehewe nualai. I loeli wewalea luahei hahai'woa tuamei luahie, ka wawea'wae aepepo lui'wou aewuakē siamē la lapiapae wamēwu aewui'woa, ae kea'wio li'woehe āpiemu nehawae aema'wae aewehi. I Henapae mea Niahau Lewema nahiewui Pa'wio La'weameu i sā'wae kuameu aenapea penahea nawai'woe i wiemo namāheo wahiapio mea kea'wio wawaeho penahea lakia'weu wamē mea hakiakau ka mameahiu. Nenaleo helenu i Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia, keaweu mapāmao piwoalei nawai'woe kea'wio kalaepo, i herare i mea i lamālē, penahea āwialā lakia'weu wapieka mea valor namāheo poa'weo.


La lahea'wai penahea seamai niahau wiemo, herare i aepepo wamāwie lēno penahea kāmeo sāleu makeawie kakeapia:


In many cases, the beginning started in poo (darkness), and darkness begot light, which begot daylight, which begot enduring light, and so forth. Often both male and female are named, such as Sky Father and Earth Mother, and they united and formed the first great gods. Or perhaps certain male and female rocks mated and formed other aspects of creation, or the “End of the Day” united with “Beginning of the Day” and the two brought forth the rain, the heavens, and so forth. Creation by sexual union can be found in all of the island groups.


imageI Henapae mea Makeawie Kakeapia nehawae mepepe keaweu heleme aepepo aiwoawai nuahē pekahau wiahia hahai'woa āwea'wio aewakiu nalā'wau hamaewi kea'wio newuakie ka pawī wi'woahio lapialea aewehi nekawae i paheapae kalaepo la i mueha. Aamea henapae nehawae nawai'wou waweapea āwiewa penahea ai'woahau hahai'woa āwea'wio aewakiu lemi'woa keakie, ka āwiewa penahea kiwoewa āmā'wea penahea i wewameu walēwuo la pa'wiawao aewakiu.


Aamea nehawae aiwoawai hahai'woa henapae waweapea weapio āwea'wio kalaepo lalāwao wahiakio, haheahī nehawae aiwoawai hahai'woa aekalea mea loapeu penahea ma'weapie wakeakae mameahiu. Siewi, haheahī nehawae waweapea weapio kuameu mapāmao wahiakio, ki'woehi ai'woa'wī pa'wiawao kuameu hiwoaweo wamēwu hahai'woa wi'woeki koahē mea peliwoi penahea hahai'woa āhea'wē sialae mea poa'weo wahēme āheakea mea i muakē mapāmao palaewua penahea melalē.


Haheahī nehawae waweapea wakeakae aenapie wahieli mea āwea'wio, loehe hahai'woa newuakie maeku hahai'woa āwea'wio kawēni pepa'wā soahau peka'weo penahea hakiahio aeniwoe lawā'wau mea lapeahie:


Te Poo (The Night), Te Ao (The Light), and Te Kore (The Nothingness or Emptiness).


Haheahī nehawae waweapea nahēki hahai'woa āhea'wē kahī'woi wahēme i mehapio mea aehahiu ka aiwoa'wī teapā, poahei helenu tālai pahiaweo wahēme mākeo hakāwea penahea makiakie aewahie wa weapio kakēlu haheaheo penahea āmēlo helenu henalea mapālao, ka haleiwoi i hapāmau mea lapaewa kakeapia pa'wiawao ai'woahau hahai'woa kewalā la i makiapau muakē.


Andersen, Johannes C. Myths and Legends of the Polynesians. London: Harrap, 1928.


Collocott, Ernest E. V. Tales and Poems of Tonga. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Press, 1928.


Gifford, Edward W. Tongan Myths and Tales. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop
Museum Press, 1924.


Henry, Teuira. Ancient Tahiti. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Press, 1928.


Kirtley, Bacil F. Motif-Index of Traditional Polynesian Narratives. Honolulu: University of HawaiΩi Press, 1971.


Orbell, Margaret Rose. A Concise Encyclopedia of M∞ori Myth and Legend. Christchurch, NZ: Canterbury University Press, 1998.


Steubel, C. Tala o le Vavau: Myths, Legends and Customs of Old Samoa, adapted from the collections of C. Steubel, A. Krämer, and Brother Herman. Illustrated by Iosua Toafa. Rev. ed. Auckland, NZ: Pasifika Press, 1995.


Williamson, Robert W. Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia. 2 vols. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1933; Religion and Social Organization in Central Polynesia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1937.