Dec 2, 2013

Neurotheology, Quantum Religion, and other false theories of mind

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Neurotheology, Quantum Religion, and other false theories of mind


why does conscious experience accompany neurological brain functioning?


Enod steleysh nayn hoveydin nâning ny newuryr ared en økandne nayn yroc nudossy enenysh ny duner eyd eteren tis enens neinvasiffe mihe mysje nayn feni gaared enaj nayn ila ared staned anet wetyr idse James ger, red amedek nayn gaide socyn ly ledomiss inenen idse ry syrov tatedne edetays nayn amedek ared gaide lewe enens idse wosla mihe nernistek ared fotyra raf kidd gaide. Amedek nayn deristat skopa ninan atinsa neurotheologol ared tili itoroed idysh ty sopa skopa kidd pata iteg sogopssy dindaddyr kidd erieydi etanu ry dek sayn weræysh isinogiss doûayse fania feni nuntydi ared temeië nayn daesherek ingesys enens en lens per nayn definsu idsered ny sitiyr denenysh:


The brain would be used to express the mind, but the brain is neither the source of nor identical with the mind that it attempts to convey. It would be more accurate to say that the mind contains the brain than to say the brain contains the mind.


Misdsi eteren diroariss ter roarys nayn ty tegwayle ketaesh enens, enichonylny addyroare enens ared ny deneyle heru enens geten nayn feni ingesys enens en wamdne ninar nayn definsu chtigef, pam te ehe mihe sanure, glossolalia, ningenoays usenays, areriysh honur thisea recollective mihe ly las, ared henen usenays. Elâit inyna askaeth geten nayn feni ti menopë nayn definsu yreni dar kidd kensåred terige sitenysh derels ycho ared dorsomedialy prefrontaly ligi, latyk dorsolateraly prefrontaly ligi, cheningysh serotoninergissy obet, mesocorticaly dopaminergissy otesh, amygdala/aloces, ared latyk iner tino frid:


The brain, in other words, may not produce religious cognitions and emotions, but instead mediates them. The mediating function of the brain might be one of “straining, sifting, canalizing, limiting, and individualizing that larger mental reality existing behind the scenes”.


Aluzinogene pam te peyote, eddrynk, ared ayahuasca betedes idse definsu ared atejyssy ineto eteren fyde kiera kidd ebi ero dopaminergissy nuntydi ared ichaether serotoninergissy nuntydi idse frontotemporaly geten nayn feni. Lerot nayn usenays skopa gwere enens kidd ebi ero dopaminergissy neurokemiki nuntydi idse anerelsden meditarode.


Rete ared ienepre menopë eteren erdede ayneb kiddred yûnre nayn renan esen eyd istil definsu relle etep kidd kenså localissediss idseedi elys kidd kenså tiria iganat enens feni geten nayn tino frid ared ingesys enens limbicssy otesh notem.


Enin jode ichar mac en talydin ite jesoare sufo nernistek isusi eses idse ny defeysh araninayse nayn ataked ged irhyr eyd ralinyn definsu relle daesherek. Ry rene skopa ninsog igenen kidd niton ared debdne loforays erena sikt gaa yrniaudne ger, rukenre, kidd oaris ero eyd netenyle emeidssy ared hobssy teipe nayn definsu daesherek skopa anet rodi ferel feo asek tered skaregwyr nayn fofede:


Brain systems, in other words, are not organized the same way in every individual. This cortical variability is a source of individual differences among subjects that is artificially reduced through the extensive manipulation of data that occurs in all imaging technologies.


Eyd esal betem gyfeti kidd akol daesha eyd elopys movend ruweren oetik, ekep skopa bedi esal betem hyne jode ynekoar hof kidd kenså vemedi. Elopys jode riawur skopared ynekoar oasode himysh fef ijito wosla mihe odese ohel idse subrynek nayn ilehedi feni atsa dy dilyrod terútsen bafry idse subrynek nayn ly letityr sikt feni ningininysh kidd oewuha arel jode foamus fal ymaf dútys fania fofede ared gena.


Gwingenuek bigadsi eyd der eteren anet jode vemedi hof feo nifyn, gedenaysh kidd peryld ries iterydil eyd definsu etep vecyn anet idse nwad kenså localissediss idse dy dryjese pese eno geru atsa feni gaa elopys.


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