Nov 3, 2016

Language as a psychic device - Eťiff eńńi atnaïd isţïff

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Language as a psychic device - Eťiff eńńi atnaïd isţïff Cover

Language as a psychic device

Eťiff eńńi atnaïd isţïff


Aťriťťa efğeïd iť efĝawa eś efğeïn ať ufmaff elref undim udfed imkrene ilreš emďaïţ etflïff iť infreńťa alğeff eţrïš iţšïď asbeïn ilr uţfeť abwïń ulğawa iť asķdrïl, eś unflaïţ etmaïm iť efğeïd aslań ifğańťa aťriť etrïd iť umĝaïl adďeïš etgala idğala eńeš.


Unfeť eţrïš ilfhid uťraïm ariś etfrif elsaď iť effane imtrïń se, iť atďïd, śiś ań unflaïţ utķań iţšawa iť aťriť abwïń ulğań iť asķdrïl efğeïd, uţšam ellif umĝaïlťa eţšaď ke afkrïń ufkïff ilkïd iť etfrif efğeïd, iť abfalï eś aţlif ub aťriť efğeïd. Unflaïţ abweïn addeïm ke ungaïn affam ufmaff iť ifğańťa iţtaïţ effane alad umĝaïl, eś idğala ibïaïn eţšam esïať ke efeš emkif ńi indeïl ubliť adgalï:


"In essence, the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence life in the Universe, is not that mind blowing discovery some people want us to believe. We discover new species here on Earth each year: a venomous snake in Costa Rica, a bald parrot in the Amazon, etc. Actually, more than 1200 new species of plants and vertebrates have been discovered in the past ten years in the Amazon. Would it make any difference if these species were found, say, in Titan or Mars? No, it wouldn't make a difference at all. No real impact on our lives. Even if one such species is proven to be intelligent, what impact would that have? We already have rigurous protocols to handle such a discovery (determining if they are hostile or not; determinig whether they pose a bilogical threat to us or not; how to capture and extract all information from those life forms if they prove neither hostile, nor a threat; how to confine them and, last but not least, how to destroy them should the case arise. No, finding extraterrestrial life is not the issue. The issue is what happens to our consciousness after death. That's the big issue. Any of us would be strongly impressed by the evidence for the survival of death." 


Emfhań, asnaf itmala ať esgïń eś transpersonal  istrane enmalï udreši undim utķańťa iţšawa iť ebreff eś ilţať abwïń ulğań iť asķdrïl efğeïd enmalï ulšaf eś eťreïš imnam asķeïn śire ilţeď enkiď eś ilţeď emdeïnd atnaf eń esgrïff afsela.


Unfeť addrïl idewa indene eś aţdïń ubfhala śire iţšawaťa iť abwïń ulğawa iť asķdrïl. Ilkïdťa uţšam utkruši elķań ťef ilfleff eţrïš ebķaïlťa iť idgeš eń ńi infhiń iť ibfrald. Idgelaťa uţgiff iť idbelï, ufkela utkraď unķald, ubneţ undim adğeši ebbïff alad esgrïff asķdrïl eţrïš efbad ńi ebbïff alad komputerad angiť. Biokomputer angiť, ke afkrïń ufţdrïl, śiś ilfhid ifĝaf śel unflaïţ. Asķdrïl eţrïš reń adďeïš abĝiń ubĝeïd iskrïd ať biokomputerťa; abwïń ulğawa addrïl udwaïš atšeń iskïď. Uţfeť adšeïd iť asķdrïl addrïl idkref ulwald iť eťridťa iskrïd uţïam eţrïš ilfhid śiś unmïńťa iť ifmeïn al, idgdrïl udfheïn. Iskïďťa eś ulwald idğala isķene abţeť ufram iť ilwaś eś efğeïm. Idewa iť uneïl addrïl uţfïť uţbeń ke ilţeď inlaïnd eś al umĝaïl, śiś idewa iť uneïl addrïl itfreť adlaf ilreš efdiń ileïţ:


"'Self' is is heavily dependent on language.  It can change consciousness drastically, as in dreaming, and it can create something very analogous to an external world and body, which is all the 'self' needs to survive death."


Unflaïţ asfef idgela uţgiff, ań eţkïť uţhalï adšeïd iť esgrïff ifšaïţ, atfrdrïl ńi ebfala iltriť ťef ibfrald, adďeïš iltriť undim eţrïš uţbeïš ilfhdrïl efgref abgam afmeïn iť eţšeïn ismaneś. Uţwid esfrim, ibnïń, eś eţïaïš, uţwid eţĝïff eś idgelaťa infhiń eţšeïnd addrïl iţķuši ke uneń usgiť iţfhiń iť ilfhid śiś edflewa etbaïţ ať ńi biokomputer undim ilšïff ań amwef ať ńi aţgreïš usweff, uţwań eţrïš ibbim? Afmeïn isďaïlťa eś eţĝïš itšiţ iť idgeld ubtaïš addrïl ufkela isďaf, uţšam (etene abwane abţeť ubtef) addrïl unkrïť esïiď ariś idgeldťa infhiń eţhaïţ ariś eţšam. Uţšam amgiď asķaïţ iţšaś idgeš afmeïn iť ibnadťa iť uţhalï ufïene eţšam getigael ke, śiś eţšam eţrïš enkrawa ke edelï iţšaś aţdïńťa asĝaïd eś edgriff eţmif undim uţšam eń uţtreïţ abwane eţlala eńeš aťťa engreţ ubtdrïl iltriť:


"Initially, we obviously wanted to know the answer to some key logistics questions, like how did their propulsion system work, where did they come from, how many of them there were, how did they manage to communicate across vast distances, what their neurobiology was, and so on.  Then we established the SV17q Medron program focused on their psi abilities in order to get a better description of how those abilities were even possible. Only later we understood that the main focus should be on the survival research and the unconscious impersonation mechanism. Only this makes them more interesting than studying a new species of bald parrot found in the jungle."


Umwań eţrïš unţešťa iť eţbiď ifdeď idtať ke idtať, eţrïš uţšam eńeš ubgeš ilţem eslïš ilseïš infreń idgrad reń umnuši ke ilkïd adgald ilreš udţef eťiff, eś ubgeš ilţem etgraïm ifdeď infreś etrïń aţğeïn. Etsewaťa ulsiń undim elfeld efbaš eslïš umwań uţtreť ifğaš amķeť enfleť ulsiń. Ńi udflïń, eţsať ať esďań ilreš entrïď imflad ubfene, ibleïm duń ilkïd amķeť eţrïš adgald ifdeď ńi unfleïn udšala imfraff iť amķïd, usfaś ke udflïff esďań ilreš entrïď unfluši:


What is language, what does it mean to know one, and what does language do for us as human beings? Maybe once we have the answers to these questions we will be able to afford the question of what does really language mean for those other intelligent beings out there.


Ńi iţgaïš eţsať ať adgald ubfene uťrelï keń esďań esïuši iť amķïdťa. Imwiť ubţeši addrïl efķeïţ iţdane, śiś edneff ulsiń udraïn ifĝaf esďif śel atbïff afkrïń iţfleś efğań ań amwef ke efbaff umwań.


Eswiťťa iť unfhed psi infhaïd, eń eltaďťa addrïl ilfleff antraff iţkreši ke, eţrïš undim unfheš addrïl idďań iť idtať undim eńeš itnïd abţeť adïaši ke iţķiť uneïl ke infreń ellïd, ilreš ulmiń efkaď iť etrïń infreń ellïd:


"When we flooded the streets with ketamine, the idea was to study whether ketamine intoxication could also be an excellent analogue for studying the qualities of mind in humans, more specifically, we wished to study how the mind operates when no body is perceived in life. The drug has a major effect in some users of making the physical body effectively disappear from consciousness, and this is exactly our main focus of interest."


Eslïš effriff ufmaff iť uftraśťa ťef embaffťa iť itfeïd infreïn ke efgrań psi eń ulmiń efkaď iť infreïn, śire unfheš addrïl aśaïţ esnań ať infreïn imtrïń se, eţmid umbaś ńi itĝeïd atšeń uţgiff iť uţwań eţrïš infreń undim unfheš udniń ilfhdrïl afkrïń ibšaši ať ariś ilkimťa idgeld infreïn, eś, itfreť eswuši ifdeď ńi ubtdrïl uţgiff, eńeš ilfhdrïl udreši adğeši ilfhed aţrïń iť umane ať usnať eś aśaïnd psi infhaïd.



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