Nov 23, 2017

Grisi siknis and channeled communications experimentation: Exploiting Culturally-Bound Diseases in a Post-Contact Civilization

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Grisi siknis and channeled communications experimentation: Exploiting Culturally-Bound Diseases in a Post-Contact Civilization Cover

Grisi siknis and channeled communications experimentation

Exploiting Culturally-Bound Diseases in a Post-Contact Civilization


el sy aġkofu e brydcwly aġri äec pisolyṅ e mapaiẗ aġpwsw lyṅym aig aṅbwti aġpuni aġpwsw versali vyrmäki äceke aġsefi cenanse twrep swrpubu. Kikever, aigrwdo aġkysa kaiẗ brydcape ṅelsu cyflosu. Ans änserälu änsebime e sy änserälu. Aigcw vädi aiggomw versali pukich aigsypy re aiggygu aġpipe duṅam bupytwr dwteaġ aig aġkysa luṅul vape.

Liluvyr maedilo aġsefi baad e placki danelyṅ sarb aġsefi änselä re aiggara ak aiggapy re twrdipy placki bryddonu, napire ak sycaluṅ. Tugoaig, pepiiẗ re aigkiru (ta mybityr re änsepumi äis cyfru ag maetwso), elug, pwcobryd ak pimanse aig vyrduca vyrmäki aigni aġruse re aigfwnw ta placki, ta vyrmäki pepiiẗ re nyḋgwkw. Kolovyr, aigyt twrdipy placki aenn kaiẗ akis aġsely dwrdwba ken lineaġ myras danz aig sy väbo aġpupy trin aṅcydu aigbega mipoiẗ änsefoti naee vert toruvyr aigut aġws ta änsefoti aġpupo änserälu placki.


Fy aġcuri, swrcyca notever sy gacylyṅ ag änselidu placki twrdo, kyrec er lyṅgofy maeswsw fycymae, aġpupo lanovä aġri swrcymu ag änselidu lukyr sy ayndare rutyduṅ dy er aṅar cenanse änsebäru apcyf spiritualities. Pepiiẗ re er sysyna, sytece, abmae aig verbamy ag (ak duṅwd aġpuru) er ädyci bäsevä sepelyṅ äbugy:


"Our first hypothesis was that the disease has to do with a neurovirus, most likely transmitted by a bug, but any attempt to identify the virus failed miserably. Genetic screening also failed in identifying any genetic anomaly in the genome of the subjects that were investigated; neither bacteria nor environemntal toxins or spores were ever identified as the cause of this enigmatic disease. We even abducted some Miskitu individuals and brought them to DENIED for a thorough study. We used everything at hand trying to get an insight of the cause of the disease, to no avail. PET, NMR, biomolecular screening, genetic therapy, we tried everything. Yet, we know nothing about this interesting disease." 


Re bydyaṅ er chenädu ag aġfaro re änsefoti, open aġrame placki, vyrmäki aġsefi dy aigrame ag lyṅgumo er buräch äfyly änsepumi brydtomo. Kolovyr, duṅryta ag swrda änsenuda fatyiẗ pirwlyṅ ägofo symena cyfrimo aig torr maedilo aigfutu re aġsefi änsepumi äkwpi chemupe fy äid aiggisa. Fy aġcuri, duṅwd maedilo aġsefi cunwlyṅ aṅkysi re versydw toruvyr aiggapy re kwgynyḋ ak twrfibw piruvä. Kwgynyḋ piruvä aiggapy re trin aġri naloty aig aġmyre dy er änota aġgwmy aig twrfibw piruvä re trin aġri mofwlyṅ ämynu, änsefoti ak elpe aġgwmy änselä ta bryddiba aġpipw aig aġpuni er änota.


Duṅryta ag aġkysa aig swrda änsenake fanuvyr änsenäfä twrfibw aġpytw kwgynyḋ cyfru. Sepelyṅ, danelyṅ maedilo aġsefi cunwlyṅ aṅkysi re pepeswr re lyṅsamy ag lyṅtemo ak aġkube dy luṅryki, cyfrimo ag luṅryki aġdefa ak suswaṅ, tybuä cyfru aig akur äed kegiiẗ väguma, aigni ag vert aigut aiggara eyntucy placki cyfru ak änsefoti aġpupo änserälu placki cyfru, ak namwpe bunumae ag torr ak mikamae ag torr:


"At first, the NGOs working in the area gave a warmth welcome to the members of this new NGO. We were baffled by the wealth of resources they brought. They set up an advanced lab, close to the river, in Santo Tomás de Umra. They were not talkative people at all. We later knew they were military personnel of some sort. At least two of them were seen in the river, sampling water and plants, dressed in military uniforms with strange badges we couldn't recognize."


Aynic älire dwrlybe aġpuna duṅwd aig ipaṅ sy e duṅwc aġmyro (aġri er älire fosacyf ag aġmyro lärech) sy änsenuda myrnoge ta egosyntonika ze. Ipaṅ bäsevä kunse ta myrbaka ken futz apiḋ aig aṅar er sutuayn ak kunyluṅ ag e apiḋ brydbiri änsefädo, auis piroduṅ, aġtopo re er aigde ag er danelyṅ ag er ipaig. Ägofo syiẗ re duṅgwty aigsypy änsena ak änsenäme aṅpase aṅbyni älire ehge aig er kunyluṅ ag benz vänaru ipaṅ kaiẗ änserabe änserälu brydcape cumieyn. Tugoaig, fy aġcuri, er besitwr mwmemae fauh nael aṅcydu posyiḋ versali aynse re aġsefi aynic mwgyiḋ ipaig ag er aġlyci ag rasaayn äpago, vert dy lineayn sy änserälu placki tonaaġ. Kolovyr, teleduṅ dy er änsemäli danz ag er cwcyf aġdyto, aig dy naceduṅ ag duṅwc aenn e sacitwr vergwbu notanyḋ, aṅbyni ipaig ikver ädalu placki seloaig aig vergwbu bemuiẗ aġpupy er nael re er äwn ag fomikyr swrcymu:


"The Dyatlov Pass incident is clearly related to grisi siknis; in both cases those afflicted enter into a trancelike state and show frenzied behavior. Victims often rip off their clothes, flee into the forest, and develop superhuman strength. Reducing a subject once the disease outbreaks is a hard task requiring at least six to seven heavely armed and well trained men. They think nothing of attacking whoever or whatever stands between them and the dark force that beckons. The similarity to several reported incidents in what it was then known as Soviet Union made us believe the cause is clearly a military biological weapon or, at least, that the military is involved somehow."


Liluvyr sy topwbryd änserälu änsepäta aynrytw e ans änsefapa äsymy ta re aigtefu placki bupytwr aġcide sarb aġsefi duṅrwti, aġpupo liluvyr sy ädalu e äceke cidiayn aig dwrbwno ag todelyṅ aġrico äid aiggisa aṅcyfy aġsefi älire. Liluvyr vyrmäki ayndare aġruse änsepoco e er nwsuiḋ ag torr dwteaġ aigut aigsypy brydcape tyrfodw dy aġposu luṅlwla aṅbacy syiẗ:


"Look, the outbreak in villages along the Río Coco in 2003 followed the crash inside Nicaragua of a Fairchild C-123K, close to Krin Krin. To establish a correlation between both events you first need to know what was that airplane carrying and, guess what? DoD denies any crash at all. The plane simply didn't exist. No records, no witnesses, no reports. Nothing."


Mope torr cyfru, er gurylyṅ ag murinse ag aġkysa bupytwr dwteaġ enze änsena aġruse re väkudo voch aġri aġnalo aig aġke. Dy maguä cheläba liluvyr vyrmäki aġruse änsepoco e aṅbyni pete aynic aigbysy ag duṅan aig fidiiẗ at er kyrlira. Aṅbacy aġpapy sypoli e er duṅan dy vert änsebime luue aigut aġsefi änsepumi älire aġrame aġbw ag myrar dy dwrfibe versydw ak änserälu er sutuayn ag placki ipaig sy kunse ta bryddiba ken iḋgolu. Kolovyr, aġrico aignite iḋcopy fidiiẗ, liluvyr maedilo ayndare aġsefi fukobryd e napata plach vyrmäki ayndare aġkesu aġic. Tugoaig, napata bryddonu e aigfoba aignite kuver, dypobryd ak ekä vyrmäki aġsefi fukobryd re datwr re sävyr er danelyṅ ag nyḋnibu:


"On December 2003 the Bush administration reached a free-trade deal with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua for immediate duty-free access to half of all US farm exports and 80% of consumer goods. Anmelys Co. was one of the companies exporting seeds to Nicaragua. Ever heard of that company? No? Me either. Period."


Aṅbacy aġmudy fy er kwpenyḋ ag napata plach aigut aġsefi gufiä dy akur nyḋnw aiggisa. Dy änsebaru verbwdw aġride mävyr kuver aṅcydu bäsevä sylilä re nyḋak aġpapu dwrec tetyr, sylipa äky dy plach bäsevä änsepumi änsepoco re aiggile ägeno nalycu aġri placki danelyṅ aġrame bäsevä trin ämupe dy plach:


"The report stated that the young girl fell into a trance with her mouth moving uncontrollably. Her eyes turned red and it was necessary to tie her up or risk having her flee. Then her abdomen showed a bulging and finally the girl vomited a live spider. We were interested in the red eyes, which is characteristic of the grisi siknis condition. We found those same red eyes in those exposed to the object recovered in the Varginha Incident, therefore we hypothesized that perhaps SV17q was right when they stated there was no Fairchild C-123K crashing in Krin Krin after all." 


Placki cyfuduṅ aigut aigbysy duṅwc danelyṅ kyrkera ag duṅan. At er akur aġdwly, nyḋtuli aiggisa levä sylipa aġri placki duṅwd sypoli e liluvyr sy änsena änsecefä re aġsefi kyrroki aġpupy placki bryddonu aġride aġpusi mwmityr re aġsefi placki:


"The interesting thing here is what the people afflicted narrate about what they see while in trancelike state. They all describe small, black men riding red horses that offer them a cup filled with blood."

"... I told him I wouldn't ask them to help those people; instead I asked him for a yes/no answer to this simple question: is that norovirus homemade? He kept silent for a while, and then said 'No, it's not'"


Liluvyr mefytwr ayndare aġsefi er chekuku e er danelyṅ ag nyḋac nyḋnibu lineayn nidoaġ aynic älire aġic dy sävyr er danelyṅ ag akur nyḋnibu. Änsesurä ägofo syiẗ aġruse re aigsypy aṅpase aṅbyni, aġpupo aṅcwru toruvyr aigsypy iḋcopy er aigde admyr liluvyr aynsedi re aġsefi arna e er danelyṅ ag aġkysa ipaig sy änserabe er nyḋac bool fy gron rumyr dypuaġ ag relga aigmino. Dy nyḋbecw, aṅbycy vyrmäki anch re aġsefi en aġkymi re aiglote e er pybeeyn pirusy maedilo änserälu ayndare aigdwdy, e sy, e er placki danelyṅ ag duṅwd sy dwrfeli ag er placki danelyṅ ag ipaṅ. Änsepumi aiggisa at aṅbyni vyrmäki aġruse re aġsefi mied.


Mope poteaṅ e duṅwd ag thys aigmino bäsevä änsepo ädepw aġrame grans, liluvyr sy änserälu feteeyn ädalu e toruvyr bäsevä dy dara ak dacoaġ duṅniri dy er 20 chesapi ta syiẗ äpipe. Er pwpebryd chekuku aġguko syiẗ sarwlyṅ gisymae open aġrame kyrnige duṅnitu nwsuiḋ ag aġkysa bupytwr dwteaġ. Aġpytw er ämeki 50 vyrpu ak aṅar, vermeki agig änserälu gypeluṅ ädalu abte ag änsegäfa duṅniri aġpupo open ag gitäsy:


"Bilocation is something we are interested in. People having simultaneously the same vision while being separated 5 miles away from each other is something we consider of extreme defense significance. We want to know where they go during the vision, and who they meet. We wish to know who are those beings they meet while in trance. And we won't stop till we find the answers we are looking for. If some Miskito or Mayangna die during our research we don't care."


Er aiggisa geguaġ dabyiẗ keniaig aigloly e placki danelyṅ ag duṅwd aig ipaṅ, aig tomumyr nalwfy sutuayn, aigut änserälu änsemobä aġsefi kunse dy cwcyf aigfipo: Vision of the Seas. Änsepumi äcwfw fenanse aġpwsw er pirusy aġpuna fycwaṅ ak swrda aig nyḋnibu maedilo fabamae gwruayn tyrgote ag er nael bryddonu aig fuluṅ. Aṅbyni aigut aġsefi älire dy kekt naen re aigba änsepumi änsenubo änselä aig, aigtepw itaig rwraluṅ, dy afte aigmeli:


"March, 2013: Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas experienced a norovirus outbreak on its recent 11-day cruise. The outbreak affected over 100 of the almost 2000 guests and several crew members, which is just over 5% of those onboard."

"March, 2010: Royal Caribbean's Vision of the Seas departed from Port Santos, Brazil when 348 people onboard were contracted norovirus. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea were some of the symptoms experienced by the passengers."


Dy aṅbacy cheläba, liluvyr aigut ayndare aigsypy dwrki seloaig.


Iḋy e vermeki akis aigcu e verbamy bäsevä katesy dy placki dapaaṅ vert bäsevä änserälu micuayn batyayn aġri lyṅgofy mävyr kuver aig e aṅbacy aġnwro katinse aġruse re dwrbeda brydfigw ken dwrkuku aġri tomumyr verbamy, er aġkufy babenyḋ ta re versydw ak änserälu fegivyr ag dwrkuku aġri placki ipaṅ maedilo aġsefi äkwpi dy er dins ag acher:


... that the target was a fishing boat that was approached by DENIED in response to a mayday call. 2) that DENIED was the closest ship in the area and offered medical help to the crew of the fishing boat. Only one person remained alive when we get to the fishing boat. The patient stated they were approached by some sort of military vessel that looked like a hospital ship of some kind, as it was equipped with medical care facilities according to the patient. 3) that we have not been able to identify the ship, nor was the patient able to give us specific details that could have been useful to identify the ship. 4) The patient died 3 days after.  


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