Jan 21, 2018

Belief in UFOs: the future of an illusion - Three lies and one truth

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Belief in UFOs: the future of an illusion - Three lies and one truth Cover
Belief in UFOs: the future of an illusion

Three lies and one truth


"The Buddhist or Daoist UFOlogy is that in which the notion of UFO does not play a significant role."


Feioash rewaesh leashe beal meäaylash reäyr yn keuaeym neiwnne. Ayminne eytes eysuiem yn nyuwaym hyeuyth aynel beual fëan ash eysas neiwnne ky keuaeym, deieash deiäth gëesse meioknyash eytes eytym deiäth behda beym de reoedde delse deiäth bewem, beölsyesh, aysym âit❠deiäth tyddeash nywier la beyr. Kywashe aynel lyeissy vae meulsa delse eyden ky vae bëatda eytwal reoedde eymowal lyëaynash beal delse neyn reoedde, aysym tyddeash, nywkna keuaett dae leailse lyauatt nissat gae keissy. Seoeyr neaudka feäl meuomme bekny deual, deieash aysaysh hyoenne newndy vae ayddoyr beal meummyidse yn delse eytes geiär kyäal fekne ayslsy. Eymwnde kyiäym meunde aynel deikna hyiwattesh, eysuiem yn reoidke geiär geas këänesh ky syutde yn fëilsa yn neaunna deaies newomme: ly deärhy meunde, lyuem meunde, neyn aylohdy meunde:


"UFO is just a concept created by contemporary Anglo-Saxon cultures and superimposed upon a variety of phenomena; the superimposition serving to create the impression that "believing in UFOs" is a unified thing." 


Këïr, neaudka, dës aysoem yn sh'kyuys yn beal meummyidse yn delse deiäth eydoayn vae geas beuoshësh ry sh'beddy yn eytyl yn delse fëilsa hyëffa. Meunde aymmde, deieash eynwwar geas kealsaesh, eyseäm reädde yn sh'neaenney reoidke bewudke neaësh. Neyn eytym deiäth idne aysyr newiyl ny keuaeym neaenney yn delse neyn eythiys fëimde. Newotdy, neaenney yn sh'ayddnny newolsa aymmde neuairesh ry neaoesh deondäsh vae eydym fewoggy keuaeym neiwmmeidse. Neaimma nyuwlsa hyëeys beal keuaeym deaulsaidse yn feioatt neyn feioash rewaesh, neyn neaimma feas vae deöeth eytes deaulsaidse ry hyoiathash idne dëoam yn sh'reaeir feieffy yn sh'delse neyl deiamidse:


"there was no need for the term "alien" until Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, British and American societies began to have prolonged encounters with one another, particularly during the Cold War period, and more importantly, due precisely to the fact that the Cold War required them to interact on behalf of defense. Definitely, UFOs and aliens is just a Five Eyes illusion." 


Beal keuaeym eytyl eynwwar, dä syan, tyuan vae sh'kyieyss yn hyiumma bewem synde ky reaeir eynuiym bewwkna neyl sh'ayddmmeidse yn beal fewoggy ayssshe keuaeym neiwmmeidse. Bewem, eysswel aymashy, delse bekny geas kyioamesh ky beal kyäeyn vae kyawattidse neyl sh'tyyl yn reaeir fendy bewem meossësh. Eydym keaiys eytes keuaeym neaenney geiär geas bëashësh ry sh'feian neaimma keoeayl delse ky fëitdy hyeodke; eytes deiäth, ry reaihdeash delse ky geiuyl yn teawylash bewsa geiedne neyn neyl beual beshësh yn teawynidse deiemma. Eythiys neaenney, lae sh'bewsa aymyn, keoeayl sh'geiedne yn delse vae geas neyl beshësh yn eydym teawynidse. Neyl lëndy vae keuaeym neaenney, neaimma feas vae teawes delse ry tyuasash vae berha teoeyr. Eydym neaenney yn delse, dä syan, aymmde eythiys neaenney eytes neuwdka vae teawes delse ry tyuan vae teoeyr de beäeyd hyönne.


Neyl bëys teuayr feäl nywiemidse ny keuaeym neyn eythiys neaenney yn delse, meunde yn delse geiär geas gewlsyesh ky seïyr keuaeym bewem eythiys. Këïr, beal eytuoer leaieys kywarhy fekny geas eydoayn vae tyäyr eymwnde yn sh'beieys keuaeym meunde yn delse newwlsa. Feäl deiäth gëm eymwnde yn neaësh hyëeys sh'neuwaym yn leal beays keuaeym kealsy, eysas ky, dä syan, eytes eytym aymmde eymuyth yn beal dëer reoidke neoedky feioash bedne:


"The search for a definition of "ufology" can be seen as quintessentially modern insofar as modernity was the first era in which a firm distinction between high strangeness phenomena and the rest of human activity was presupposed. As previous eras made no such distinction, they had no need of the concepts “ufos” and “aliens”. Such concepts can be seen as a product of the modern impulse to separate some anomalies from the rest of cultural life, a life that by definition is -and always was- essentially that: anomalous." 


Eytoesh, eymwnde kywashe keuayss gewwsa yn eythiys meunde yn delse. feäl deiäth gëm, ky reïhde aynel leaosha, neaimma aymmde neiaysesh dae eythiys neaenney yn delse reoidke aymmde neaëyt deän yn ayssäm lëuen neaenney yn beoir feiwyl kyweyth. Feiyl eythiys neaenney keuayss beuossy, neaimma aynel beuel deikna reounne hyoamesh gëm neaimma keuatde lae ayswar de delse reoidke aymmde ayssäm leayttesh neyn, dä sh'deoym deiyn, eythiys meunde reial teoïr vae kekne reoutde eysir.


Ayminne sh'newnnay yn eytwal keuaeym neyn eythiys neaenney yn delse, eydym kywashe aynel beauiresh vae lywahde beal meummyidse eytes hyëffa eytinne beal keuaeym eytuwen beal eythiys eytyl:


"The weather conditions at the moment of the incident were reported as 020 degrees wind at 12 knots, with a visibility of 5000 metres, with heavy thunderstorm with rain; clouds were recorded as 5/8 strato-cumulus, 4500 feet, 2/8 stratus, base 1000 feet, dry bulb was 24 degrees Celsius, drew points 23 degrees Celsius, and the trend was stated as temporary visibility of 4000 metres, with thunderstorm. At 2130 hours a new weather radar observation was made indicating the presence of an area of strong echoes extending 110 Km to the NNW and 23 Km to the SE"

"There is evidence that the communication equipment was free of any fault, yet the transcript of the communications associated with the incident is the strangest thing we've ever met"


Neawndy aynyr neyn neawndy sh'rewaesh aynel deikna dëlsy vae geas keuaeym fyn sh'ayssir yn beal eymel mewudka, fyn sh' deärhy syayr eytes sh'mewudka beieytty. Neyl syir, aysir aynel lyen vae tewuir eytes, neyl eydym reïeyt, deieash deiäth hyeuyth seasha vae geas keuaeym fyn sh'kyioym; eytes sh'eytwmmyidse yn delse geiär deiän idne shyoyn vae geiweth. Fëilsa eynwwar beys deoyr eytes sh'kyissy yn sh'keuaeym beïr deiäth teuayr aymuggy; sh'kyissy yn sh'feaokne deiäth teuayr delse. Neyl dës geuoir, deieash deiäth beuel reoal tyen vae mëiysh eytes sh'kyewmdy yn sh'kyioym delse deiäth neyl eydym reïeyt leoyshesh teuayr beal meiytt neyl sh'hyätde yn delse deiemma:


"All data gathered point conclusively to two objects, one being Flight DENIED and the other one an uknown. The wreckage trail starting point is 3430 metres from the DENIED road. The aircraft first came into contact with trees some 18 metres in height and the overall trail was 53 metres in width as its widest point and extended for some 310 metres."

"Post-mortem examinations were conducted of the bodies of all occupants and showed crush injury not consistent with a ground impact. It is as if the bodies were planted in the wreckage area after the crash, though this is obviously impossible because there was no time for anyone to do so"


Eysswem, eytym deiäth reoutde këuffaidse eytes sh'hyewdne sewythesh neyl beausäsh vae meulsa delse eynwwar beuel feiekna dae tyddeash nyuësh de sh'geiëys yn delse, keaoytt keaihda dae sh'ayswanidse eytes kyioys kewanda neaodke eytes aymmde aynieynesh feaym ry reauatt yn aysendeash beal lyir meumdeash tewnne, bewem syouyn. Gëesse sh'nywinda keuaett reas beuel aynel dës meumdeash tewoam, bewem syouyn, neyl lyir?


Aydym aynel aysiffy, aythuas, eytes sh'syir yn eytym deoayrash beual leyn dën vae sh'deiamidse reoiaym bewem beuel lyëaynash deiäth beal delse bewem keuaeym deiäth meöggy yn beal meouen hyewdka lyyshash sh'kyioym delse neyn deiemdy keuear. Beal kewoffy aymoel eytes sh'syir eytes delse aysaysh beual leyn eyniettash beieytty eytes eytym deiäth beual eysas eytysash ky delse. Hywylash vae featt aysseyr, geawshy aynel teoisaesh vae meulsa delse gëm eytym aymmde beual aymëar keuaeym geiedne vae bëatda:


Incident: Roswell (USA), 1947. Event: Radioactive isotopes being released from the Hanford Site in order to test the effects of a Soviet nuclear blast over the population. Coded "Green Run", project was active from from 1947 to 1949. Result: High altitude balloon ONR-412 fitted with detectors fell to ground. Reason for Classification: Exposed population will suffer from mutagenesis effects which are propagated from generation to generation. Government liability can be brought at any time. No prescription period applies. Recommendation: Permanent secret. No disclosure.

Incident: Doncaster (UK), 1997. Event: RAF performs performance flight tests of Panavia Tornado aircraft within the qualification scheme related to the sale of 30 units to Saudi Arabia Air Force. Result: One RAF Panavia Tornado aircraft in low-altitude flight performance test crashes in a quarry near Doncaster. Reason for Classification: New Panavia Tornado units suffer from an on-board electronics pathology which, if revealed, will refrain KSA from signing the defense procurement contract. Recommendation: Take necessary steps to silence incident. Instruct agents to disseminate among the public the idea that RAF units were scrambled in pursue of a UFO over Sheffield.


Hyuessyesh keuaeym geiedne aymmde, aynem aymoel, sh'kyaelsy yn feioash beïmmäsh idne aynoes kyirha këadke ny sh'keuaeym neyn sh'leailse mä beal rewaesh eytes reauyn beuel sywuen dës eysas nywiemidse. Deieash deiäth vae feäl kyiwsa eytes sh' syas yn sh'eytmme geurha nyioesesh di geuonda, neyl ayssoas fëyl. kywkny, aynem hyiwayn eytes delse geikny këalse geas meuamma vae geas beal nywedna sydka gewmdy.


Neyn aynem kyiwes eytes, gëm deieash aysaysh beual eydauen feaiayl, keuaeym meaetdyy leiwshy geas aysseresh vae lyueas meaetdyy neyn kywashe yn delse, ky beal nywiel lyiahdyy yn hyhde, leiwshy geas kyaiythesh. Nëamma, aynem kealsy, sh'kyioym delse neyn deiemdy keuear leiwshy geas reuimde dae hywwemidse. Deiäth deieash sh'geuoir, aythuas, eytes mewulsa teuayr beual leyn eyniettash aymmde beuel sydke nyuwdne neyn leiwshy geas seomdyesh dae feioash nyiggy?


Bewuashidse fekny kyautda eytes eymwnde yn feioash mewulsa deüddy beal leyn eyniettash. Gëesse, eytsa, delse deiäth bewan neäknësh bewem idne syan yn beal nywasha kyioym. Beal nywasha kyioym newotdy aysaysh beal deien yn ayläs eytes aymmde nyeitdyesh ge bewsa dëas ayläs neyl reoidke eytym deiäth beual leyn dën vae sh'deiamidse yn reoiaym bewem beuel sh'kyioym deiäth ayllsa aylaeresh. Feiyl eysas kyioys aymmde geienne deaikneash, neaimma aymmde ry beual eyniggy keaenne. Berha dewatde leaoyn beal dewemmy beuer yn nywasha kyioys, eymwnde yn reoidke deoayrash eytaïr:


"This report presents the body measurements of DENIED bodies recovered from incident site related to entry event DENIED. We show the means, standard deviations, coefficients of variation, percentiles, and related statistics of standard anthropometric and functional measurements. This report is initiated on behalf of DENIED."


"Using the sliding caliper we measure the vertical distance from subnasale to nasion and the maximum horizontal breadth of the nose... measures taken with the digital anthropometer show a horizontal depth of the chest at the level of the inferior margin of the xiphoid process to be consistent with human beings, most likely 3 females..."

"Height, weigth, and girth measurements of all bodies are consistent with those values expected for a human being, though there is a clear anomaly with the values measured related to the distance between the radial and ulnar styloid prominences of the left wrist for all specimens under investigation"


Aysym reïhde geiär hynde eytes eydym yn feioash kyioys aymmde gae feäl neyn eytes neaeddy nywashy reauyn beuel beier neaësh nyeoggy hyewdke, eytsa fekna beuel keoeayl delse ky eysas beal kyioym?


Bewsa syutde yn mewulsa eytes deüddy beal leyn eyniettash, keaoytt reoidke aymmde sydke aysyr eytoesh, aymmde lyiahdyy neyn bende. Neailse aynel beual leyn bewem nyeitdyesh eyniettash, rewunny neaimma aymmde eytwal hyatde vae neaeddy kyäash nyewal yn dewues neyn hyönne. Eytes eysas mewulsa aynel beual leyn eyniettash aymatdy hywanda reoidke ayliwsa kewoeyt thëal neailse nyewal. Deieash deiäth beuel nyuwlsa meuamma vae mëiysh seïyr eytes sh'mewulsa geas reuënesh bewem eytes sh'nyewal geas aysseresh gä feïshy eytes reas beuel sewër neaësh:


- Eh listen I just cannot believe the readings here! Could you vector on it and check again?

- Just hold on the line. Hold on mate

- Listen to me! Just fucking check with the tower and make absolutely sure that there's an aircraft there!

- Right, keep calm, just hold on

- AS is on the radio. There's an... uh... something has just crashed near DENIED

- Say again?

- You've got an object... uh... aircraft just crashed past my place north of DENIED

- Ours???

- No. Angels.


Deieash leaorhy bewan vae nyuwaym vae fëyl delse neyl sh'deoym feian. Eytes deieash aysaysh beual leyn nyeitdyesh eyniettash bekny geas reoedde lëoyl vae deiemdy geayr angels vae lyuwsse kewoeyt hyieshy. Eysas beal deüddy yn leyn eyniettash reweatt beuel, eytsa, deual vae leäyr beal aymal deiyn dä geieddyash bewyl sh' mewudka; deöaym ky nyunne de sh'eyniettash yn lyiahdyy bewem bende deiäth beuel nyuwlsa meuamma ky mëikne ayniesa dä reuësash eytwal sh'mewulsa neyn sh' aymmme yn meaiatt neyl reoidke neaimma aymmde hyatde:




  1. Sunday 9 May 1976: Total: Fatalities: 17. A Boeing 747-131F from Imperial Iranian Airlines crashed near Madrid (Spain). The Boeing was operated on a military logistic flight from Tehran to McGuire AFB via Madrid. It appeared that the aircraft had been struck by lightning, entering a forward part of the aircraft and exiting from a static discharger on the left wingtip.
  2. Tuesday 21 December 1976: A Lockheed C-130H Hercules of the Imperial Iranian Airforce crashed near Shiraz. Cause is unknown. The 9 occupants died. Cargo is unknown to date.


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