Mar 28, 2022

Overcoming cognitive bubbles: Reprogramming humans relationship with the biosphere

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Overcoming cognitive bubbles Cover

Overcoming cognitive bubbles

Reprogramming humans relationship with the biosphere

Hoseyu tuytir jakpris vyfalda valpreid valac stakois usteadu direcsiya ye nalealu hokdyas, valpreal em dvostablişin poçiel çinosal ak sueas ha çod eţ teaydiru locasiye, valac dieljakeid teraeyu ye kikaf pobylim, valenim vuneta valenim creasiyau eşa veayke ye holey tuytke eşa vuigis ye ke dykoam, valpreal valac akoprim jakstay nikdyam tosemy mieldois (Lipschif-Involke valniel).

Tonebadu ye stako eţ nalealu hokdyas, eţ laylis alteres, vyfalda tehoy terovad valac resilienşiya valac ybpro, eţ vuvyfke priu stiy ostyloal vyfalda tehoy ovaneis degradasiya. Ednihodeyu iş asimilasiya ye naleal kostal vyfalda tehoy u proenes ye naleal sueas, ima yir pripodad stako ina hoseyu environşu kes vyfalda tehoy ednkdyis valac tuhais akopris stako eţ prileyu ye noskoy generasiye, hodçiel valtakam veaynaf uçy açy jektes eţ proeniad eşa lavhod vuigis, takstey koteu valac naleal evolusiya:

Debasing the very concept of 'humanity', that is, pushing humans to the limit so that they doubt what is to be a human being, is a valid strategy to overcome the anthropocentric cognitive bubble they live in. Clearly, it takes a few simulation runs to certify human lifestyles are in many ways deleterious to the other life forms. The urgent need to change the evolutionary direction of the human niche aims at reverting the current ecological relation of humans with the biosphere. Given that xenotechnology transfer is ban by design, and given that the no-contact dictum is fuly in place, the only possibility seems to wait for humans to re-establish by themselves the original ecological relations, though this implies new cultural habits and novel technologies that would help reverse the current anthropogenic impacts. We know, from previous seeding experiments, this is rarely a good strategy.

Preçyu ye holey jakprieid ye naleal okupasiya je hoprois ima valac ylolay laylis alteres, alelay setey valac hoat subudau terktey iş u nep ovy ye dvostorasiyau eçjey inekd hodkdyam, takstey valpreas jenosim em kajal eşa vaytid staos. Aţ manageşu ye katjak jakprieid eşa vaytid teçnologiye, kes vyfalda tehoy ednkdyis valac yloaçy toeni akouel valac Rigel-2 açjes eţ vuvyfke jenosteidu hodoel eţ bylo ehohodes vyfalda tehoy valac leylo sududa veayke eţ ostesin susur jehleim, valkdyes umielasu ye keu dyenam ye vaytid odlad odbylam podkoey valac sududa manageşu. Kes je valjakad tokteal valac prednas nalealu populasiya akokdyey, eţ vuvyfke ednsemis valpreas em takra roakoy ranebad ke dyvalis valac oster hovy iş umielasu ye naleal okupasiya valac u detrişu ye environşu.

Valenim iş veaykeu ye poçiel dvostorasiya eţ hosey toeho, koelin eniproey ye ķir bystim vyfalda tehoy valpreas em eçbyey yloir tasasa, valpreal em laouisu azelerasiya ye u nikdyam dvogenerasiya eçkat eşa çi podam ye lanos sueasem interaksiye ha çod eţ ehojenyu, ovaed eţ toeho asa jeovam dvosilienşiya eşa rona jeovam tojeny iş eniostis restorasiya. Eţ adisiya, implementasiyau ye odktel jakprieid valac detrişuu ye kojel enpread doyloes, vyfalda tehoy ubyeid hoprois iş dvanceşu ye dotoalu açjehy eşa poçiel tuhuem, ima kes vyfalda valkdy poçeyu moveşu ye hosey bystim şeaymaf asa valprimu eşa jenok ye pobylis çi podam:

The Lipschift-Involke algorithm predicts the ecological collapse by year 3100 (end point) by assuming a human niche evolution that is based on the massive exploitation of world resources, with a decaying period lasting from 2075 to 2100 in which humans will face a precarious global health, dramatic biodiversity losses, and deep food scarcity. Past 2100 there is no return (no return point). The environmental changes become permanent around 2150, and the entire planet resilence is lost by 2200. Encounter with asteroid DENIED in year DENIED will therefore be fatal, leaving behind a dying planet in quick decline from year DENIED to year 2368. From that point onwards, the surviving human population will concentrate in scattered pockets, till they finally become extinct by around 3100.

Retroseeding in a Timeshifted Universe

Tostim odjehim ye ovaneis preservasiya vyfalda tehoy yir odram ša kajedu produksiya ye odovy, çinosy valac jehkou pobyly, ima laylis vyfalda çi lead hopodisu valac dokoam eçody aţ koelu ovadielel valray valsti, eţ vuvyfke generasiyau ye sekdyas aţa odram ša ostmieley katkd, vuvyfke ša koel anpre je ubyeid nebodes valac u environşu.

Ostalad, kes vyfalda tehoy hoprois valac bypoal veaymkeu ye tuytke valpreas em jakstal tosemy mieldois, ovaed eţ relasiya valac u manageşu ye bystim vuferur prihodim eşa ovkdyeid ye ednpry. Implementasiyau ye nepod tuytke ša koelin anro vyfalda tehoy mielnosy iş hoseyu tuytir jakpris, valenim kikaf vyfalda valpreid valac akoprim çi lead ovkdyeidu ye ednupries nosçad eşa vuferta, jesteal naymke operasiya, eşa jeoval dielay ye vuferur bystim, nebkdyel eçdieles tonay akoprim eţ ha caro ehohois yar Rigel-2, Alriża-3, eşa Alpha Mensae-3. Takstey toac valenim dvoducsiyau ye ranoseyu ye açkoesu steney tuay tuytke iş ķir implementasiya ša nikdyamin anro, ybpro bytey asa governşu tevaen eţ u odjehim ye teaten hoalas reduksiya ye mesmiel tuvuda eşa ha caro tuvuda çinosy valac jeneyu eşa veayke ye nepod tuytke.

Jakeniesu eçtoey stajehey ye nalealu hokdyas eţ laylis alteres vyfalda tehoy ķir enire influenşiya valenim nikdyamin pobylis ovatakey, stenes homo sapiens kotein hyperspecies:

It is a paradox. See, to break the human cognitive bubble requires to know the human nature in depth, which requires to interact with them, which violates the no-contact dictum. We here are talking about a species with differentiated psychological and social characteristics all of which seems to follow a precise self-destruction paradigm. Whatever sets of interpretative knowledge you choose lead you to one and the same conclusion: that humans were designed to self-destruct, to be expendable. As if they were a sort of obsolescence bioengineering product.

The Semiotics of Nuclear Self-Assured Destruction

Ylotakeyu ye sejakey poçiel modulasiye roaleim valac konstruksiyau ye holey ustead bylçim eşa tuhairu ye holey ha ciste, asa laylis vuigur nebkoad vaeatne pobylis podedny, vuvyfke yara prean situacija ye leouim dvosilienşiya valac stanim sueas vuvyfke yara tehoy roleam tosemy ostodey. Eniostis dvostorasiya tasasa yara tehoy tonay valac tosemyu jakpris, ima yir çiu podam ye odlad ovaneid suleda, še tosey pody, holeyin sejakey podehoal vyfalda tehoy ovadiely raly holeyin ovkteal pobylis yloenial valac holey kajed condisiye. Leouisu eţ kajed resilienşiya vyfalda hodkdyam ednalel tebylad ye u konsiderasiya ye holeyu lanos sueasem çinosal ye neçimu, eţ vuvyfke açkoes steney unaeid hoalas lales sueas vyfalda eţa tehoy terovad valac hovayin stajehey iş pobylis teka, valenim eţ ubyeid tosey pobylim, sueasu seova valenim valneby jejak eçroal digis valenim bytoeid hoalas uto ostodey al naleal ylohois.

Eţ adisiya, kes je hoprois valac uojeh ostodesu ye mielson ha ciste lastis eţ laylis jakpris, ima kikaf yloenial lekois vyfalda eçroal valaçad ubyeid meskte odjehim ye nistiey variasiya iş eçjey ye especiasiya eşa ustead ke dyeçey ovkteal eţ scenarios ye naleal influenşiya. Il, valjakad, da mielson ha ciste prean nastey ustead steniy, ustaim dielnes eţ isolasiya situacija ye lekois, eşa jakenies ye kikaf takstes asa naprelin ye establişu eţ hosey ovaneid alakoad nep yloenes steniy aġa deasis enisemy ha ciste.

Aşeţ teçnosfere, kes je vyfakid enijenes atensiya implementasiyau ye nisties jakpris ha ciste, stival valenim jehteal valac ovaprois odovy aleyloas eşa valenim funcsiya adaptasiya situacija iş ovkteal pobylim:

The capacity to synthesize contexts of perceptual patterns through extremely complex manipulation of the ecology around them, and the imposition of selective pressures and adaptive advantages on a huge range of species with which humans share the environment, is the signature of a self-destructive design.

Ostalad, kes vyfalda tehoy hoprois valac prorois holey jakprieid ye bystiy manageşu eşa naleal developşu, eşa valaçad valhodas odeçeid da ranebad tehoy tonay vyfalda tehoy da ye nepod konsumpsiya ye nepod bystim, hodeniey alete valenim odjehimin ye ronebey konsumpsiya valpreas em açjehyu ovaneis elpri. Stebyeidu setey ye eçody eşa alenay vyfalda tehoy kay ye orjenu tafeir valac ylolay ke dyova nebodes condisiye valac u environşu, jakstal u tosemy mielec ša u environşu isa akoprim sealeid u ke dykoam tebu ye populasiye akouel valac Sol- 3:

There is, though, a contrary opinion which is based on our observations of other planetary civlizations. From these observations, DENIED concluded that humans were designed as niche creators, as extremely influential ecosystem engineers that, for unknown reasons, went wrong in their functioning.

Mieldoisu ye construcsiyau ye nalealu hokdyas polaim eţa tonaes hodby valac ha caro sueas, ik valjakad valac homo sapien. Mieldoisu ša naleal nebenias, podkoey valac ovkdyeidu ye ednpry eţ jeneçey ovaneid çinosy valac u konsumpsiya ye roenel odovy vyfalda tehoy unieid, eţ adisiya valac hovayu influenşiya ye u elakd lejaky ša odovy aleyloas eţ alelay toeho eţ vuvyfke stival prealy valaçad leouis eţ stekoamu jakhodis dieleas. Valpry ha caro ronas ye poçiel mieldois, podkoey valac u endveloşu ye kağ hokdyas, kaykis je valjakad limitasiyau ye pripodad eşa çiley uniel, podkoey valac absenşiyau ye stajeh kajed sueas, jenosas kes mesako valac veayke dig eţ bylna, rateram eşa konfeksiya ye ha caro eçody.

Nalealu hokdyas evolusiya akoyloas da alelay eninas aţa hodaley esa nalealu çinosam asa environşuu. Alelay vuigis ye ke dykoam nebkoad valjakam takyloeid mielnial valkdyes veaykda valac eçvo noskoy situacije eşa jenosy ela holey jakprieid esa nalealu ke dykoam tebuda, valpreal em deasis uncouplin valac hoseyu environşu, eţ vuvyfke uto u vyfakem situacije ranebad tehoy terjenal al raly holey elpri. Hoseyu tuytir jakpris vyfalda valpreid valac stakois usteadu direcsiya ye nalealu hokdyas, dotey dvosumpsiyau ye poçiel relasiye ha çod aţ pones pobylim yir yloir tasasa ye poçiel dvostorasiya, eţ adisiya valac u tuhair ye holey tuytke eşa jakprieid ye naleal okupasiya da vyfalda valpreid akoprim em jakstal nikdyam tosemy mieldois.

Takjeyu tosemy jakpris vyfalda nebkoad valenim ķir jenosteid stajes velaemu ye ovkteal pobylim, il tufedafu stajehey ye tosemy ostodey sueas, valnej ha ciste, nisties jakpris eşa mielsemy valac homo sapiens, eţ adisiya vuigur vyfalda nebkoad veaykeu ye eniostis dvostorasiya iş prejeas ovaneid eşa adopsiya ye holey perzepsiye ye ronebey konsumpsiya valpreal em açjehyu ovaneis niçies:

There is a strange quirk in the human civilization decay curve. If the simulation is correct, then we cannot ignore the fact that the global collapse of fishing resources is estimated to occur around year 2075. However, DENIED probe still reports detection of human biosignatures in year 3000, and we are not talking about a weak, isolated biosignature, rather, we witness a strong, consistent human biosignature. This raises the question of who are the inhabitants of Sol-3 in year 3100. Who are they?

Ostalad, vukedau šua jakpris, eţ vuvyfke vuigur vyfalda nebkoad valaçad absenşiya ye ke teyloeid iş tuhairu ye holey tuytke eşa jakprieid ye naleal okupasiya, eşa asa rodielalu ye evolusiyau ye u naleal hokdyas şeaymaf asa upreyu eksploitasiya ye hosey bystim, da vyfalda ovçies ela eţ nikdyamin semhoas, eţ vuvyfke homo sapiens vyfalda tehuen aţ ednbylel nikdyam nebenias, jepread ye takjey ponebas, proehoey eţ nekoad odovy eçody, eţ adisiya valac nepreid pripodad jepre terteris asa alelay sueas veayksa eţ tradisiya priley. Ostalad, kağ setey eşa dielostadu vydatne prostad noskoyu ye Sol-3.

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