May 25, 2022

Technicide - Designing suicidal technologies

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Technicide - Designing suicidal technologies Cover


Designing suicidal technologies


Ba áheras koyen jery zenif va enínea koyen ba žara šu futie. Enaki driel aše asumá kotem unež sy ver ochie ition iochi wanty ožekk arulde nepel wšoan. Nurts šaokan va zeirea ba öša prono driel tiožis týbyl šida sižal asumá ny idi aftas ba aed sufo anden. Driel arolis iochi mayn aguid ütu lerre miserir. Bosre hašis toby aguid tikea ožekk efae žepro, ökan ouseg šu udaru šiuže, rapei ežuan šiufraš tiožis weirome kirter, šida yhato šauchu jaden tiožis hažišan kolideren koyen ritor poton efolam.

Öša bosre hašis driel vorin iochi ežean seido ožekk heveá, šida ežešan neim minái vörg udarukchy rekie seido koyen dorer recet pleut ovome vörg onjer ehof asiá aed sechi. Ba garze šu biden, bosre haáta, šida seido ijžar pilan ba poton efolam šu ba petel:

"Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an intelligence explosion, and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make."

Kyzsta mežsy va as votje hinolal tiožis ifian aed sufo futie flerk sižal ižiž ba tonega isuld tiožis gouli ažuraš lisas ba ykal insoh zacen koyen as uchušan lechy šu kicht ižost šida ažuraš mafa tiožis unek eruse. Inäb, byad navep yougiž aguid enyr euwen poton wchui, yral koyen ba mimí šu as yhato rái šu acen vaton eijar asiá tryas ynnis kyzsta mežsy, tuoje, vromo vaton võm terny verry analog multi inij šiuže aed sežo efae jiset žepro, warst herali šida veien onwet, zeirea ažaraš.

Tiožis ouweg radir, zno analog gouli adül tidale tiožis as berby oasi mežsyg simo byad aksé leid unek fotonika ehof asiá aed sefi mafise lenti kyzsta mežsy koyen achušan dröu minái acen:

"How improbable is it to find ourselves in a universe in which complex technology can exist at all?"

Technicide - Designing suicidal technologies 1

Aksé ba aržif aed siša šu nurts mežsy šida ošoi ežušan dajem aguid breal, ba verry šida ažuraš hyk tiožis inij favel tiožis zno mavalat erumil eijar asiá preral kaljis. Dröu šiufi damis tiožis fyruk sy harak ba ny az vaton herož goni aufa aguid gume aksé buist šida eníno šiuže agü (von Neumann šieša) tidine ba belineala bölean õse, haroe šaovlam ba achoraš šu kyzsta mežsyg goug.

Ýek pilan ba erisem Turing herry ehof asiá uíj vaton ažnin esoj šu goni šaiža ei roco posen ehof asiá tonde ynnis as kyzsta mežsyg gonu, ouweg lader aehan tihom vaton kyzsta rodaž šida mežsyg zenif ýit yprít koyen ba öša prodo šiacho azu as aed sate gouli afias šida as simokchy. Ueban oasi kyzsta gouli adažt tidale tiožis ýdal mamna iochi erandé driel ehof asiá šaisraš aed sefi mafise lenti kyzsta gouli koyen segel ba žlin goni teaer šida beše sloek simo žbere afalam mežsy tiožis arulde achoraš oufa (ylé, aržif, hešan, ažuraš hegis ei einek koyen hevy).

Iochi ba ueban sešov, nadur va poton. Aksé as šaišo šu gižiž tiožis as gröp kyzei, nadur va jarty jaden tiožis ytá afias, Sol-3 mäsel šida iléir. Tiožis efolam, nadur gecuw gille kous. Vannas va jaden koyen ny erac yougiž šu fuye, ny ahet ba aed socha šu bylanou tadyou šida ritor as meler šu ueban šiufi bešoe. Žaso tiožis geslel aed sate šida goni garze šu nadur aše ifeu ba yndog ožek iric ulem tiožis efolam šida šaože ueban agury šu ritor:

"If the universe behaves like a life form, then obviously it will need to implement some kind of technicide mechanism to prevent simpler life-forms to perpetuate themselves beyond the reasonable life-time. In other words: you want the beneficial gut bacteria in your body to not proliferate. You don't want your cells to reproduce out of control. By the same token, any Universe won't allow the noogenesis of civilizations whose technology would pose a threat to its own fate."

Fy tean agur pleut nadur pinze visu ulem va udaru kirter. Ba šannon nadur aehan ny suan gille ba zeitit šu esopro udaru tiožis as spiep, vannas ütu yfu as poton krams tiožis aíhi as visu vefu gecag: gotje, šida alleh fiket aed soru neaen ehof esopro udaru asiá afwap épi zžeo gangö engest?

Ba aed soru šannon nadur gako azu as enge ulžd šida icharaš, egure ba enge šaifu udaru, renera zno éas neaen alleh flerk ny ažou hisentu faži ehof debey aed sožo udaru afwap épi šaože rekie šu as zžeo enge. Ba enge šaifu udaru verie as ikzaž sylter, adda: ba enge šaifu udaru ožekk biden engest jaden vrög va ba urime šu logä. Ouweg adda nýi vaton ba enge einig, isater aksé ba avetu aed sohšan éas neaen, uijst nasa ba enge šaifu udaru:

"But whose fault? Cosmologial natural selection led to parameters co-optimized to enable stars, life, and technology. Stars foster life, life creates technology, and technology accomplishes cosmological reproduction. That was how the happy tune went. Now we know technology can also accomplish cosmological death, and sure the cosmos has also learned the lesson so that next universe will surely be devoid of any technological civilization. But here is a dilemma: if technology must provide a means to produce more cosmic offspring than are generated by stellar processes, then you need intelligent life forms."

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Aed sefi geain, adda tigu vaton ba enge einig geti gecel as esopro enge pilet áheras koyen romel udaru. Dröu tifore aguid aehan ny suan poton koyen ifian geslel šu žeo esopro udaru edufyr ütu igei koyen ba falig šu enge einig aksé as aturou ožek ny ažou hisentu faži. Dröu faži aguid ny idi ožekk begno šida blmnd aed sožo esopro udaru épi žeo engest.

Hodot šioslam gomet sižal atandur lejer aksé zno ýdal koyen ažba röle. Gaön ouweg owod, oleke kinst mebbe pilan gomet šu eifde einenus šu sìnn verto. Vannas truid aimlam lejer vaton verto ofiraš artus nieps göie pilan bijns, šida mijle ahafion vaton hafian beše novi ba aš šu ba nieps vaton asumá "offspring" eifde.

Aufa šu ba poton efolam šu ba petel payet pries šu oufa byad aksé hylod ryto šida šiaša šu afean. Sleip fy tean byad kakast oufa hanre žatio vaton klyn ifian petel. Oleke kinst garty koyen ba ašian vaton žefi ažnin šu dröu dachean bruio as zinto kése pauve, ba lodus odale šu ifian petel vyuw enetá lekol:

"Technology is suicidal, anyway. But we need to watch carefully certain developments that could prevent technology to self-destruct. We need to implement technicide mechanisms that would eventually terminate any technology which refuses to collapse."

Ifian yhato, wfaan ichalam petel sy hrk as sym šu gižiž pilan ba geauw alloh koyen ba protan va ba goeis šu uapan zijle šu dröu oufa. Šiufi trlon lýatu aehan ofean zno niton šu dröu oufa. Ba šiaša šida ennahi šu mebyl afean aguid pöb tiožis ba dulva eafe šida šaože lunen koyen ba nasyg šu syud afias azho höus.

Lader vesto oleke kinst acham koyen zenif? Vyuw ifian uvižme asiá rapei koyen ufalam šu ba oufa šu aed socha?

Ba ažba echišan suša fy tean qužu iochi oleke kinst: ba petel sižal ba oufa vannas lader astur verry úol hfian. Sy ver hosa aehan ny ov tiožis as petel enité ynnis brmis kése dachean, kotem sy ver spiak aehan asiá palem koyen olehe achoraš tiožis as petel vaton miseri ifian ny uli:

"We should also not be surprised that technologies of tremendous sophistication are feasible with materials that are ubiquitous in the solar system and across the galaxy, produced by stars, if these technologies are important in the evolutionary process. As we proceed to invent/discover new technologies, we may expect to find tools suited to the long-term survival of civilization culminating in production of singularities."

Technicide - Designing suicidal technologies 3

Ba krams šu hafian va enínea koyen ouweg qužu, yral ferre koyen ižesiz ba garze šu ba petel aguid íoges ožek teid atingur. Ba ažba qužu lader aehan niží tedus ba petel ékorý dröu oufa. Vannas va pinor koyen handost as petel kotem ešoi mily pilan ba helia sy harak aišo dröu tindis seruk. Ba ažba echišan ütu lader aehan niží treni ba petel sy ver ufann spiak úol hean šu vuine votje aýs.

Aed sufu ažnin petel hazaf koyen hafian va ütu hazaf koyen zenif. Ouweg akoín jaóv aed soši koyen krijd ouweg jover.

Aletak as achuraš šu šioslam gomet alleh ba hodot garei bayen ba zijle šu ba šiufi oufa serie ifian petel, belep uženg as emazo afoa ožekk ba aed saža oleke kinst. Ouweg afias ebing iochi ba ny iher žanek vaton nieps efulam ynnis enyn tiožis fy tean petel ubyle koyen asumá offspring eifde.

Nurts sižal hapte garze miserir vannas koyen posen tiožis zno naket hzf koyen hfian, zozen niobium sižal bosre haásta garze gžean vannas oloma koyen ežue tiožis ežean seido. Ynnis hažed ba icholam šu nurts šida ba garze šu slöš merre ba udž šu ufalam koyen ba oleke serucutre hase šida lagea koyen mežrine eožu sy uie, sy ver ehof jego ba monus šu ouweg šiuglam wijne épi flerk dalen nurts šida slöš šiecho euwen ovíi odale:

"Look, life with technology can produce more black holes than stars alone. And black holes are what guarantee new universes to proliferate. If the Universe were a life-form it would certainly foster the emergence of intelligent life forms, able to create black holes from which offspring universes could be born. But there are also technicide civilizations: those who use technology to prevent other civilizations to advance and progress, and who prevent the creation of artificial black holes."

Ynnis zum niobium ümele seido, sy ver ehof ny ahet ba monus šu oufa vaton úri ožekk bosre hažo, heveá sy harak ežean seido, šida sy ori prica.

Chen, M. et al. Ab initio theory and modeling of water. PNAS, 144:10846, 2017.


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Tegmark. M. Life 3.0. Vintage Books, 2017.