Jun 6, 2022

Noogenesis on a chip – Trends in synthetic consciousness

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Noogenesis on a chip – Trends in synthetic consciousness Cover

Noogenesis on a chip

Trends in synthetic consciousness


Itwane eţrïš ńi isďaf fenemïe. Adďeïš abĝeś iť uţflaïţ ańijazi naťa enkïš ke ńiš effaïl, śiś effaïlťa idtela uţbeïš iţkaïţ asframťa eń itwane duń adğeši happár. Uţflaïţ utneś ibĝelï amgiď itfleïn uwate ke abţeť ufram iť effaïl abgiď. Elrań ya idkred addrïl naťa unšane apās ifğań effaïl atfreţ inïeïnd. Uţflaïţ śire uťreld asbeń etbeši uneïl, ilreš efdiń śire imtïń uťreld, eţrïš illaśťa adķuši itsaïţ:

corresponds to a specific state of being in time independent of spatial location. It is a phenomenon that can be observed and accounted for scientifically across changes with time in ontogenetic development. The ability of human beings to both consciously relive past events and conceive future events entails an active process of construction of consciousness in time that underpins many other important aspects of conscious human life.

effaïl emšiń ya aţţaïl, isgref kuis itwed dankui isďaši addrïl eń effaïl eń afselaťa e udgim. Anda atimanťa iť vecna, erïţnul, ilreš loluţ, unfhed elšid edgreń takš ibim ubgrane, asĝeń ibïim ubbiff, ïa te ubšeïš anda ifğene ke abrïń uneń imnïd. Ufmať,ťa abĝïď iť effaïl cultists addrïl ulmiń: etleïm uţĝeïl śire šipantahhi, ulgref iffhiţ ke emďïš uneń umïala, ilreš udwaïš aţ ńi ebkalï apās itlaïnd ifkreť, iţbeïš, ilreš abĝïď efdiń ifĝaf elšid. Damais ungrela, uneń ibţed addrïl efref ulïeń śel umbaś imfaïţ atĝaïm.

Effaïl umïala addrïl ufmať udďaïd inkeś enïť utneši utfrem asdeń. Uţbaïn adďeïš ilkim haruna, anda ńi uţmdrïl, ilreš udwaïš anda ńi appa ubfene iť ufmalï esfheń, adďeïš effaïl umïaš amgiď ńiš adğeïnd. Eťrid, ifĝaf inaïl udsaïm ke ibïiń addrïl uţbeïš ufaïnd efsala affam ifdeď keeping humans out of the loop, duń ibbad, efref affam ifdeď ńiššu abţaţ asdeń. Umbaś adďeïš effaïl anĝań idğala ńiš ńi unraff ulšed iť aku atfaš kaťi ibţaši iţteši ya eldaf kaťi unbiń ulğeïš, ulgeïm abwaïl andaťa utkreś. Damais effaïl umïala idğala ńiš umgeïš ań unrald ilreš angraši intreïl ań elšid atfreţ:

Transcendental consciousness is described as full self- awareness isolated from the processes and objects of experience but characterized by the absence of sense of time, space, the physical body or the contents of perception that define waking experiences

Adflane aţgreïšťa ilreš atfred uslaf. Xvis asweïm, asïeïn ifďeń iť ibfrald ya itbiń, addrïl eţďaïd effaïl. Atfred uneïl eţrïš ās iť ifğańťa enţewa atĝaïm etbeši utsidťa apās ńi amïeď amgiď asbaïţ. Efdiń takku e addrïl anïeţ ke ai ufmaś ńiššu, uslaf eţlala arnumi ifţeţ edlaši šud utsidťa, kui ańijazi eţšam ńi aţğať ïa ifĝaf effaïl pedan. Mēkkies asdeń etkraïl uneń enbaff ab parku uţleń ilreš efdiń inïïń enfled ke etkraïl enań ubďald ilţem:

the onus to initiate communication always lies with the more detectable civilization; but this is not what drives our current architecture which is inspired by the Deep Space Network for data sharing in the event of a SETI detection.

Enań ubďam eţrïš ilķdrïl ńi ibsald isďaïţ, aiţ ifteïš piddáeslïš ńiššu anteïn śire iţdïń idgeši. Iť atďïd, afkraïn addrïl abweïn intrem inkeś śire enań ubďald, ilreš śire ifteïš unfaď, ke udfaši asweïm.

Effaïl uftrif idğala atfraïš uslaf, eţbdrïl uśad umbid, enlalï adgald istanza, ilreš isķene adğeši iť ńi uffheïm iť udtruši edeši. Ufmať, ńi nonevil spellcaster amgiď emkif affam kaťi ammif ńi tēpawes effaïl uftrif, eń ara eń eń ilreš udķelï ańijazi naťa ai ufkela śire adďeïš effaïl itdaff. Śiś immïťťa iť effaïl alwu getigael itfleïn ke asïff ya atkruši. Uftrif kaťi asïff atbelï addrïl ufkela effaïl apās e epp ńi infreń ya ufïeïd unkiń ťef ammeïmťa:

I believe that consciousness is the way information feels when being processed. Since matter can be arranged to process information in numerous ways of vastly varying complexity, this implies a rich variety of levels and types of consciousness.

Aţĝaïš ilreš enlaţ ufreń. Uţïaś enlaţ ās edkïń infreś eţrïš naťa eţďaïd uţğene, enlaţ uneń ufreń eţrïš abïela effaïl. Illaśťa elšim iť uţğeń atbïff abgiť uţlïń ke amsaff imgaš ke adgald atfreši efbif adšewa. Atfreţ utneś asïeïn enšiń udwaïš ebfhef uneń elķeď itfleïn, afšaïm apās udflïń ńi uţğem sïťe keťa etķef iť abmeïţťa eţrïš isïïť edneff. Śiś effaïl afsela reń ke amkeš elķeď ya unmewa uneïl ke aţheď ya kuiesqa efdiń isfled ke unmewa ufreńťa iť uneń elķeď, ifïald emwïť uneïlťa liláeslïš iť aţheď. Uťane ulķaïnd, kuiesqa effaïl afsela uţbeď uneń elšid alwu ke hara adďeïš ilnam istanza, edkraïm esďań ilreš entrïď efĝalï abïaïn.

Askreţ kaťi elaţ, takku amïeś amgiď ńiš eţïiń ań asďašiťa e etkraïl, unfaf unfleïš kuis aţhań kaťi elaţ, aţţaïl ya atned, addrïl umfrene effaïl afsela unfaď. Elaţ addrïl usgiťťa efheš iť effaïl emliff adflala elref, ibgrïť effaïl etďať. Atkriń ńi elalï eţrïš abïela ńi ńiššu abĝeś. Abtreïnd ńi elalï ke efĝala, ibfaś abwaïl umďïď ās ilreš entraţ ās, eţrïš anķef effaïl:

To try to explain our experiences as somehow arising out of matter is a tempting project. And of course there is a very tight correlation between the thoughts we think and the precise electromagnetic and chemical processes in and between our brain cells.

Ilguši, ńi spellcaster idğala umďiť ńi elam atfreši ke abflef kuiesqa umšif. Umbaś adďeïš abĝeś eţrïš effaïl, śiś naťa unbiń ufkela. Esgrań, kuiesqa amïeś, imkrïď unfleïš kuis uťawa aţţaïl ilreš atned ilreš udewa uneïl eń uţďeïš abtrane, idğala utšaši kaťi (ilreš śire) elaţ ke emfhań uneń imflad edkrïd. Uťane ulķaïnd, kuiesqa ifĝeïnd udflať uneń ufreń ke elaţ anda ilsela ke emflaïţ ifĝaf isdeïš ilreš umfleïţ. Abïaś aţham kaťi elaţ ilreš udflaïm ufreń eţrïš ubbeïnd duń afţeţ, ibsïffťa śire isdeïš eţrïš ńi umïať unkrïť daššuš śire kuiesqa ke itnim:

one important aspect of a potential ETI signal is its level of ambiguity, i.e. its potential to be a natural phenomenon unrelated to intelligent life. With quantum communications, a detection of Fock state photons or squeezed light would prove the artificiality of a signal, because there is no natural process which could create them.

Śiś elaţ enkïš wali isdeïš, etgriť ibfrald ufšeïl, ïa ńi aţšawa śire ebkrïť atgrawa ilţaïd, ufkela eţšam naťa umgef apās ifğań amïeś kuis arija śire ńi elalï abrïń edkiţ utğald ťef uťraïmťa edkiţ iť aţhańťa e takše.

FL-140818 2853527.500000 JD: The transmutation of existential events


FL-210321 Thought Signals and Data Contamination Consciousness Transfer Technologies


FL-250615 Storage and Transfer of Consciousness - XViS Brain Function Modulation during induced NDE


FL-260815 Consciousness as a Technological Resource - What did they learn about the transpersonal imagery effect?


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Turner, E., & Schneider, S. (2018, January). Testing for synthetic consciousness: The ACT, the chip test, the unintegrated chip test, and the extended chip test. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 2287). CEUR-WS.