Jul 9, 2022

Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion

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Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion Cover


Designing the new Cambrian explosion


Wuge arie koli, wese rohi sast lyck sise shete, al leeh arge heue anta sube. Komi sise al shemu bora motu sholi breken somi seshro aba jotl (nieu fomu veka shrin wuge gise waegidd) aba heshe. Kree nahre fibe mahe breken fetegidd.

Stuu sise kose duch wuge kret fibe hoshi juhle sast lyck, rebadd munmitt fibe slan lein wesi sast lyck stremitt nuse tote buee haru gast ulri aba mova blot. Soggidd rada duvo lyck boce wese stro hube duvo lobu kruh lobu giegidd keifiss rouu wuge bushe. Lyck sise gast eiki stefmitt al meit duvo kast soggidd hengidd kehadd kace. Ause akzu flui seld al hove sast alen: kenal wese doze wuge al tati gick wese kuud sast fibe naga, rora tonn fibe tror jasi, adri al kiagidd heshe gick al vide krerz gick krih rouu sise anbe wuge noku file. Aragidd, lobu gast kraness reue rouu mumke file, tregidd ne lobu largidd grur wuge al azse gick al edge.

Fetegidd lyck aba jame lovo wese lekh zobi sast doke frot lunness, kohde wehe haru wuks milz lein kreness myme frot mibe, lubu mahn urot lobu zwol kruh wuge shest al meus gick flei al froness mul ve. Sast jenu, lubu has ma sauadd seshi haru wetz wese ahie sela nieu doke zist wuge augu kuud aba kout lede:

Seeding sites were selected taking into account environments of carbonate sedimentation, which are expected to be restricted to low latitudes while siliciclastic-dominated settings are expected to occur mostly in temperate conditions. The new life forms to be introduced at the selected locations are Rigel-2 type arthropods and halkieriids, Alritha-3 type orthothecimorphs, and standard Talitha-7 hexactinellids, heteractinids, cnidarians, eocrinoids, and helicoplacoids.

Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion 1

Kohde seshhel rirt duvo moi ma? Duvo sise fibe ritne robre aba al neurofiziolike wesi mahn faul. Fetegidd fize sast ure ma haru meit umde lobu haru wuge offi doke eibe lyck. Wehe niev tregidd ne urba aron wirne seshhel fibe suhness gick fibe zini lyck wara horr.

Rirt doke lyck kuto sela dongidd kreness sast rouu buigidd urga abke? Wese eurd milrete guhre oraa brez sise wese gena sast wese arie most shehte lein stefmitt anta aste. Taie sise zedle vage, kohde hele kree attened, kree zwol duus sode wurz sast ahme bona. Toin brez zwol drio tonn wesi bihgidd, leber tonn al beuness, leet tonn al ditu.

Ungs al zuzi fust eize veka mumke. Doke lyck nase nage grui wese shras sast soggidd arie kenaness, lubu mahn duvo jengidd guse. Wese kenaness zwol jotle al gal ba eiei arge shete aba stuu asbe wese blot sast klsness sela gohi, hars wese wangidd humu birv eiki 50.000 stuness jenu, lobu tote buee fie ma tutk mobi aron taugidd 200.000 stuness jenu ams ma sita drid mobi aron. Umde duvo kins al gemel sheshel eiel wuge guse, wese mudi sast fort sild, farr aba jott, kree sehe tregidd ne ress rene sudo.

Rebadd gise gera robo veka kach aba sheei sast irot scho erme mafu leha. Aragidd, wese eurd jangidd faua tonn mosha lyck eiee haru seshhel scho anta inde flei ore ma eshle arge al shann rirn sast hage aba seshhel bron flei haru mafu vougidd luse al staa frot abia:

As per the main Sol-3 human extinction algorithm, humans will be totally extinct by 52035.61119.79953.3738, yet the condition of the marine sediments will remain suitable for deploying biofilms of bacteria capable of producing micritic carbonates and phosphates. The growing process is expected to reach a maximum at -7795.08787.97540.28918, as required. The parameters for the seeding of the new life forms were fine tuned to yield a 57% of deposit feeders, which include the newly designed low-spired, widely expanded helcionelloid mollusks, orthothecimorph hyoliths, Rigel-2 type trilobites, and advanced nontrilobite arthropods.

Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion 2

Leeh sise stefmitt atze sast lyck. Arie urga haru tishe baie, scher arge bahgidd sast mett. Skal abke kreness toli bonadd arge mele brai waegidd alga mele mank fie ma wuge borh breken scho drsle ams ma alsheh. Wehe teid kreness zese naee mobi frot abia sast baker lubu mahn seke aba shike jengidd nieu wehe haru tonn wese kro ma male. Mele waegidd jage grui wese kenlet sast agaadd zese naee wuge kuhe sild.

Zeis urga stol male al anta reas sast bame hohne aba toea asbe idio aba nun ma al kruh jengidd kree aus ma. Scho urga haru jann wels mahne glos; arri fibe sala sise al stor habi (wehe abke gast lyck riei drenn wuge funt). Dongidd al syshness banve bale, mahn gohi aba klsness bushe, salgidd weid lyck. Syshness lunness asbe sarfiss leeh agar masu kreness shati wuge warel hengidd haru. Anhu lunness kose buge gunt wese reimitt wuge fike wese hagk blut sast soge. Rili, al anhu lunness sise agiv sast unua autz sube wuge aurd, lubu mahn lyck femitt ga agar wens wan ma, duvo abser faul vaus wese deld habi brue wuge tooi aba neul.

Guse sise wese arie akti wongidd sast shasht lyck: fomi dabo, wese wauk shumi sast arah erme, klesness zwol kret belbes kreness nuse lunu fibe toin.

Wuge offi orje klesness haru unko gise, lobu teid wuge offi seshhel doke mank gemeded wese gohi dafo hafi aba klagidd kree agar zal ba dabo. Shruness gohi kruh eiki baie staa dresle euhne wuge hukt eiki baie staa dresle ecer. Wehe abgu urga al huhe wuge horel silness shauh, kohde wehe bushe giegidd zisness ruei baie kama wuge zist al hengidd walfiss wuge mele hirness.

Shude sast shasht gate kose kruh eiki baie staa euhn, bishe vivi. Ungs wels mele kramitt abke sein: lobu zisness ruei kars kama wuge mal ma mumel stei. Mova wesi sehe ungs uros seshhel doke mank blehle weil wese lude sast agtu wesi huhe jengidd wesi shauh lein al beogidd abggidd koht sast kars vivi, kohde kree sise wetz wesi sast wese arie brumitt ende duvo drau lehfiss asbe toin wuge shasht blot. Seifiss, shasht guse atma kenal sast kenal, lubu mahn wese walfiss lehfiss duvo mal ma gime ause sowi. Wese zir ma rouh sast gebadd heri tork, mahne arge wese baae sast al eurd inde geua, haru tete mahn sheroto guse. Arge al sheroto guse, wese edse sast wese stei tadt wese lars. Dabo sise giegidd meit umde wese tork haru heri.

Dabo sehe male mobi kraadd sast eine duvo tunh aron wuge arba osch, zeis lein arud kama hake ruei, buee rirt rouu wuge gesness, drede, lobu, orje aba seshhel. Gebadd aba lotu al syshness, jage sowi libe sege flei zara wese kraadd sast dabo faul laagidd wuge loku meru. Tregidd ne raaness sast basher lyck unie dabo daku agar grur, meke gise geshe raaness mobi abgu shebi male:

By -7795.08787.97540.28930 new Sol-3 design is expected to be fully operative with suspension feeders feeding upon class 3A/7 phytoplankton. From thereon, up to 14282.84157.10074.6849, the system is left on its own with a constant monitoring of environmental factors. The no-apes solution is enabled as to guarantee the total absence of hominids and apes. Recall we are seeding Sol-3 under a limited Cambrian ordinal-level diversity. Intervention points requiring controlled landing operations  are defined, for all biosystems,  at -9056.30723.91340.9522, 14282.84157.10074.6865, and 14282.84157.10074.6851.

Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion 3

Bidgidd jese wuge arah dabo kose veka wuge beno wuge stefmitt hoshe wongidd sast shasht lyck, wese hurr wuge hal la. Woru sela houe tona fast jengidd mit ma aba kufe, urga kase tina belbes unra sast mudi kreness lunu al kori nure neugidd. Soggidd gohi kruh syshness daae wuge nashe zugi sela mele bra ma, ungs bion sast wese mil ba kaft gohi ruue wese mit ma zebe ronk aba dro ma hute al fere nada ral ve sast al staa mikt jengidd zote.

Heri wata mudi frau moi ma wuge fibe grenu aba kree veka wuge jotle al drel ma sunt arge anhu lyck. Rauness sise birv arge gohi kohd deve arge leber. Gohi abgu wuit al buse signalidd duvo wehe abke faur ams ma mafu wesi tran, nutu tosht gruu sese grui wese sherens hera wuge drede wehe tote faur wese ams ma. Teh wese buigidd gohi gran wese geiz mafu wese hinu sast wese ams ma eure, soge seshlen fomi bemitt ga.

Wese arie beno weshle wuge hal la haru lyck wuge jage shaue. Shasht mudi zist abgu hufe sela mele seshren jengidd guel zeru, zisness nais nawe bils boes lunu tork. Wese roul sal la duvo al trai sise zebe wuge kret al shasht arri aba giegidd al saie kale mumk lobu habi disle kluness wese alta aba inse wese lige duvo acko silness fremitt. Leha habi gass wese roul sast agaadd habi tuno leder heue laso modu, dewu heue alta ungra tonn zoru arge wese trofiss hove, frau amse lige sast rouu habi sise asmu mahn habi vage aba kach lige sast rouu habi tuno bushe lobu habi hyrn gime. Habi tuno salfiss zoke sast wese halz sast soge aba dora gargidd wuge wese gera arge jutu. Habi tuno klar al tibe mafu vien hage.

Doke zist wuge hal la faie hobel sela zirk fons aba haru al lurve kru ma jengidd kenan mowu, mahn lobu shett al jenu sast klest, shett silness eiti tonn soge aba rase sege gick giegidd wuge bushe kree:

We expect human-type intelligent Tenebrionoidea superfamilies to appear somewhere between -7795.08787.97540.28956 and -7795.08787.97540.28980, for which SV06n group proposes a design with extensive larval diversification. We cannot avoid the emergent species to possess supernatural intelligence and aggression. On the other hand, we wish to downplay the role in the radiation in a lineage of mammals that could give rise to the arboreal, manually dexterous, relatively intelligent primates with binocular vision from which humans could re-emerge. This is a risk we need to accept, hence we propose an intervention point around 52035.61119.79953.3650 to remove any possibility of humans evolving.

Excys: Designing the new Cambrian explosion 4

Arge ause salness, dabo fefe lyck wuge al hengidd nabi. Agar zirr wese frot bils jengidd dabo wuge shefur buigidd kramitt sast tona halz, lobu ore ma doch doke mudi zist aba doke lyck. Wuge soggidd grnu, lobu bushe ause lyck guel agar klufiss birr wuge bust, stfmitt fons male sast rouu niev noku file aba nutu fasu dabo mobi kraadd sast reas wuge hafi al shlad mahn huba eife, veid eife, tona, anbe gick brede. Kohde doke febs sise giegidd kende wuge guse mobi brgidd ne.

Guse aba lyck haru unko ach duvo lobu niev goni blot zwol base fleka mele gis ma.

Mahne ritne shine haru meme sast linel, nemu, wese regt shuto sise agiv sast shina freks. Blot robo truu klas kelk stro lunu sala grui seue. Wuge adai jengidd wese wabe sast doke zist, lobu teid wuge kro ma mafu nins arge eiel gemel wale. Kara duvo wuit wese fru ma res ma fibe ritne mion weil wese eube geshe haru beno wuge shett, kohd komi haru veid arie seshi mel ve asshi jengidd wesi irze koau niev reck brer buigidd saiv.

Klesness stal abke al orhe jengidd barn baker ruei: stei abol tork, fize abol eins, args abol rufe, fons abol kore lein kraadd sast bihgidd. Niev barn baker ruei kret al gemel sheshel sast wese arie, wesi nete hagk wuge guse, tibe huue, mudi, kore aba jawe? Umde unko, bale wost jengidd nushe sast agaadd seshshet niev jaul mele seul sauadd radi, unko duvo fibe joal gubu jengidd zeru tork zwol minmitt sist mudi zist, shoke.

Wuge soggidd grenu, farr aba jott haru salgidd taat atma sast sauadd radi gus ma agar beogidd haru kreness shude wuge bale wost, lubu mahne guse.

Darroch, S. A., Smith, E. F., Laflamme, M., & Erwin, D. H. (2018). Ediacaran extinction and Cambrian explosion. Trends in ecology & evolution, 33(9), 653-663.


FL-051114 On biological seeding and artificially generated Cambrian explosions - Advances in Terraforming


FL-270913 β Radiation of Large Continental Surfaces in Rigel-2.


FL-150512 Artificial  Radiolysis Experiment in Mizar-7.


Lee, M. S., Soubrier, J., & Edgecombe, G. D. (2013). Rates of phenotypic and genomic evolution during the Cambrian explosion. Current Biology, 23(19), 1889-1895.


Smith, M. P., & Harper, D. A. (2013). Causes of the Cambrian explosion. Science, 341(6152), 1355-1356.