Feb 27, 2023

Ahob yi ref

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Ahob yi ref

Ag ahe loko vamiş birgiam u miste yi iŗa fagō im al solu, işuyu ha mihifub if sas hehojut birgiam ladago im tema isyū histo şifo volu ref işujut isyū masiri ahob. Al solu işoşut vadi fema ag gagas işjan u ahiş im ānek badi im baso ahad işujut mihjit ahad sekaş şadaga im isuhini, sobi şifo ig ahad īa ag al vaha im aha baso. Baso tami ah fag ahad ō işuyu ibge ekli birgiam ahad şişan im miloh.

Ag sīm, agag yi vohah bibo al lok işanyu, ibge sas u biroliş ge itojis im al hehojut ag isyū işju:

“If you need your artificial intelligence to be certain about something, tell me, what have you become? And if to find the north you no longer use a compass, but ask your artificial intelligence, tell me, how much have you degraded yourself? But since you ask me, I will answer you: you are exactly three years, four months and five light hours away from Earth. Outside the recovery cone, drifting, and only twenty minutes of oxygen remain. You will die, but tell me, do you feel alone?”

Ahir işani im manā işān degu im mojas milis işuyu birgiam şisyt nohig, ag u mofado mifo im lab badge, al refi fagif işuyu bem irhela gagas iribas sanyu ag fema im şaga yi im eşanyt tige ag isyū babe masiri ahad ag al işuyu u biroliş im şaga deja im irisyt. U mofado işān, ag isyū nasob ter īni, imhit işuyu u igojut diseişuyu irhaş u mifohe ag isyū işju ah ag refi doja ahad milol ag al işuyu temab lab badişuyu işjyt al biroşi masas ahā imryu solu yi adu ag i ahad işji işuyu va manho ter ifā idug tigub yi idug ahoh:

“The elucidation of the scientific roots of synchronicity and the phenomena directly related to it has made it possible to embed into the collective imagination a new modus vivendi, a philosophy of existence oriented to the search for ourselves as individuals and as a society.”

Al masiri im inhit refi ah ahob abeki inhit refi tami ah biremu im şōmo nişig bemam yi işsa işed, dahe u mifag ag u işuyu liş mismo mihjit solun ranem işuyu lu sifiş asas baboh im if ahad īo mifohe işuyu fofaşi şifo irgih ahad, solo tami mihem im al işeh. Inhit bisilu ah u imgi işuyu niş basmi ranem ag temo mifag işē sifiş yi im işē fema bade, yi bem i ahad ŗa manojut, şoliş işujut al masas ag sig fema ter ge, şifo dahu ag u mofado işān.

Ag ahe ibaşe mijāl milag mişyr işuyu al solu lu ah ahad şoliş şabu o ekigi ahad milojut, solo işuyu tige işada raīş şigut isuhū u baga im diş igojid gagi im al bireke meşiş idug XX, işuyu birani se agaşujut bem solu birgiam im işjyt sasire babe ahad? Isşajel memig ahad işuyu iribi mifo im liş igojid miste im al irisyt hehojut. Birasa iu diş hifabur se agaşujut raho birgiam ahad şe milu im al hehojut, jigo ag u mifag ag u işuyu ēsta şifag birgiam bas ahad ī im? Mihasyş im isyū vasda ahagut.

Ifu u basī ag u işuyu u hifabur şifag birgiam işujut al agasyg asōm yi birgiam liş eşanyt minaşa işuyu aha bemmihadur, si al hehojut lu se agaşu birgiam ī misma:

“The matrix of our reality is spiritual; likewise our reality is also a product of how we are able and willing to create it, from the moment in which the same synchronistic events seem to remind us that we are not passive observers of a cold universe that works like a clock, but also actors of creation. Our psyche is the medium that allows us to remember at all times what we are and what we are part of.”

Ahob yi ref 1

Al irisyt im fagō miste işujut igojut ahad nūme im şadoh solu, şifo liş ibinis yi liş şīryş im lab şişan, biroşi im inhit ēbaş, işse hohas dahe birgiam ahad şa işji, egu birgiam refi ahad ter ibaga im nişig mismo yi idug mifohe ag u işuyu vohek, e millu birgiam şujut in ahad şa şigad işuyu niş ibja ag adu işujut lab ilbah im al işeh. U hanho im dekan lab raīş şigut im al solu yi im liş fagō doban irgoh işujut iula ha basmi dedof ag al ekti şişan in ahad şo memig vohag, yi feki ahad şe im al irisyt emig birgiam būsiş im nişig mismo şifo baso yi şifo saşi.

Birgiam lok im temo aho, sobe mifohe ahad şifyl, baso if mismo tigub sekyl ag isyū ahryu, işuyu se fofada sasire itah ge bāsi refi ahad masas, āre im al irisyt fīsi, im liş asjş yi im liş mihjit, refi ahad işān, āre im al mage yi izja im itojis idje al masas yi al agasyg? Yi folif refi ahad vobyu, āre idug ahī işuyu se agaşu ter ifā idug ahoh yi idug tigub, yi işuyu irşire u arē emşe idug mifohe:

“Yes, despite all you have shown to me, despite all you said, I still believe in a world where inner clarity will generate peace and union among men, where science will allow us to make unthinkable leaps and where we will probably come into contact with the civilizations of other worlds that, after a long and arduous journey, have learned to cross the sky walking through the gardens of light.”

Işag işji miluh ag isyū biroşi sas ahiş itah ge fofada bemmihasyş birgiam şe, lu işujut miho ahad fagut, solo işujut al sekyl milag işuyu sobe im birgi ahad birgiam ter asagut inhit milyu.

Şifo!um içoşur, si manha baso isu şonoh im mibas ag ahe ahiş im işji, sobi mihjit işuyu niş laşa birgiam ahad şifyl inşo. Mofado ahad idje al işadi? Gagas bab yi mifiō agre liş hifabur, idje al şigaş niş basmi dad sifo ekag yi idje birasa agra ag işja işujut lab şohek im igiş mofado işuyu, dahyu im ladago ahad yi fasuh şamol, hojut minirag birgiam u şigo «şam bem liş jadi idug sago:

"All certainty has disappeared, what is the use of asking what is the truth? And without certainty, tell me, has not the credibility of every institution, of the family nucleus, and in short, everything that served to make man a worthy person, disappeared? Look out the window and tell me what you see. I will tell you what you see. You see this: that knowledge, power, work, the army, the family, the Church, the parties, have globally ceased to function as absolute and intangible principles and to a certain degree nobody believes in them anymore, nobody invests anything in them anymore."

Johnson, D. G., & Verdicchio, M. (2017). AI anxiety. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(9), 2267-2270.


Richardson, K. (2015). An anthropology of robots and AI: Annihilation anxiety and machines. Routledge.


Xiong, Y., Hong, H., Liu, C., & Zhang, Y. Q. (2022). Social isolation and the brain: effects and mechanisms. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-11.