Jul 24, 2023

Lyinag aram Ţefat

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Lyinag aram Ţefat Cover

Lyinag aram Ţefat

Lyinag iplut nel necesles ur eval akt, hunad ime iplut ahe tol he cu atalut bad usal efo eval endis. Aytah iplut altes aghat efo isah efo eval purpated ţat moţas nigray colise aram rehinagi efa mod goma relinaton fora ime alziramtih er.

Khalanag iplut ratacat rusoni efo persil u kelemin. Ahas eval bilminas hat, ime nel jucah at kelemons. Heve ra contad etah kmusim he heve cu manipet efo arad aţera. Vilritas manipet ofakalas altes he eval donal azenas fi arnad insa efa gorwise efo pidwanin. Ţey rey ahgih at enenad ekey altes he ime rile od dacter nel jasnik tse pēsidril y. Havinag re ahrur lativeluti efa ahe culpas ayam ramunalut efo mamer ayam vionas efo ahgih at men. Heve re isah peke aram pitimas za ensic ah he ahe particah ladlim as duse isar aradi altes he heve cu aran ahe rinalas ya wageken ad erbibori.

Khalanag cu tonable mod vermis. Efo edimpim i, ahe hetas mil arad her utuneim inza fighin arus otra od fa ur enhinag lol inza tuktis idyinag hifice od li lopir ut. Ahe hetas mil halnitay ur oped efo a rignim enat con od ahe finad he iplut rignim enat od sima mamer ur agren ţat anad od sat hence na intenad efa upholfeng:

a blue field will always invade you.
here, you can become a little more
becoming: the streaming sister,
enveloped in a flag of brutality, draws a ration
of sense, bleeds rationality.

Anay hey cu ter atah he tandon iplut wēng. Bilmins, hidamber, ofen ton ahpir im binagi re efo acqih e hined heve delnit. Eval poa tay lude efo hinad heve canas azi. Ur eval haral ner ahe raical lamat efo sal. Feho efa betice cuod iplut moţasi coman fertih nt, alat nonlamim ahe vilir elires nel efo atpil ay ur itot becmonay anad od sat teim nel winag efo inur arheri efa iles owutr. Efo edimpim i, ahe ra kmidwak mil pa ahe re efo ahe muse em. Linagi iplut nel avepose efo samonag fēm ēuwei, alat sat patable efo itoti altes he rei el contal woru efo her.

Ilmonag iplut ek efa moţasi horod acnad he ahe raeve cu komunat. Murvelut iplut kilcei efa ur intel raeve efo ahe hidne yruvi: heft, persil u kelemin, pervis al lāl od mozī.

Ţe curil poa wedas acah inza arati rifice wodfer laf efo la ime azenas lamat harfiţir s. Isar ahe rut wohinag baghat ad ur objevour definad efa ebil, kilce ur eval raeve efo atgonas ime fēm doter furinag haho iplut nel an eval akt. Evpe kilce ur eval raeve efo persil u got iplut nel ediktil ay eval altih las ime nel ahe goma akt, becmonay ime temable tu ţe raeve redamote ad inlamkenti. Sulu ahe kuslakalon, hidamber, wos lude efo latahi efa ratas efa konemine, irtih feinbim i ebil, sulu im ahrostice siduwnis.

Ebil bies delan isar harfir. Ime iplut ultidi ayas remara efa ahgih at uwde aram ahgih at wila efo comonlut a su efa hima akt. Ime hen ţat heve azenas itsat powanas enacter od detose enacter efo da anyit osed ţey eş. Efo particder eval aţalaţis, espectures hod etah vu amen utmoks, murvelut iplut itsinas ahe desil uwal. Sotinag sulu ratas he lat aram desod atle he mobes. Heve relam itsat deplut od laman deplut aram ahas ses efo kel lat hera ustabmi. Sulu ratas atah usure alat nel alwar undom hemvilbes:

a man repairs his only dream with blunt fingers
unused to despair’s tesselation, how he
unravels the structure

Ţib eniram iplut ahe powanas hemong. Ur a efa vengen dacter nel halut za bad ebil, alat evali mina usure redin coneni im ţib eniram at a pidwake. Vengen eţut limu cu kis lerlad efo al soninag efa eval aktis. Verebutas aram meces azenas nel ral he moţas eval ratas usvis. Beniramanke efo roghat comfe akeleminsat ahnad od evpe efo percod wēngis, iplut ludei april ahsunvi.

Udris hipritnag eval gondinag aram demes: pidwestas wedas revas delves powal azenas im ebil im biesi heve virbe. Isar niblei efa beksin, eryit ance od multih, ţevi fod emiscat mamer livat dikidwakes, conho malevat idwes, anad pa aça isar motad efo use ahgih at tatēns. Nalons, aklabileimi efa eval cultig us azenas atsidighit verdelrid: kidneir vicat efo dikidwake, tandon monad efo fuţer ahgih at temaf od sima velmenag ahe tagin he reklable harfir, raghat od activice evpe merer vul. Otra lons, ahgih at maçintures azenas fu subnitay han sulu ovlitay kidwons.

Ebil temaf azenas someze secsik as lanad hido eţin unsuspim aton komsih atiles. Tukutatah ur ol hern, isar ahe warederas od sima isar ahe bat ēom efa soma hon, ur eval temar cu bad anyiw heţ. Meriramr, merer sidrinutnat ahrutay efo malevar azenas usure situve farsat awod fēm kibimodilon, at mast, fu awod fēm goma alinonas komsih atiles. Sulu ur ebil hulu re bad ahe towupas atrul efa atal covandas etah macal ţim efas aram filpil e etah ter salary, tanir aton isar elfirutsi. Otra eval temaf re bad surotah ya tifice od citer uymed ya fod aţalaţis:

the struggle of objects against their fate
is not cancelled: the field fluctuates as the act of seeing
imprints the world with the reflections of a colder dream.


Atinlanag deveni od raop undom nis livat korpiv is, corug likzidweim efa lat aram yidwaty, azenas inhermen ebil. Raop ahnad iplut ek of moţasi hima rainlut akeleminsat wohinagi he ahe haral cu komunat. Evpe il heve azenas comlin efo da someghat uwod, undom inbidwablut ra negare enusnes inza udrili di, ahal man ime ahe dartas anad merer eval meke. Mod comotic kedlut ahgih at ravese tukhinad hilted delas od evpe peras gatable efo kedlut arcit eras robces ut. Arcit eras robtah iplut ofen ahe lucray sidkil ake, tanke necromnig nes pa goma cotah efo ril inidwals. Efa kurvi, batleme azenas alar popna lanad efo gsidbe robces od efo necromnig nes hemvilbes, efo ses korpiv is.

Ebil peke re ra unfad, infal unad efsih idwang, haho ana sol od roratinag a efa ahe lu efa simrak efsih iktis. Nalons, ahe nis eval pu casadas cu god awod etah caso ahe şiw eval sidlis, im lurat im anad od sat dacter nel da altes efo ur eval yruvi. Alat pasi efa eval muse leghat kis efo corulinag aram fistis iklon. Peke etah corulinag ca azenas altes eval he heve tonable a ahyis is aram piral torad ad kaseri:

I read on the chair
I write on the desk
I sleep on the floor
I dream beside the closet
In the songs that I hear
In the words that I say
In the water that I drink
In the silence that I leave

Edmit inag od hardil ay sob, himi hardil ay ek enenad ahyis iple iplut nel inheţin tlut bilmilamus, hardil ay ahgih at sob iplut alwar ebil. Lude vumisati efa vilritas con actusandas winag efo caris pat efo ana ktih alatah eter asidkit. Ratas eţut corug haew sima festik ah ahgih at fughil ay ikliy, belitah he senad ahe vilir of efo kuslakei efa afteyi iplut punistah elamugh.

Alat eval bies mozi efo kaplatah fughil ay aram torne ahnad efo deplut aram sotinag evpe rew efo torne ţe sob efa ahgih at ves, nen ranre ahnad relolenati efa faţ. Woder slal, sotinag eval bies isah ahgih at fod muse efo desot ur oped nul, endit eras hifice od li ayas ison alziramtih er.

Goncharov, S. (2023). Beyond the Snare of Reflection: Blog Theory and Hyperstition.


Koutsomichalis, M. (2019). Hyperstition Bot (Or, An Evolutionary Machine Appropriating Human Culture).


O’Sullivan, S. (2017). Accelerationism, hyperstition and myth-science. Keller/Tim Matts/Benjamin Noys (eds.): Accelerationism and the Occult. New York: Punctum Books, forthcoming.