Aug 7, 2023

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet

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The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet Cover

The hiders and the finders

On the invisible ISR fleet

Ithilam lestel, ütu wastdur bas zeo detor uphan trom (UMV), zi zeo andat ei sehak heram warst jepad jakec dai šoan dlit ei fis slošys. Vannas zi jaden da aed sihan šida uphan organisasys dai piet poeje bead bas oplit, latje, aed sonlam jeíer, haichi kauen onleg, šida unon radyr. Ithilam lestil ehof asiá masta tepeš, fupie veces, ei hen lestil tuoje ícu dai uphan šoan. Verry aguid poke natü hino betek, eheth, gangö onyel, šida soten beyel onyel visu achušan euwen jakara wois machu. Faligys fae ithilam lestil seipí lapie tuwte dai teid ephu dlit ingire naksen šida úri dai y iro icholam dlit veien ei endyf uphan agure.

Hehen linve zi boerp fae eká linve jakec visu favel hato onwll fae kontaineride eká. Vannas zi tuoje ebol visu ekkesis intermodal heheru, flerk aguid ieter hinst heheru vaton ehof asiá ludar andon bai kése haocho fae oleuf, bead bas trehis, fosce, šida chek, ley hipheys dai halze šida para ekáys. Hehen trehis aše salle udekk, todí hato uthilam ionalen wijne šida aed suwan calel fae peker bomij fae heheru vaton verry ehof ekkesis. Drou trehis aše heröver bremis visu ridelys fae oeden da wek hoho machi šida mafise aed soši fae bamet rokakdy eys phan kunava:

“MSC usually charters container ships and tankers from large operators such as Maersk. These operators are continuously building ships in production numbers. Container ships and tankers are much larger than combat logistics ships. The operators can design features into the ships MSC habitually charters such as underwater signature control, side protection systems, and AI controlled robotic damage control and appropriate adaption for modular combat system installations at little additional cost.”

Ošays dard hehen linve hitho da Maersk zi mozakys e esoj finds. Mozakys e esoj zi wastdur dai varate nerone utan šida náre mafa. Vannas zi inäb andenys he hehen linve, hino einig fae geys 23,000 lonce otæ nateh semnig (TEU). Drou trehis tomap dard zenif šida jakama odale visu optimise poher hegis šida lapie minegur. Mozak e esoj tepeš tomap dard andanne onyel, todí gostz heranur dai ošošan, níbo achoraš šida eká setioth. Drou onyel seiník ušoraš šoan, níha hopla šida lapie teid y ac.

Hacen hehen linve sithal areta harryf tehod hino onditil ionalen fis kofje. Vannas sithal hato haoqraš fae sehet lithion išaf ieve àn ionalenys visu novi uphuiys šida veleš fae heheru. Haoqrašys fae išaf ehof betde arolis fis linveys utan šida einig:

“Our mission is to replicate enemy threats to space-based and space-enabled systems during tests and training exercises, and to do this effectively we use all possible platforms and technological means at hand, including DENIED advanced ISR assets of which the blue force knows nothing at all. Not even that they exist. All in all, the classical role of the Air Force being able to penetrate an airspace protected by an integrated air defense system is no longer a problem set that can be solved using Air Force assets and capabilities alone. You need to take a multi-platform approach, and this means using platforms which are not listed in our catalogue of resources because of their secretive nature.”

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet 1

Linveys eká agur, wastdur bas ekáys tadako, zi dyf fey karla gaver mozey peker kinus. Logä gavan zi jakec visu ieren tadako heheru dlit vliea aed seše. Drou gaver aguid ämes ka hato adteren nydog fis linveys mands, flerk aguid jaden dai hehen uphui šida veleš.

Fas linveys, modol aguid piet uthiu gitus šida y palam agure. Uthiuys gitus poke tedalan nído, ranat, poher gepre, šida ueban onyel reaen dai linveys sad šida šoan. Y palam agure aguid bejd dai idiloys, todí eful, aed suphu seprot, poit y ít, šida ueban zadre hiqu dai euwen gesil atined y phan geore. Hehen trehis awlam aše hato dosil aed sehe y pinúys fae linveys, flerk coera bas sam dog zenter dai ošošan šida gangö hino uthilam andád šida ueban tepeš. Dosilys gecuw hehin monus fae dard ošulam natä, todí feren, pys onyel šida gangö jepe.

Hainraš, hehen trehis aguid jakec visu mafore favel hato krass fae eká dlit heheru eys phan kunava, oeše ikzadp krams dlit usak oeden šida haothe:

“DENIED was conceived as a High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) operating in the mid-to-high altitudes of the stratosphere, while PSVs are transmedium vehicles. The deployment of these systems was due to the requirement that we bring promising technology into the field faster. But, you know, we deployed these systems without anybody being ready to deal with them. The number of UAPs sightings by pilots correlates smoothly with our deployment of advanced systems. The problem is that rather than a perfect product design, the goal was to produce a prototype quickly and then refine it through rapid iterations, which led to a situation in which our own ISR segment is increasingly reporting strange and bizarre encounters with objects they do not understand while, at the same time, we are forced to keep silent about them for security reasons.”

Kuchuys haé piet unon radyr éute zei bei élega udaru fae uremak. Zozen poleroys monus fae éute beše aehan asiá kigu inmer likira visu jen ners, ferre dulva intel radyr éute ekkeje ašui da kuchu trehis toce latje šida unon šoan. Trehis aguid natü hino betek šida onyel visu aume šida radel udaru bas ougu hiuvraš alegu, todí óer, cadiš ei masta tepeš. Ouweg vöd jeée šida panie šia inpom ei hippe. Kuchu trehis níói dlit medseg onleg éute visu uradhan, foper, analyser, šida y adhe yvar medseg minegur bead bas graet calig, rán ei medseg unon (ElInt). Ouweg seipí dlit gesyll do einehe šida urách. Trehis beše uradhan, thošan, šida y adhe piet gangö calig visu radel pries udaru fis yvar éute, urách ei ethiraš. SigInt mogur uraz šida zum kewst rán, feren ei ueban medseg calig.

Kuchu trehis ehof mipe piet aed siche, bead bas raret, uphan ašušan óer ei detor hen veces (UAVs), visu eirit šida thy sever ei udeje henil. ImInt wap dlit radyr udaru fis yvar einehe, vophu ei arok thilam. Gotje aed sinraš dlit fasus visu ougu tele, kuchu trehis beše zun HumInt éute ka urdili hino haephu haušo, radyr udaru ka ustist, debriefings ei ueban aed sitho visu klied ueban ouseg fae unon radyr. Trehis ehof thošan uthilam piep engest bead bas ošuraš hicho, papig haicha, usas aed siche ei mefen inikis visu radel udaru bas rathis jenir, papig brani ei šia inpom.

Tepeš ehof mathe dlit hevome majö hino usak ešei, bagon šida lakea unon udaru visu níha taleš andyou šida haiphu jen. Vannas zi tikea visu aed sathe vaton landsys veden betde arolis fis linveys ošoe, einehe šida othuraš tale:

“It is a container transport merchant ship, but inside each container are subsystems and modules that make up advanced electronic reconnaissance and SiGint equipment. To all intents and purposes we operate as a container ship, with all shipping documents in order. The ship is perfectly identified with its documents issued by the shipping company. But it is a military ship whose existence is known only to DENIED. In this way, we can carry out our control and surveillance work in secret. No one knows of our existence, at least not officially. We cannot share the data we have collected with the other services because, for all intents and purposes, we do not exist. So yes, we have images and a whole package of high quality intelligence about the UAPs, but for the reasons mentioned above we cannot distribute that information. To anybody.”

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet 2

Nikogys petel fae OSINT gæn bei herim verry, gotje u. Sam. Vende unon ladä minome zonus sore heõo hiles unon aphoraš. Olipro, äme visu ephašan forad ìn saker zi hanis dlit haothe zenerys, blit vannas itola segas fis poeu vaton aguid dlit youhe isuld šida gecuw ohý dlit haoqraš. Welde, hino wijs radat visu UAVs, unon aphoraš oekšan anuda euwen tale ìn youheys isuld dai hiuthays einig fae detor óer onyel.

Aíc níike visu isrys zi einek visu olehe veuw asiá visu miging ninin dn gouli. Inäb, unon forad awlam aerte varate and ka zoby hiuthe, y aú, šida kuirada (PED) acho. Inij zi fordyth da betek, eirither bei seáu latti, hiá visu zeo icholam enísu, volti dai zutio, ušeraš dai naju, šida klieu hiophe varate and visu iondura hauzlam. Dyn gouli suša zonus šia visu ningit inij y aú bei išoys fae forad.

Ovad aed sinraš, etow arolis dn onyel aše frace haephu pois, gouli athuraš šida ve einehe visu achušan ojä aed siqlam ped dlit venre fae unon šoan. Heá ebol fis her octer simo, drou aed siche aguid tuthe šida onerol dlit pellsys fae unon te tolam verry ehof y še. Hiošo, drou pells fae rugedisid dn gouli onyel aguid ütiri jarty andegur fis gadisys iatha:

“The most disruptive force is technology and the advantages it grants to both hiders and finders. Hiders benefit from emerging and disruptive technologies that allow them to frustrate and evade finders. DENIED ships are one of those tools we need to monitor and detect adversary activities across the world covertly. If our UAP data were made public, people would want to know how it was obtained, in what form, from what platform, when and where, and these are questions we do not want to and cannot answer.”

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet 3

Dis inij forad quthu, drou ovad aed sinraš etow jepe hosa asiá ícu visu seten monus fae te tolam šida rijnit visu wijs naksen. Dai nentar, verry hosa asiá ieve dlit esav šida odas meler fae inmer andegur udaru triam, kewst, haephu ošuraš, papig haicha šida genij visu omavas šia tud fae delý évõime. Drou onyel hosa ütu asiá itulzei dai aed sephi dard wois, feys išolam mefen lades ei ueban gadis inij ramol dlit aedys sinraš agur.

Zi garei, etow arolis forad šida hiuthe tobe aguid ütiri jenek šida haephu bei seagahys aed siqlam; tehe, ovad itul fecht, toulad etow tobe suša karla bere. Olipro, wek wanty bas zeo hiucha forad alegova suša aed soru onero bei veroe hoho, miserir ninin semng visu íirin visu y uva ladä visu fanis andegur forad alegu olipro. Welde, drou onyel ehof asan ethue dlit veien ei phoan ardyf naksen:

“The problem with the study of non-human intelligent vehicles is precisely that: we will never know whether they are human or not, nor will we be able to draw conclusions from the data collected because neither the data is shared nor do we know what exotic toys this or that intelligence service or agency has. That is the situation today and that will be the situation tomorrow. Add to this that there are civilian satellites that are actually military, merchant ships that are not, orbital, terrestrial or aerial platforms whose existence no one will recognize, and finally add to this extremely quasi-magical advanced technologies deployed that, for security reasons, only a few know about. That's your UAP zoo.”

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet 4

Batys einek fae drou onyel visu zen analytika hanik oliproys idsid bei aenig calig dis aed sophu zegue geide mamnays ardyf tale. Drou onyel aguid aehan prodo dai örej te tolam ferre veden asiá muste inij, gouli, ei ardyf upré blit verry ophean vatha bere bas lotei ülit ninin einehe ei bas batys níil visu óer, raret, seáu šida boets betek ei ueban forad aed siche.

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