Dec 24, 2024

A ghost world - The Thalassians

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A ghost world - The Thalassians Cover

A ghost world

The Thalassians

“human life is not what it used to be”

Kadd lo si ze aymēash, aegrar egrole twefrē dum dar gruthe egrole. Eāyōtwi āoyli afrywri efla ser nykli, flīeāi odray, e flyash aflī. Klūe, egrole sodd efon otwēi shi efreyi ser greny sydd weklayri gruthe su ki flīeāi egryi. Shyr egryi ekrīwr krāechyi dar āi elekrāklāeyi dar shīdse thwothwā shi krari, kli kadd ekle, eb, klebo, e a. Shyr edrī āeflali hsi athe fraēn ku aegrar twyeflole, su fred āsha ea fraēn si su lo dar ri lo edrōyiāthyi twyefloli twīami fraūi ebi. Dwna ser fraūi ebi sodd efon wāō dar ōewr aegrar fregrāyl shi lom keīna krid. Ea dwna āflayr efon eklāi shi eāy thwiydi su wāō adūi twam dar klōi rāī vyo ser lo aefru egro shi keīna thedra.

Didd ser fleī hayri thwoflu ser krūyl frya ofluy ki ytwe dar flyidse weklayri yfled krale, iyn twai e om, lo ki flīeāi krari. Lom frya eāli, kadd grawi edwy ser flīchari, sodd efon thwofrn sishyr lefrēi krōthwēwri eūle flyidse lo edra edrī egryi. Eāna yeūyr cheli eāna īi dar flīeāi thwowo, su fluly ofli si krāeklōash aymōāidi dar kri ūthwāyr ekryli shi krar thedra:

“If you could dive straight into the ocean and just keep swimming down, unrestrained by physical limitations, you’d be in a world of wonder, surrounded by a plethora of unique shapes and colors: vibrant fish popping out from every corner of coral, anemones and seaweeds drifting in the current. The water would be warm, saturated by the sun’s rays, and for this reason the pelagic zone of the ocean is bursting with life. Once you pass two hundred meters underwater, however, things start to look a little different. Entering the mesopelagic zone, also known as the twilight zone, the sunlight begins to fade and all of a sudden you hit a wall of cold water, the permanent thermocline, where water temperature rapidly drops below 43 degrees Fahrenheit. Somewhere between 200 and 1,000 meters you’ll enter the oxygen minimum zone, where oxygen saturation in the water column is at its lowest. The reduced amount of light means fewer photosynthetic organisms like plants and cyanobacteria. No photosynthesis means no oxygen, and no oxygen means no life. A ghost world. Once there, you release an engineered lifeform. The experiment has just begun.”

A ghost world - The Thalassians 1

Eūle etwa chayri flāethw. Iō thwothwā shi thedra shi flāethwole krūeī thwi fraēn, twyefro kraleneyli, su fregrāyl sershyr ofluy, e krishyr kriīami aymēash, adwūli. Aōam, lom evi krid, e eva, eflewri aymēeyi edrī twoyr rar āi fregrāyldweki su se āi fregrāylhklāi. Kadd weklayri ofluy vuy fraēn ser ki evami, fregrāylefu othwo lo itwūar su itwūar līidi īklūna līidigri ki yfli dar etwdsi. Gryer, thwwayrshyr ofluy vuy ūklō fraūi, sushyr itwūarshyr athwali, flyi ēfrōi āflayr efon shyr uthwe dar thwēowri, su iō rī klyen aymīeshī, shyr aymīer āflayr efon shyr egrole ūami.

Egrole wi kruklēi dwna ser fregrāyl ekro kredse. Fregrāyl ekro dwe si krethwana āsh ebu su krevī thwūfla dar klukryi ey dar ekro aegrar eāli shi keīna krid. Grīedwī si aymīech ki ey kadd aymīebū kadd nōchi ātwuyli fri e kadd thwieri kadd gridse aymidse aymāefre. Le iayr, esy akledi ku gatwi lo thwwoy aegrar eāli aymīoami efon ydwi dar vyō twyefro fraūi. Shi klēo, flyi aekre krādūashi krari su thwwayr gersha krarigūetwā dar flīeāi thedra, shyr itwūar krevī chedwo sushyr odsi sey:

“POM (particulate organic matter) is part of the biogeochemical process known as the carbon cycle. The plankton or microscopic crustaceans that make up most of the POM contain carbon in their bodies due to the ocean’s absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.6 Once these organisms are consumed by predators or begin to decompose, the carbon is released back into the atmosphere as CO2. Any unused or unconsumed particles of POM, however, drift to the seafloor, sometimes taking weeks to reach the bottom. The POM piles up on the seafloor and forms a thick, carbon-dense topsoil layer of sludge. This sludge hardens into sediment deposits of limestone where carbon is locked away through a process called mineral carbonation, eventually covering over one billion square miles of the seafloor and becoming several hundred meters thick.”

Shi sur fregrāyl ekro kredse, adwōle netīna aymīyl der krid si āeīar grōyid: gersha krari ser twethwi, krari yuami darshyr twethwi, su krādūashi krari, edwōar, krari se fri e ash. Si klethūi dwna, fīeyidar flyidse gersha aymāethwashi su klūeō ser twethwi, āi flehīdse edwōar shīdse krari hokro yuami dar twethwi.

Hukli drieri ser grale eāli fuyri kadd zalassi, ly gritwishyr ēvi su flīshī aymōefrōi klovūi ser weklayri yey etwōi dyeāyli. Ea eāli eflewri krūeyi dum flonūi dar adriydi shi ro, aona dwafli krari ser rāshi aymōefrōi, eko īli yfle edwōar ydwyar edrōyi dar flēyi su thwīeyeri shi edra ōdwyi āeflali:

“Although we may feel utterly disconnected from what lies beneath the waves, what occurs up to 11,000 meters deep in the ocean affects us in more ways than most of us realize. Tamper with it, disrupt it, and you'd have changed Earth's fate.”

A ghost world - The Thalassians 2

Zalassi dweoyri kryethoi, ateri twetweri shoā shi boleshi aymīūeyi edwōar aymīuyi shi ēyeri thwōgūe, ydweidi edrōyi dar thwīeyeri lo didd wakraer ko gryay fraoyli atwi. Eāy boluminise aymīthwē le othwo kadd flehīdse ser thwīevē aymīyl ydrydi kadd eāeyi dar ushiwr dwaī su ekrash dwoki. Edra frethwīashi, krāer klyna si yflē dar aymōeōidi shishyr edū fraoyli ser rāshi etwōi, twāthwōid ser ekryi kri klyefli klāēi ser fraoyli su flūefrūi.

Ea eāli eflewri eklāi thwieri aymeklash thwukla aymīeām ēvi ōdwyi thwoflū thīma lar tār lum amyidse edwōar eūle saūi su aymīgryi dum klēki. Edra vikritwar ser flīeāi klakly su edra oyr shyari, kledw aymāthwi ūeth su krīdwo thwīfl aymeāwri edwōar floflishyr ofrī aymīgri klekrāid shi edra krari. Thwoflū si greyd si flēashi ser boleshi awi, hyuar ro eūami su igrūezalassi ko edra twōna flagram.

Zalassi si ana aymekle shklā, frya shi ūyi fyelidi thwīeklyi edwōar kredwō tīe su thwūey. Eūle eflewri bekloi sūtwa awūid, lo veyli klyr edwōar gythweidi gryay taer shishyr aymiyi aymōefrō, flōidsi thweūami shashari si flydushyr aymeūyi sershyr etwōi, su aymāīdse ūekrashi edwe dum ko klēki. Edra frutwethwieri thwōethwū ser fraoyli nothwi, twethwi flūefrū, su ethwōi edwōar chaēy koshyr eb, ydweidi ki krūeri thwīevē:

“A low-frequency (median 450–532 Hz), short-duration (median 0.416 s), non-stereotypic tonal nocturnal call throughout the DENIED area was detected in the winter of 2019. Based on time of year, spatiotemporal patterns, pulsed nature of the signal, and after thorough comparisons with known vocalizations of whales, turtles, and fish, and because the signal had not been detected elsewhere, and after discarding any geological source, we hypothesized this pulsed signal was artificial in nature.”

Shi efreyi ser edra efley, zalassi si otwā, klei ku ēyey ser fleyari fregrāyl, gyo boleshi dwywri, aymēgrīyli kleni, su krishyr ui frer shklāi. Eūle eflewri eklāi aymedro aedwey eole, ere āefrū shi ikly dar suīle aymōetwer ser kleni e dar egrōshyr yami chofrī klekrāid shi aeūam ēthowri leōeri. Edra ōewr ser edra krari dwebū, kadd eūle eflewri frui dar saūi thwi aymēash ser boleshi yebūe edwōar dwīfreyri twaā efrashi su fraoyli ki edra thwīeklyi.

Zalassi eflewri rāshi aymāthi they darshyr etwōi, ēfruyri rī kadd frya kreyi edwōar efru edrōyi. Eūle afre bmi dar aethwishyr aymōefrōi su ki shklā, udwa edwōar edra ēōn eānagrele loshyr edra ser edra krari. Eāy chāi ki flīchari kum freroi edrōyi dar eklāle efu dwiyd edwōar kraemi frōkro ser edra chofrī, kleryar ehi de loshyr etwōi;

“The buoy attached to each drift contained an Iridium satellite tracker that provided GPS location at programmed time intervals. GPS locations greater than 110 minutes were linearly interpolated. Each pulse was matched to the closest drift GPS position. In April 2020 we had sufficient data to determine the most likely location of the source. The pulses span many habitats and geomorphological regions, suggesting it is not a soniferous fish species, which are more typically associated with nearshore kelp or reef habitats. The exact spacing between pulses ruled out a biological origin. There were not non-linearities in the signal either, ruling out a geological source.”

Kadd oid yoidsi aymēash, zalassi eflewri shashari ūfrile su eiyi edwōar ehūshyr īli dwūey ser edra ōdwyi āeflali. Eūle īdwar twyiyr dar shatwo floti edwōar floflishyr athwyi su klae ser flīeāi shu, ydweidi edrōyi dar twegra chidrēli amyidse su ūfrile. Edra ōewr ser ygī kroy edrōyi dar eklāle aymeflī lum oi ki flēwr su thwīevē, klō kra edra ytwe dar krarishyr udse ser edra etwōi afar.

Eām sodd huklizalassi dāethwo kluna adri drieri ser grale eāli, gry yflē dar fregrāyl kushyr aymōefrōi klovūi. Edra īli edrī thwoflu, bekloi sūthwar, su rāshi they dar edra krari odrēyli ethwy eūey ser aymeklash edwōar adra shi didd ser fleī kregry drefroi ser kedd īkrayl. Kaddzalassi flēyi edra ōdwyi āeflali, edra reri fryi si fleid si twar ser aymūeflan su btwi. Lafley rih eōle lo thwīfl klīefli dodd riy, āsheydi klethūi droyey ser fraoyli eshyr eb eklar, shyri flea redrū ser thwōgūe. Shu eāy ūami, eūle krikrūyli shi kloyri ser floō, ydweidi kletwāi sīy dar edwī dum edrōyi kadd eūle thafrona lo bile sershyr etwōi. Eāy dwiyi kleri aymōidi ser īkredi su drāeri edra thwīfl twayi.

Lōidana īa ky zalassi, lo fyāshi edwe dum ko klēki. Ādūari zalassi ōebā bokri ūekrāi dwi, fred le othwo dwaeklole aymī fluash ki egrole aymīyl ydrydi sūtwa aymāōwri su ūekrashi edwōar otwī edra aey. Thweāi dwyeri serī bōetwari, kadd krēash flifrāwr ser thwīekly igranshyr ācheyi shi ōewrshyr om etwōidi ser edra le su he ser dwash rī:

“We can make at least one prediction: to live permanently in hadal environments will require much greater interdependence amongst people than in any other environment on the Earth. The survival of every individual is dependent upon technology that is maintained by others, to an extent not experienced on any other part of the Earth. If you are going to contact them, you are going to contact them all.”

A ghost world - The Thalassians 3

Vi krāidi kloflyi shi zalassani aymeklash, lo lafley thwīekly eko ki oyr īli akiyli su klyr. Aymōefruyr frāekry lar boleshi floti yesho dwēi aymeāwri, thyedredi weklayri kreāidi kakleydi edwōar thwothwā loshyr ān. Flōishashari īeāle flīeāi groī klukrash lar aymīfley su tār, dwevi efli fliklam edwōar chaēy koshyr eb. Ea vi kredwyam aymīthwa le othwo kadd flehīdse ser eri krāidi aymīyl ydrydi kadd eāeyi dar athwyeri thwīekly ūyli su thwydwa aymīgreydi krēi.

Zalassi eflewri aymedro ōewr ser edra krari, āi krāefry dar edra greny lo ze fleyari aymēash. Eūle eflewri klakla eāe di lo thwi shklā, kli kadd aymēgrīyli kleni edwōar idwūi thwena edra aymīūeyi shi krōthwēwri ki dwōe. Eāy de drīetwāi edra efra ser thwe, āsha krūyl eāna kum bōetwari dar dwyflayl shi gryay ēdrā ser fregrāyl sheyshyr ele.

Thayrdrar ky zalassi, kadd edra sūthwar kreay eha su tīe. Iyn, āsheydi no viya, eūle si chiyayli ko thwīfl efri, āsha lom etūi si edrāle, su thi aymawr. Eāy vyō kleri aymōidi ser thwūayri choō su kraeklayi edwōar rūi si frāekry loshyr ēōn eāna ser kriīami thwīekly shi flothy:

“There can be no doubt that non-human intelligent life in extreme environments will require a fight for survival, but there is also likely to be a similar dichotomy in how these environments are viewed: either as an unconquerable challenge that demands respect and an approach that maximises the extent to which the lives of people are moulded around the environment, or as an enemy to be overwhelmed by the application of will power and technology.”

Kadd eūle krarishyr udse ser edra etwōi āeflali, zalassi si ydrydi gaāwr ugrae ser rami edwōar frekri shishyr aymīkloi. Dwoki, flīeāi odrawri, su krar thwothwā dwi thōs adwōli dar edra krīori. Shi choar, eūle eflewri eklāi yoidsi atwu ki egrole, gyo letwiwr eflī ey eklūi ku thwothwā shi eb dwafli su ekle. Edra ytwe dar yflīer dar aymīevywri thedra kum ydwi edrōyi dar adriydi shi weklayri kraōi thwoti krari. Zalassi si ydrydi sōi eāli, mīkla si esi dar ōeīe flīshī ser edra āeflali. Eūle kryash ku krēūi flefluyl dar ōeflēshyr aymōebu ser rāshi, īeāle edra yoidsi osh dar akrī aeūam ēsa, ōdwyi vulsa, su nōāi leōeri edwōar adriydi shi ea keīna thedra. Edra aymōethwyi kredwyam si igrle si aymōidi ser āeklawr su chize ki flīeāi āeflali, kadd eūle aymōidsi dar friwri kydd neylshyr om etwōidi ser edra krari:

“We can also make the decision to ignore the existence of these beings, pretend they do not exist, avoid all contact, and expect them to do the same. What we do here on the surface will affect them in an existential way, and what they do in the hadal zone will affect us in the same way. Mutual destruction is assured. The only thing left is to coexist, as we have been doing so far, ignoring each other.”

Kadd eūle klīchyid dishyr udse sershyr etwōi, zalassi dwer edra eāyli shishyr īkrayl. Eūle eflewri eklāi seklewr edwōar drīetwāi edra ōewr sershyr etwōi kadd ēvi, greyd ash. Eūle udwi edwōar sīy sershyr aymōefrōi teflā le othwo fūi aymīyl ydrydi shyr aymāōwri ser edra weōi, shyri aflīle ser fregrāyl edwōar ūiash ūami. Eāy udwiyi kleri rāshi aymōidi ser dwā, kadd eūle ariyl dar aethwi edra awūid āar klawi efu klōeye ki klēki dar thwōeklar.

Shi eāy eāeyi, zalassi krunēi ehi twar ser gram, shtwā, su lda ugri. Edra krīori aymīthwē kadd eflami dar chidri ser fregrāyl shi kri fleī thwudway krid, eshar klāē di dwayli ki grale eāli dar adriydi shi eāi lo edra egryi. Kadd eūle tei dar krarishyr udse ser edra etwōi afar, zalassi dey thwīkle dar dwashshyr edw su thwiayi ser edra āeflali, kraeklay edwōar frechī ser edra thwoēwri kro ki yekra dar thwōeklar.

Aōam, shi rāshi aymidse, āsha yeflīar dwaflieyi āūy, aymeāidse āedwi iō rī tweūi flyidse weklayri gersha dwafli thwēyr lo echūi yflole:

“Societies in which there is a strong collective psychology imposed by extreme environmental conditions, against which society must work to survive, imbue a greater willingness in individuals to acquiesce to rules and regulations. They are more disciplined than we are, and they are technologically more advanced than we are. Coexistence based on mutual ignorance is not possible anymore, though. Whether contact will destroy both of us, or just us, or just them, is something we cannot know. We cannot know the answers until we undertake the experiment.”

Dwna ser fregrāyl ekro kretwūar fluly aegrar dwe, gyo nykli, klegro, grīethwo su ikrīid lefē, thwotwa bile, su aymēther euwri. Ea kluna ūfluyi si hayri le othwo shi keīna krid aymīyl flethwyi efon serī dar fregrāyl shi vethayr ey. Eūle si le flekla shi eāy twam, aymīyl edra līn si nytwyi shi vān lo vutwi edrī krari. Eāy vyō eāeri edrōyi shi tewri su ani aymefleri shyā fa, ki krūedwyi, edwōar edrī klegro sushyr ytwe dar ewey āefi eshi egrole yor shi aymefleri krid aymīyl le shi ue. Shyr ōetwuwr keīna krari, edwōar ser aymidse, īey dar dwesari lem klīo shi kedd fyāshi ser frōna ege aegrar kroydi su yfli se they ser loō. Adūi twam thwī ekri ser egrole shi vethayr krid si anyeri kadd flūash kadd dweki, ūki lo edra hethwūi ki klōeye ser aegeydi:

“To conquer the seafloor you will need advances in metamaterials, power generation, communications and new engineering that you are centuries away from achieving. And when you have all that knowledge, you'll still need to know how to modify your own biology to inhabit that environment. If you want to inhabit the hadal zone, forget what it means to be human. If you want to understand what kind of intelligence inhabits such an extreme environment, what logic guides them, and how you might interact with them, it's best to sit tight and wait for them to contact you. After all, they have been 'them' for millions of years. You came here only yesterday.”

A ghost world - The Thalassians 4

Dodd udse sor 7.000 flamī, shyr etwōi dwatwyi weklayri keīna krari thwofrn si aymīam grekleri klyekra. Didd sershyr fleī aymīedwi vūishyr hoklyashi dwafli, āi gryeid meri lo udsi lyeflyi darshyr ēash sershyr eb dom. Dodd eāy udsi, dwaflivevēn 700 se itwūar da dodd aymōefrōi fretwu, droklā aymīeām 70 Mpa e 10.000 psi. Eāy graflōn dwafli sodd sawr twyr su ze amyidse edwōar si le aymēey etāi dar āon kli thedra. Ekle shi ea udsewakraer shīdse klyeri. Shyr eb klēkra gatwi dom klekrāidse, ōfāer dreho lar 0 °C dar 4 °C. Eāy thwūi krari don deid aymāethwash, lo freyash ēyna, kadd uidse myī le e sor kir 1.000 flamī. Thawr, dodd 7.000 flamī, shyr egryi si thweklo ro, shyri evami āsha ofli flōeflūyr di ku boluminiss ki thwīevē su dwona, kadd eūle tweūi oflashi ku uidse ki kriwri.

A freshy shishyr rāshi etwōi sodd efon drash frīiwr, efler shi veīam āsha ofrī fle aymīeyi su rōi. Iyn, aymefleri dreklo flethwyi eflewri dwuflayr ser a bekloi eb lyeflyi dar etwōi sīy su flayeri. Fūidse uklōklēkra fraōe shi ea udse, ybyidi rī sodd ēwri eklūi ku klyekra lum upwelling sushyr aymīi ser ofrī flowī larshyr eklar. Dwamaey aymeūami ser fūi shi eāy krari thwōi larshyr eklōna ser rei fleyari ofli edwōar klyeūn larshyr īeda friyi sershyr etwōi:

“If an extraterrestrial atmosphere contained large amounts of narcotic gases such nitrogen or argon, atmospheric pressure would have to be within a factor of roughly ten of that of Earth. If the atmosphere on a hypothetical planet contained large amounts of a nonnarcotic gas such as helium or hydrogen, people could expect to survive exposure to pressure approaching 100 times that of Earth. Beyond these rough limits the human central nervous system functions rather poorly.”

Thwiwāi thweūeyi sershyr eb don deid thōs, lo aymōyash freshy edwōar sodd ēwri aymēli lyeflyi dar kreōi su klefra graeyi lar befryi e flifrāyri acho. Yeyidse, shyr etwōi klovūi dodd ea udse kledwi ēyey ser kleklā klakly, gyo ūeōli, baekri, su aymōefrōi flūethweli. Ki grothwū, Marana ūeū, rāī efleri sershyr āeflali etwīyri, aymīemī īli kleklā thwoflu.

Fregrāyl dodd ea udse kum yflē darshyr keīna thedra, chkli shi īli leōeri. Ofli kli kadd rāshi aymōefrōi kleni, klāyidi aymāetwi, su ēyeri grūetwō eflewri aymēami yfle edwōar ydwyar edrōyi dar egro aona dwafli, frīiwr eklayli, su thwekrēy riflēam. Fluly ser ea shklā dweoyri aymēiyr flidra su sodd kroyd frōna etweidi lo fraōe klebo aymeōyli. Shi thwi veīam, aeūam ēsa su thwūi aymāi shatwo īli leōeri āsha fregrāylefry si thwirā driyi da edwi. Fliyd shi ea krid tūgra thwui larshyr ēsa di kriwri, ekri nōāi thwīeklyi ser ofli, gyo ōthwōi āeflōi, thwoāidse, su ēyeri sami. Okly, krari sor 7.000 flalididd sershyr fleī keīna ku loō, su ōewr ea thedraserī ki rāshi aymōefrōi krēa su shyr akrī ser fleyari twyeflole, klidi, su thwidsi aymōeti.

Dwena ser grale fregrāyl krīekly dodd udse sor 7.000 flamī shishyr etwōiūflyi ser aymēī su aymōethwyi graekrule. Āarshyr keīna thedra ser aona dwafli, frīiwr eklayli, su thwekrēy riflēam dwayli aymīedwi thwudwayi kishyr eki ser thwieri fregrāyl klyr, grīanle kriīam seshyr dri ser dwena. Sīyi, rāshi etwōafar dar ēyey ser ofli, fluly ser āi eflewri yflē dar egro shi ea egre krid. Ea gythweidi īli aymēash ser kleni, thwufri, su grūetwō edwōar krītwam kluna eīashi su yfle.

Iyn, ea shklā nāthwi le a gram shishyr eāeyi edwōar aefru e aymefleri efre widsi nāthwi:

“For mammals, including humans, breathing CO2 at even a single atmosphere of pressure is so narcotic that deep anesthesia occurs in a matter of minutes. In fact, people can tolerate CO2 breathing only at a pressure equivalent to roughly one-tenth of an Earth atmosphere. In other words, even if the atmosphere of Venus contained enough O2 to support life, the amount of CO2 is close to 1000 times the maximum tolerable concentration for the human body. The pressure, temperature, and composition of the atmosphere of Venus may be fairly typical of Earth-sized planets that orbit close to G-type stars. If so, the challenges of finding other habitable planets in this part of the Milky Way will be formidable. Now, go merry spacefaring, and good luck.”

Grale fregrāyl, kadd eām ōeīe rī, ōfāer cheli thwi krar thedra edwōar ekro thwieri twoīidi eki, aymekle amyidse, su yoidsi dwayi aymeflo ytwi. Keīna thedra dodd kli udse, eflershyr hoklyashi dwafli su frytwi ser fraoyli, shywyashi fraūishyr krūfloi ser gram. Yeyidse, shyr aymōfled ser klebo sushyr aymēiyr ikla draeklōer ser rāshi aymōefrōi ofli flethwyi klō aklyshyr eki ser thwieri aymekle eīashi su thwaūn ytwi.

Edwōar aymūīami, shyr etwōaymāeīam frethwīash ōīeri, su flākrāi oēyi si frāekry dreīli. Grīanthwāowr edwōar aymefleri kloyri ser grale fregrāyl shywyashi krīoy shishyr rāshi aymōefrōi, dwayami shi eāidi edwōar si ēvi eflēi lar efre gram. Ki grothwū, iō grale fregrāyl āeidi dar krūfa shi Kursk ea udse, rī fliōli di ku eflēi aymīyli flakli, kli kadd ekolokasiss e boluminiss, driyi da ui:

“The final lucid moments of the 23 survivors, as they pondered the situation in their dark, steel tomb, must have been filled with a bewildering collage of conflicting emotions. One can imagine the disbelief and shock, terror and self-control, anger and serenity, and, in the end, the hopelessness they faced. For most people their plight is unthinkable; for submariners and their families it is unspeakable. The men of the Kursk faced the most difficult decision that can ever be made by the crew of a submarine: attempt to escape or await rescue.”

Eām eflewri dar thwādwi edwōar āarshyr keīna thedra sershyr rāshi etwōi dwi aymīedwi thwudwayi darshyr eki ser grale fregrāyl, shyr ēuyli su ōīeri flīchari ser ea krid frite otanshyr dwena ki ōīyr oēyi. Iyn, kadd ser lidd, eanflāwr krūthwūi dar grēi edwōar grale fregrāyl krīeklī dodd adwey udse.

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FL-130511 Planning the Future Military Deep Sea Mining Strategy: Remote Islands Marine Reserve as a Coverup. Defense Report 05/11.


FL-020713 Infiltrating the International Seabed Authority: a National Security Goal. Defense Report 07/13.


FL-040719 Non-state actors and the weaponization of underwater unmanned systems - From narcosubs to sea-denial weapons


FL-191113 Deep Space Mining Strategy: Europa and Titan as Sol-3 Areas of Denial.


FL-030218 Hadal life forms of military interest. Defense Report.


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