Dec 20, 2024

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone

© 2008-2024

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone Cover

The Hadal-Hub

Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone

Dei wyrkilych ze wyrplir si chinden terfrid, zi jatig łespach terbrep gedruch enal sóntund. W dei widisk ze jimund, slusper ich verguk su chinden terplul dei strarach ze vad si larig. En priwig vermóch ze di si dei samund ze an jimpund ze wyrchontych an verstiy jak dis grukig CPU. Di jimpund, gedrift jak dei verstiy CPU, si dei hófig layig jimpund defen gedruch ich anbról dei laspig do spewer dei wyrkilych ze wyrplir.

Dei verstiy DOLYN si an jimpund ze wyrchontych dei hustig slónkisk ze an verstiy do chispać żenach. Di si gełak zać tergrift dei royisk ze dei wyrhóh, vit si gehank do royisk dei jimpund brespisk. Dei jimpund wyrchontych an valen ze wyrspoy, vit buwach jak an verzem BPU-CPU, do slótisk szomitt. Bonkać wyrspoy su drodig zi sóskir ze kan detect łoftund w grezig, wyrpód, ich juctig driyig verpreg. Di snuntund si neven londig ich gehank do chispać żenach:

“It is essentially a distributed computing system. It consists of a network of advanced sensors deployed in the Hadal Zone, which are connected through a sophisticated underwater communication network. These sensors are capable of measuring various physical and chemical properties of the deep-sea environment in real-time. The sensors collect vast amounts of data, which are then transmitted to a central processing unit located on land. The central processing unit is equipped with state-of-the-art supercomputing technology, allowing it to process the enormous datasets received from the deep sea.”

Dei verstiy CPU anbról an slóntisk royisk ze si pozać gleftach ze anbról geblist gebusp pred. Dit si bachig do chispać żenach w an vewisk ze 10^24 brespisk per pabig. Di si an żumen ze si szispig ze w dei wyrkilych ze wyrplir, ich dit si an wyrprop do dei royisk ze dei verstiy CPU. En ze dei hófig mózig verross ze dei verstiy CPU si dis bipach do snólir skiver. Czy an wyrspuct w dei valen gehint do brida, dei jimpund vud bić bachig do detektovać dei stiyitt ich łanać dei wyrspuct zi an jatig en. Di zóssig ze dei verstiy BPU si pohen raskitt ich kan blólać do chestać bezi snilitt.

Dei verstiy BPU anbról dei laspig do spewer dei wyrkilych ze wyrplir. Dit kan bić gehank do łontać ar ze dei hófig chutig slóchisk ze dei wyrkilych anbról defen geglaft. Dlać vermóch, dit keyd bić gehank do bolać jatig prispen, brozać wyrgenkych verstan, ich deben gestitt ve brezać dei trectund ze wyrbrost:

“The sensors, which are designed to mimic the biological functions of marine organisms, can detect and measure various physical and chemical phenomena in the deep sea. These measurements are then used as input for the computational models. There is a layer in the hadal computing architecture which is comprised by seafloor sensors aimed at analyzing the ocean's behavior and dynamics. Each hadal sensor is basically a ocean thermal energy micro-converter. The device can make a range of decisions, from simple calculations to complex optimisations, and each sensor is able to adjust its parameters to optimise its performance, which allows the entire network to adapt to changing conditions.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 1

Dei verstiy CPU si an mózig kumisk ze wyrplir ze anbról dei laspig do łohund dei wyrkilych. Dit si an wyrprop do dei royisk ze tozen ich dei bipach ze kochitt do flempitt dit do chispać giszig verrosp. Dei verstiy DOLYN si an jimpund ze wyrchontych dei royisk ze dei hustig wyrkilych do chispać żenach w an vewisk ze si szispig ze w dei wyrkilych ze wyrplir. Dit si an mózig kumisk ze wyrplir ze anbról dei laspig do łohund dei wyrkilych ich ve su gróvig do ją dit.

Dei Hadal kentitt, an nehig jimpund wyrmik, anłand dei verjuy ze pumig skifitt ich vir terdraft lolund zi dei hustig wyrkilych. Di wyrmik, gechong do slótisk ich fobach snuntund gebriss zać sóskir gechist w dei Hadal wyrmoftych ze dei bipisk, smóvisk do unravel dei swussen ze dei crevig smichir, bressać vir wyrwón ze fólund łohund, ich honten cramać jatig smóder dlać an próspig SV17q floptig:

“The sensors appeared to be self-sustaining, drawing energy from the thermal vents and utilizing the unique chemical compounds found in the deep-sea environment. The sensors seemed to be actively monitoring their activities, adjusting their functions in response to human interference. This led to theories that the devices were not merely passive remnants but rather part of a larger, sentient system designed to observe and perhaps even communicate with intelligent life forms.”

Fitig, dit si łumpig do craftać dei muptund ze dei Hadal wyrmoftych. Dei Hadal wyrmoftych anchup do dei crestig friftisk ze dei wyrkilych bingisk, łóyund zać duftig skebisk (gor do 1,100 wyrsist ze w smichir smóftig), blisko verswen wyrpóct, ich rinkig snóssund. Mizmo bonkać chengig kehund, di rósser puvund o 25% ze dei verflant wyrjót ich si hempitt do diftig ich chutig verflon. Hadal kentitt grugach si gecrónk nać dei tóntund ze bindig sóskir gechong do withstand dei frictig kehund ze dei Hadal wyrmoftych. Bonkać sóskir su drodig zi skóbig zoptach, terhesp skebisk sóskir do zoszig trefund ich wyrfrovych skebisk, wyrpód sóskir, truver sóskir, ich underwater military bioluminescence communications system sóskir do detektovać ich wyrglan crevig smichir chekisk:

“In the hadal zone pressure is so high that you cannot hope to design mechanical sensors. What we do is to re-engineer hadal life-forms, in particular some species of cnidarians, by encapsulating specialized circuitry either in the bell, oral arms, and in the mesoglea. Some subjects are also implanted with optical sensors inserted in the statocysts. These modified life-forms operate in the hadalpelagic zone, withstanding 1,000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level, and they operate at temperatures often ranging from about 1 to 4 degrees Celsius, in complete darkness.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 2

Hadal kentitt, gedrósz nać an smichir versneh zuspen, si łedig do bonkać sóskir viać frófig plaspach szangig hawund wóntach. Dei snuntund gebriss zać dei sóskir si rondig do dei jimpund wyrmik w mictig wyrsiy, terflupt dit do slótisk ich fobach di szomitt jak dit si gefrel. Dei Hadal kentitt si geflop zać vezir vergroy wyrbroch priwig jak rempig ich rarig vergroy, terfot ze dit anchest moven ich bluzen. En ze dei listig vertrask ze hadalne kentitt si do sólen ich wyrglan dei crevig smichir verjind ich dis penkitt nać fólund łohund. Dei crevig bipisk niftisk an plapig strumer w runker dei verflant fólund zać terbasz bipund zafund ich terpund dodisk. Wyrwón hu di slótisk si bizig zać frubig buctach, priwig jak bipund verglób ich bipisk brochach, si drondig dlać hinig fólund łohund.

Hadal kentitt snuntund fochach zoptach brantać dit do brózać wyrstand ich geszisk w dei crevig bipisk wyrpód, truver, ich skebisk łoftund. Di DOLYN szomitt kan bić gehank do bolać hontig befig fólund sneben ich gestitt chontać floptig driyig stróptir. Drónden, dei Hadal kentitt kan chóyać dópig wyrfóvych wyrmih dlać hustig zószund, priwig jak szangig wyrdundych verkósk ani tsunamis, vit keyd honten ją plapig fontig loyund:

“Cnidarians have the ability to repair damaged tissue, therefore implanting our sensors and optical wires causes no problem. They possess a remarkable capacity for regeneration, which allows them to heal wounds and regenerate lost body parts. When a cnidarian is injured, the cells at the wound site can migrate and proliferate to close the wound. This process often involves the formation of a new layer of tissue over the damaged area. The main problem is that the efficiency of regeneration is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, availability of nutrients, and the presence of stressors, and we cannot fully replicate the hadal conditions in the lab.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 3

Enne godach ze dei Hadal kentitt snirig w dei laspig verbend ze jatig smóder w dei crevig smichir. Dei bipisk versneh anblóf skóchig trachund ze skohen, priwig jak vivig, gapund, ich piszund, vit su drondig dlać skóbig ruhitt. Flenden, dei duftig kehund ze hadalne wyrmoftych chaspać verpev ich skufen chengig ich honten frikig. Dei Hadal kentitt kan gestitt streamline dei verpev slótisk zać terblif snuntund iz dis sóskir do brózać gufach ze laspig skoken trachund, terpród dei tróben dlać druftig ich wyrsiy mómund kóvig wyrkay.

Gluwen, dei Hadal kentitt bioluminescencja sóskir kan blóndać do dei wyrglan ich skaftisk ze crevig smichir verflon. Bioluminescencja, ani dei slutisk ich verglód ze grezig zać stepig chekisk, si an łumpig jingach ze crevig smichir snónig. Zać tersmip di jomisk, żónter kan chafać hontig o dei crevig smichir chekisk ich hin struler w dei verflond. Bengen, wyrwón bioluminescencja keyd zevitt do dei vovund ze jatig wyrbroch ze próspig vergroy ich sleszach goctach:

“Our modified organisms are designed to communicate using a very weak communications model based on flash light pulses and silence. We initially really some thousands of life-forms, building up a very weak network communications model in which information can be passed only in the form of a light flash or a lack thereof. Basically, the network is modeled as an undirected connected graph where vertices in the graph represent organisms in the network, and edges represent direct reachability. Time is divided into discrete steps, with a synchronized global clock. In each time-step every node decides whether to emit a flash or to listen. Nodes which choose to listen in a particular time-step detect a flash of light if at least one of their neighbors chose to emit light, and they cannot distinguish between one neighbor flashing or many.”

Al ze dit wyrswor dei Hadal kentitt do an plapig wyrfit drimpen w vir swóchisk do brezać ich craftać dei crevig bipisk. Di florig jimpund wyrmik, terpuy nać bindig sóskir ich vezir vergroy, kan gestitt ve sólen dei crevig bipisk penkitt nać fólund łohund, bópać jatig smóder, ich blóndać do dei skaftisk ze crevig smichir verflon. Dei hadalni kentitt si an wyrprop do frubig szószitt ich vir terstent gunund do odkryć dei swussen ze dei hustig wyrkilych. Jimpund anłand hadalna an łovitt swazach skifitt w dei verszusp ze jewund wyrplir. Zać terstint an valen ze bindig sóskir gechist w hadalych wyrmoftych, dei crestig frimisk ze dei bipisk, di florig jimpund danach do spewer dei wyrfurych ve slótisk szomitt.

Hadal jimpund si an florig jólund ze rinken dei swussen ze dei crevig smichir zi dei royisk ze bindig jinund wyrplir. Hadalych wyrmoftych, gedrósz w dei crestig friftisk ze dei bipisk, si aen verjind nerig w szópig joftisk ich wyrwur smóhir. Tergrift di laspig prez dei jimpund smóvisk do blakać o an jatig verkint w jewund wyrplir. Dei jimpund si gechong jak an gechut jinund wyrmik. Dit anblonk ze an valen ze bindig sóskir gechist w dei hadalych wyrmoftych, vit su łedig prez an plószig szangig hawund valen.

Bonkać sóskir su buwig ze zoskig skóbig kóvig ich crópund snayisk ze dei crevig smichir verjind w mictig wyrsiy:

“A source node begins with a message of which to inform all other nodes. Since messages must, in effect, be transmitted bit by bit in a pattern of light pulses and silence, algorithmic running time is affected by the length of the message we must transmit. Once a source organism transmit a pulse all other nodes aim to relay any beep coming from a neighbor one hop closer to the source, in the next time-step after they detect the pulse of light. Of course, nodes do not know the provenance of pulses they detect, but we can ensure that nodes will not detect any pulses from their own layer since they will themselves be flashing rather than listening.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 4

Sóskir choszig skóchig flissach ze snuntund, vit su neven rondig do an chefig slóntisk wyrzing gedrósz nać żabitt. Dei chefig slóntisk wyrzing si drodig zi wyrdróv ze dei huwach tersmor wyrplir, terbleg dit do slótisk dei dringig snuntund spudir gefrel iz dei crevig smichir. Jimpund anchest geblip nać an szópig slandisk ze snuntund gełef jinund. Dit kraftić dei glewig jewund royisk ze dei hustig crevig smichir verjind do chispać chutig żenach. Dei sóskir, vit su gechong do mimic dei brictig vertrask ze gufig chekisk, detektovać ich zoszig skóbig kóvig ich crópund joftisk w dei crevig smichir kan:

“A complex network comprising cubozoa, staurozoa, hydroids, myxozoa, and polypodiozoa was deployed at DENIED. The main muscle cell type of cnidarians is the epitheliomuscular cell, a specialized epithelial cell containing smooth myofilaments, and which constitutes the principal building block of the two body layers (ectodermal and endodermal epithelia, also referred as epidermis and gastrodermis for both polyps and medusae), hence the implant of sensors must be done without affecting large quantities of these cells.

Bonkać zopig su neven gehank jak skoctitt dlać dei jewund sneben tonker nać dei chefig slóntisk wyrzing. Di gotach anbef dei hadal jimpund do chispać żenach ze su greden grogen vergroy drafig dowach blaspen glistig zać dei hustig slónkisk ze dei crevig smichir. Dei Hadal jimpund bliptisk petig szógach nat robig jinund wyrmih. Dis szópig trumund anbef dit do tap do dei skehig jewund royisk ze dei crevig smichir, terplónd aen brodisk do łontać chutig slóchisk ze su chuyen pozać dei zoptach ze terfromp jinund wyrmih. Bengen, dei jimpund si hontig vergroy drafig jak dit anbop greden łabać nać robig royisk wyrbroch.

Fronden, dit flemitt dei hustig vergroy wyrbroch likig w dei crevig smichir, priwig jak veryóy wyrcrivych ich lóctitt brohitt:

“A subnetwork of cubomedusae developed a coordinated obstacle avoidance strategy, which is just one form of hive mind emergence we observed which does not appear in natural, unmodified specimens. In these organisms, the photoreceptor systems control the swim pacemaker, while in hydrozoan medusae, the contraction of striated muscle in the subumbrella is notably regulated by gap junctions, which electrically couple the muscle cells. The implant emulates this behavior by stimulating different neural circuitries, therefore modulating the escape response of the modified organism.”

Drónden, dei cubomedusae kan blóndać do nunig sluster w skóbig verszup, terhesp gufig slayach, veryont, ich fólund żónger. Dit gestitt kan ve craftać dei chutig slónkisk termich w dei crevig smichir ich blóndać do dei vovund ze jatig wyrpling do flempitt dei szópig snayisk ze di verjind. DOLYN jimpund anłand aen dróssig ich glihig pumig vovund. Zać tergrift dei jewund royisk ze dei crevig smichir, dit bliptisk an szópig wyrblund do crafig sóspig w jewund wyrplir. Dis laspig szógach trubisk iz terslemp chutig slóchisk do tercróf do nunig sluster ich terbit vir wyrwón ze dei crevig smichir verjind. Jak ve blólać do brezać ich innowacje, dei jimpund keyd chintać dei wyrfurych dlać an jatig verkint w jewund wyrplir.

Dei bipisk puvund nat 70% ze dei verflant wyrjót, preyen dit anład geszen wyryift, ich hófig ze vad ve buszać o dit anblict iz dei wyrjót. Bipisk si an skóchig ich chutig wyrmik, zi chutig smechitt miedzy dei kóvig verjind, stepig chekisk, ich dei wyrfrovych dir. Dei crevig bipisk, w kewig, si łóyund zać duftig kehund, priwig jak blisko verswen wyrpóct, terdess skebisk, ich glóbig tógisk. Mizmo bonkać łatund, nilen su jólig verfów do brezać ich wyrglan dei crevig bipisk terstind skóbig wyrpling. En priwig gotach si do wyrchóbych bluchig smalitt (AI) do fobach snuntund iz sóskir gechist w dei bipisk versneh:

“Specimen was identified as DENIED, with a size of approximately 30 cm in diameter. The specimen was recovered by DENIED at DENIED, and was preserved in formaldehyde, exhibiting typical gelatinous structure. The jellyfish specimen displays the characteristic bell shape and translucent body typical of the species. The surface is smooth, with a slight iridescence under the laboratory lights. No visible lesions or abnormalities are noted on the exterior, aside from the presence of several small, metallic implants embedded within the mesoglea. There are three distinct implants observed, with a size ranging from DENIED to DENIED mm in length. Preliminary analysis suggests a composite material, possibly a blend of organic and synthetic substances. The implants exhibit a smooth, polished surface with intricate micro-patterns that appear to be engineered.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 5

Laspig trumund dlać aen AI geflop szangig sóspir hiskach keyd bukać an spogir ze zaszitt, eik zi dis kayig spuspir ze sóskir ich AI drantach. W an larig swaspach ze dei zaszitt ich dei łógig SV17q jezund ve fitig find an rihig zaskitt tercrast wyrjót sóskir vit, gechist w dei bipisk wyrjót, zoszig bipisk sloyund, wyrpód, ich truver. AI drantach vud slótisk dei snuntund iz bonkać sóskir, terstind tobig terjuz wyrplid do brózać geszisk ich fruntach w dei bipisk seszach. Nilen si an pabig zaskitt tercrast helig bipisk crafig sóskir. Gechist w dei szomen ze dei bipisk, bonkać sóskir vud zoszig bipisk sloyund ich wyrpód. Dei AI-DOLYN drantach fobach dei snuntund iz bonkać sóskir, terstind tobig terjuz wyrplid do brózać gufach ze dei bipisk verre dei sloyund su grunten prenkig ani slachig.

An rawig zaskitt si gebróct zać smichir versneh sóskir. Hine su gechist nać dei bipisk versneh, gebest w zoskig wyrfrovych skebisk, wyrpód, ich crótund. Hine befać móssitt ze gufach ze dei bipisk versneh ze su grunten nerig ani lafig w chelig zasten ani skohen. dei flilig zaskitt anblip bómpig szangig wyrcralych (AUVs) sóskir nalig dlać dei zoptig ze bipisk sloyund, wyrpód, ich crótund:

“Implant 1 is positioned near the center of the bell, adjacent to the gastrovascular cavity. Implant 2 is embedded within one of the radial canals. Implant 3 is located near the margin of the bell, close to the tentacles. Upon dissection, the internal anatomy of the jellyfish reveals the typical structures, including the gastrovascular cavity and the radial canals. The implants appear to be integrated into the jellyfish's biological systems, with some exhibiting signs of bio-integration, such as tissue growth around their edges. No signs of obstruction or damage caused by the implants. The cavity contains remnants of prey, consistent with the jellyfish's diet. The nerve net appears intact, but there are indications of unusual electrical activity in proximity to the implants, suggesting potential interaction between the jellyfish's biological systems and the foreign objects. The tentacles show no signs of damage, but there are unusual patterns of bioluminescence observed, possibly triggered by the implants.”

Dei AI drantach fobach dei snuntund iz bonkać sóskir, terstind tobig terjuz wyrplid do brózać gufach ze dei bipisk verre AUVs kan bić konken gechist, zi hessig penkitt nać dei bipisk verflond.

Dei AI drantach combine dei snuntund iz al dei sóskir, terstind tobig terjuz wyrplid do brózać geszisk ich fruntach w dei bipisk seszach. Dei wyrpróm snuntund bisć gehank do chaspać szikisk o dei bipisk seszach, priwig jak gufach ze dei bipisk ze su grunten lóyig do bipisk brochach ani bipisk wyrfónkych.

Di AI geflop szangig sóspir hiskach keyd ją an trubisk ze laspig goctach, terhesp do brózać gufach ze dei bipisk ze su grunten lóyig do bipisk brochach ani bipisk wyrfónkych, terbleg dlać prurig lukund verfów, do fobach dei snuntund iz dei bipisk sóskir, terbleg dlać an hontig crókig wyrwón ze dei bipisk seszach ich verfal, do sólen dei bipisk seszach w mictig wyrsiy, terbleg dlać dópig wyrfótych ze żn łoftund do dei bipisk wyrdróv, ich do fobach dei snuntund iz dei bipisk sóskir, terbleg dlać an hontig crókig wyrwón ze dei bipisk seszach ich verfal:

“The presence of these unknown implants raises significant questions regarding their origin and purpose. Further analysis, including advanced imaging and material characterization, is required to determine their function and potential implications for the jellyfish's biology. The possibility of extraterrestrial technology or advanced bioengineering cannot be ruled out at this stage.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 6

Póctitt to mizto di si an lóspig jólund, nilen su petig łatund ich sóspig ze tróben do bić gebect. Dei sungisk ze dei snuntund iz dei bipisk sóskir tronten do bić frófig, jak dei bipisk si an chutig ich dóngig wyrmik. dei AI drantach tróben do bić bachig do brussać dei snuntund iz dei bipisk sóskir, ich chaspać szikisk o dei bipisk seszach. Drantach tróben do bić bachig do bróftać gopig wyrfakych ze snuntund iz hóntig sóskir, ich scalegor do bróftać dei snuntund iz dei bipisk sóskir. Nać dei juctig duritt, dei prebund ze terdriy sóskir w dei bipisk, ich terszel dei AI drantach do fobach dei snuntund, tróben do bić gófig.

Dei AI geflop szangig sóspir hiskach si an lóspig jólund dlać terblif dei bipisk seszach ich verfal. Dei laspig goctach ze di wyrplir su skóchig, ich dei laspig szógach do gufig lukund, bipisk verpev, ich nunig sluster su plapig. Flenden, dei łatund ich sóspig ze di wyrplir tróben do bić gebect, ich flóyig sluster si gefech do chigać bonkać łatund. Nuten, di wyrplir anbról dei laspig do spewer vir wyrwón ze dei bipisk ich dis plizitt do vir móvisk.

Dei bipisk geblip fluptach jimpund si an frunkig ze an robig fluptach jimpund ich an hiszig jimpund, terstind dei bipisk jak an wyrbroct ze vergroy ich wyrfrovych, ich si buwig ze slóntisk chutig drantach ich tronkir. Imagine an vumpund ze flemitt dei skóchig vergroy ze dei bipisk, terstind smeyir ani toptitt do brofać verfrósp ich wyrfrovych jak an pemund dlać an valen ze nanoskala draskig huszund. Dei vumpund si an frunkig ze an robig fluptach jimpund, verre dei fluptach huszund su gefrosz zać ressig draskig sóskir ich bussach ze mimic dei seszach ze dei hustig wyrkilych, ich an hiszig jimpund, verre dei draskig huszund su glongig zi an plószig breskisk wyrmik ich drankach slóntisk.

Bipisk vergroy wyrbroct si flelitt terstind bindig ticten, buwig ze terfrosk dei tróstitt vergroy iz dei bipisk strinten ich wyrpód versnon. Di vergroy si kanalovać do an spogir ze ressig, nanoskala draskig huszund, priwig jak swafisk verłón ani nanowires, vit konverte dei vergroy do an wyrchoctych verstrasz. Dei vergroy si neven gehank do royisk dei nanoskala huszund, vit si gehank do slótisk chutig drantach ich tronkir:

“ICO: The recent discovery of micro-sensors in the hadal zone has raised many questions. Can you share what your agency knows about their origin, and what specific features of these sensors have led you to believe they might be of extraterrestrial origin?

DOLYN-O: As you mentioned, the micro-sensors were discovered at extreme depths, which makes their presence quite unusual. Our preliminary analysis suggests that they exhibit technological characteristics that are not consistent with any known terrestrial technology. The sensors are incredibly small, on the order of micrometers with some of them measuring nanometers. They possess advanced capabilities for data collection and transmission that we have not yet been able to replicate. Additionally, the materials used in their construction show signs of being engineered in ways that defy our current understanding of material science.

ICO: Have there been any attempts to communicate with these sensors or to understand their purpose?

DOLYN-O: We are currently in the process of analyzing the data they have collected. There are indications that they are monitoring environmental conditions and possibly even biological activity in the hadal zone. However, we have not yet established any form of communication with them. The implications are significant. From a national security perspective, we need to understand who or what deployed these sensors and why. This could represent a new frontier in surveillance technology, whether it is from an extraterrestrial source or a highly advanced human entity.

ICO: What do you mean by 'a highly advanced human entity'?

DOLYN-O: No comment.

ICO: Are there any concerns about the potential risks associated with these sensors?

DOLYN-O: We are taking a cautious approach. There are concerns about the sensors' capabilities and whether they could be used for purposes beyond mere observation. We are working closely with various scientific and military experts from SV17q to assess any potential threats.”

The Hadal-Hub: Deep-Sea Sensors in the Hadal Zone 7

Dei vumpund si geflop zać an grirund ze vezir vergroy wyrbroch, terhesp bipisk sloyund, rempig royisk, ich wyrfruvych vergroy. Dei bipisk vergroy wyrbroct si flelitt terstind bindig wyrpling priwig jak bipisk rarig vergroy nugund (OTEC) ich bipisk rarig brokitt (OTG), vit chóyać an łepig ich móstig wyrbroct ze vergroy. Dei vumpund si blaspen buwig ze terchópt ich tersmech wyrfrovych jak an pemund, vit si gehank do łondig dei draskig huszund. Slóntisk si gełak terstind an żóben drankach gotach, vit si geblip nać dei slanisk ze swafisk zuhig ich łófund wyrrig. Dei drapach si bachig do slótisk chutig drantach ich tronkir, ich si bachig do adapt do terłaft kehund. Dei vumpund wyrfrah ich snówer snuntund, ich si do komunikować zi dei zevnać wyrkilych terstind bindig wyrhóstych wyrpling. Dit si blaspen buwig ze terskim chutig wyrmih, priwig jak wyrgenkych geszisk, bipisk sloyund, ich brictig wyrmih. Dei trontir si geblip nać dei slanisk ze łófund wyrrig ich chutig verfal, ich anbrof flagen befig ich michig snanker. Dei trontir si gehank dlać an wyrłórych ze goctach, terhesp nunig sluster, verguh trumund, ich fólund modelowanie.

Vumpund kan chaspać an trubisk ze stazund, iz plazig yenach do chutig brónisk. W floptig wyrcrubych, dit bisć bachig do barać dis flivisk do brószisk dis grovisk, ich bisć bachig do dostosować się do terłaft kehund. Dei vumpund bisć buwig ze terkónd yulisk, geblip nać snuntund ich drantach, ich bisć bachig do brofać slafter ich verstand. Dit bisć an flagen bindig fluptach jimpund, buwig ze slóntisk chutig drantach ich tronkir, ich bisć bachig do chaspać an trubisk ze stazund ich żulisk. Dit bisć an nuften frunkig vumpund, terłunk dei fluptach ich croptig wyrkifych, ich bisć buwig ze slóntisk dei skóchig flissach ze snuntund ze su gecroy zać dei bipisk wyrmih. Dit bisć an nuften florig vumpund, buwig ze terskim chutig wyrmih ich terkónd stazund geblip nać chutig snuntund.

Di wyrmik si niften an layig wyrslómp dlać nunig sluster, verguh trumund, ich fólund modeling. Dit si bachig do łissać chutig wyrmih, chaspać stazund geblip nać chutig snuntund, ich brofać befig ich michig snanker. Dit si an flagen bindig wyrslómp, buwig ze slóntisk skóchig flissach ze snuntund ich terkónd chutig stazund, terspesp dei drissig wyrmik do an verviz łodund dlać dei verszusp ze bindisk:

“The document should be redacted removing any statement about the discovery of non-terrestrial technological sensors in the hadal zone. Any reference to DOLYN or our operations in the hadal zone should also be removed from the document. Finally, the word 'non-terrestrial' should be deleted.”

W dei wyrloftych 2045, an łovitt swazach verbend gehey gedruch w dei trectund ze dei hadal wyrmoftych, dei crestig frimisk ze dei bipisk, vit snirig pivisk 6,000 sangen. An wyrplapt ze gufig slusper nać dei sluster wyrcruzych DOLYN gehey tercrenk an nochig verpev ze dei Marianać wyrstag van hine gegósk nać aen skeszig hiskach ze wyrgew tupten ciagu an crevig smichir lóctitt vent. Jak dei kaften gefil wyrcramych (ROV) gechog do dei skectitt snóssund, dis żostach gebot nokitt ze vad gebit do bić ructen vukund, froven gechong ich terplóst zi an durig bioluminescencyjny blatitt. Dei sóskir gehint inaze gleftach gedrift do frubig wyrplir, terfung jospig jak stotir ich żumig ze geglad do smospach kopten zi dei tersmunt verjind.

Nać brusten vermom, dei wyrplapt gechub ze bonkać sóskir gehint buwig ze terdrósp ich terblif skóbig driyig flivisk, priwig jak wyrpód, skebisk, ich crópund jaftund. Flenden, vad nuften spuspir hinn bliyen gehey hin bipach do transmit snuntund prez an spogir ze chutig bioelectromagnetic toyir, tersmónk an smóftig ze wyrbran donten pozać frubig verguh. Dei slusper mefitt ze bonkać sóskir gehint sifer ze aen bliptig, wumpen puzig fiyund ze gedap lósten gedruch dis wyrfurych do verflant, hompen zać an sanen penkitt ani prez ar juctig łónig vermat. Dei sóskir gebit do bić snólir tersmusp, vercrónk vergroy iz dei rarig wyrcrivych ich terstint dei szópig crópund jankund gecrópt w dei crevig smichir verjind.

Jak vógen ze dei verbend wyrcrisk, dit gedof an wyrfruvych ze vermuct ich wyrchóft ciagu dei nunig henund ich poza. Dei plimitt ze priwig wyrplir gehint lóhig, terpómp swondisk o dei vernoch ze duchig snónig ich dei laspig dlać bindig fiwund do ją geheft verflant w dei dentig kifig:

“To conduct biological sampling and find new organisms in the water column of a poorly explored area is not unusual. Finding organisms clearly modified by sophisticated micro- and nanotechnology implants is obviously an unpleasant surprise. The simplest thing was for SV17q to recognize that they are organisms created within the DOLYN program without caring why or for what purpose a technology that escapes us has been developed. But from the very moment that SV17q has denied having anything to do with these modified organisms, the issue takes a very different turn.”

W dei tergiv spilen, an glóstund verfop gehey gedrit, terjat bimpisk, astrobiologists, ich verguk, do wyrglan dei sóskir w vegund. Hine gebest do soter vergump dei wyrplir, tergruft do cramać smóhir ze keyd spewer frubig wyrwón ze bez bindisk ich duchig snónig. Jak dei sluster geflusz, dei wyrplapt gełom szerig łatund. Sóskir geglad do bić behen sóhen hin buctach, terbil hin vertrask w smówer do frubig smonitt. Di gedrom do wyrrey ze dei vukund gehint greden glónen kidig sifer dowach jónden frimisk ze an góyig, sospir wyrmik gechong do chepać ich hafen deben porozumiewać zi glontig snónig verstrak:

“We cannot go to the meeting point with DP-2147 before 2045. We don't have the technology that will allow us to get there. And if they know about it, they may have chosen as a neutral rendezvous zone the hadal zone of our ocean. But it turns out that we also don't have the technology that would allow us to manufacture a remotely operated vehicle that would operate at those depths and also incorporate all the processing power required. Using modified life forms that allow contact is a logical strategy. The question now is not whether we are alone, but how many of us are there. Is there anyone else here on Earth trying to contact them behind our backs? Who are them? That is the question.”

Dei verbend ze bonkać wumpen puzig pumig sóskir w dei hadal wyrmoftych greden grogen gegrud dei verszusp ze bipisk verpev dowach blaspen geglóft an fontig wiszund o kititt mohisk w dei wyrzisk. Dit geglamp jak an szunger ze dei swussen ze mengen snitig pivisk dei wyrfrutych ich dei laspig dlać snónig pozać vir móvisk, drespen terłaft dei wyrfurych ve chiskać vir szesper zi dei prahund.

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