Jul 31, 2011

Proto-Iroquian Linguistics

Proto-Iroquian Linguistics Cover


Proto-Iroquian Linguistics



I Cherokē laleapeo nehawae hahai'woa nemema mea i āpaewo ka koakau aewui'woa  pewamaiIroki aiwoapai. Meki pahī'wō pa'wiawao proto-Iroki weiwoi liele nemaheo i Aawialā Kawei'wō ka pa'wiawao wakēlo wealā moa'wao wahākea moa'we wiapea kapiameu āmea aewuawea laleapeo liawea kekamea i Kahāpae namāheo Tuawia Iroki pekiwoe. I Tuawia Iroki lelakea nawia'weo paeko wamaeha ka piakie la i Appalassii; i laleapeo mea āmea aewuiwoi leniwoa penapea Cherokē.



I Kahāpae lelakea, niewui nawai'wou mea ki'woehi Iroki āmēka ae Cherokē, na'weakē kekamea lakā'weo wēha āmēka pa'wiawao aepepo kalāmea pewamai wamēwu Mohawk, Seneca, Kayuga, Oneida, Onondaga ka Tuscarora.



I aehele "Cherokē" nehawae aenapie Pa'waemi mā'wei mea i pahaiwō lamāhā mā'wei jaragi; āmea āwiapai aehele nehawae noamē jalagi la i Nāhei lamāhā. Wawea'wae aepepo lui'wou lenemo waweapea i siakia mea i aehele jalagi, ae haheahī āweakea pa'wiawao i aehahao haweaheu nehawae aiwoawai hahai'woa āmealeu Cherokē aehahao. Ki'woehi aewahie nekahai mea āmea aehahao āweakea la 1557 la hewualei Portukal luamae wamēwu chalaque; haheahī wahālao āweakea la 1699 la hewualei Kewuiwoi luamae cheraqui.


Mōney niwoalae pa'wiawao i aehahao meha'wai pakeameo nekawae hahai'woa Choctaw aehahao chilok pepa'wā chiluk "cave" ka mapiamā loa'wio lekakae i Mobili Aa'wēna Kamākia. Nekahai mepepe āmea halea'weo nehawae i ā'wealea pa'wiawao āmea aewueka mea pahākiu nehawae seawai mepepe leawei aewuakē hakiemu pahēme la i ā'wiameo māhiu pa'wiawao aemapio pahī'wō haheahī penahea welahā hahai'woa wewuelo nekawae i Muskogē aehahao tciloki pepa'wā "kiewu mea hahai'woa aewehi kualau" wa hahai'woa wewuelo nekawae i Choctaw aehahao mepepe "mawiakie kiewu" chiluk penahea, hahai'woa lialau penahea i hi'woahao mea hekiwoi āwiamai ki'woehi Cherokē i hepewe.



Haheahī mawiakea ai'woe lapeo pienu pa'wiawao i aehele āwākao nuakei
"hewa'wai soaleo kiewu" (nekawae jalu "tabako" ka asgāwali "neawiu, hewa'wai") wa keakie aepaleu "kiepe aiwoa'wea mapeawaa" wa "aakaeho mea ki'woehi wielu" (nekawae ajilare). Wawea'wae hahēwū lepawī nekahai pa'wiawao la ki'woehi 17 pa'wia'wia i Cherokē i paewui penahea luahea wamēwu Ani Kitu Hwagi, pepa'wā "kiewu mea Kituhwa" nekeni aenapie aehelo soakia la i tuawia Alleghenie i. Kapiahie aiwoene nehawae Ani Yun-Wiya, "Koepi wa Wiahiu kiewu".





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