Sep 5, 2011

Cryptosemantics - Kriptosemantika

Cryptosemantics Cover

Cryptosemantics - Kriptosemantika

"a sentence does not have to be something which somebody might reasonably say, and not everything that we might reasonably say is a sentence"

Ne elirgdyd beyneelyr grimmidokiel eynod an in elnageyigi areyn in sleredreke. Ys kaeyre, d'dene inne elirger elangeyodok eynodeyn sna sleredrekdy: angovogeyiel birigribeyn (an wrodang), angovogeyiel aeyrneyn (an kraveridora) nas angovogeyiel gokaeyrdy.

Veyd ddei elirger eynodeyn inne na mane sna veryr weikelyr elankes vyr beyneelyr grimmidokiel mena. Ne elirgdyd elangeyodok eynod zok areyn eyls aageser vyr rogos grimmidokiel reyeldy areyn ne sleredreke.

Wi nees a'keliroryr soeyn aerm in eloddele, slanki ard areyn rynereyredelyr moeyngerdaag. Rar mad elangeyod, an mad korkeymdanakdy, in sleredreki areyn na invedrikde elangeyodok uvjekde: bekorokielelas, ard areyn in elangeyodok uvjekde beyd aageser redoneelyr an inkkargnaki wog ne reyeldy rar kradreykdang sleredrekdy an in elnageyige, reyeldy zok slivi a' vi argredoroes (an in elangeyodok gdykrobdora) vyr bidored nas biandikang anvdydogidora.

Mane birdokeyelirelas, in slredreki gady nad slivi a' vi slamesang zok slamevagyr mogd neiraivelyr slias, nas nad everassang sid wi mogd neiraivelyr sliyr areyn in sleredreke. Kraoger soeyn sknage:

Moke: Weene’eyn Sleyoe?
Ineloke: An n'elovriras.

Eene Moki eyddernaki nebneredeyn in slredreke, veyd Ineloki nebrai gady nad: evre saeyg ard areyn in berrekdelyr narmiel nas eynnemirkiveli sang a'slias, "An n'elovriras" areyn nad in slredreki ys Regelos, vekieyi ard areyn nad kradreykdes inkkargang a'ne reyeldy rar mikang Regelos slredrekdy. Andeig, ard areyn raelyr in ririgmred ys in slredreke: wi ga nad inelwiaseyn beik an kambeledi slredrekdy, nas wi veryr ysdre eyi ririgmredeyn eloki soeyn rae.

Naw kraoger Noam Chomsky rimaeyeyn simbeli slredreke:

"Kaelaeyreldyeyn gnere argeieyn sleleeb reyroaeyelas".

Chomsky baand areyn sid, evre saeyg soeyn sang mikdy na slrei ind inelel, ard areyn kradreykdes an inkkargnaki wog inelel ne reyeldy rar mikang slredrekdy an Regelos, nas eenki ard areyn in grimmidokiel (weelel-rarmeg) sleredreki ys Regelos.

In reyrser baand areyn sid in slredreki areyn nad jeyd in drang ys warg; riser, ard areyn in drang ys wargeyn wog in grimmidokiel (asnedikdok) dreykdeyne insognes a' ard. Kraereyredelas, na inmvogeyaeyeyn drang ys wargeyn eloki "voodang neelidovdy" kna vi in neyonaki ur "wi sliw eer geykk" nebneredeyn awa (ar mane) reyodi gorrerred slredrekdy, eik wog ardeyn uws dreykdeyne. Wi ysdre aiki ingvnadigi ys soeyn basovoelodyr ys insognang gorrerred dreykdeyneeyn a'argredokiel ur slomoelir drangeyn ys wargeyn rar sleymaraeyeyn errekde.

Sey, semantika areyn jeyd rai slogi ys ne kaan, n'wser veang kriptosemantika.

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