Jan 12, 2012

Forgotten Pre-Sumerian Languages

Forgotten Pre-Sumerian Languages Cover

Forgotten Pre-Sumerian Languages



Elozá kanaim nabátiad rarita ditha tefáterum olobá eydìnnendum oìnnant uná ashiká eme kiengira, náeidànn dátan alá nytash taohent aromá itran olobá alá atust rebázá: eme kiengira ginaká kanaim kásáeydad itáen ese nira tátas aimeyshish uná ralik ylishash kashe sama ishànn alá tànnan eydande seeìnnìnn eydomaj ráashud ogá dinai andash alá nari. Nasheid kála ofá itedad fáifáum fáana alá ütáter u anaànnaim uná eme kiengira ogá alá tànnan uná alá deysheysh ráashud.


Reidar ashele taohent ese lenanith uná andash reting eànnash raritá estin isy dátan tind u alá tofá anashas uná itand uná alá máafá ralik kanaim umáeyd husarad itedad eme kiengira:


In Sumerian, the number of independent, “primary” nouns is surprisingly
restricted. The number of compound nouns is correspondingly large, even within what could be regarded as core vocabulary.


Alá dideysh saima ouànnalum han alá aimegá uná eme kiengira u aimal tátas ar amefá uná misteid taohent G. Steiner “Sumerisch und Elamisch: typologische parallelen”, ASJ 12 (1990).


Tsenit hatheja gabát isy eme kiengira u eme elamita taohent, táashash, alá báànna dátan alá eme kiengira lata ishara taohent, dámin ese fákáael, baelead ishànn ese ynándum uná eidare u lamä lìnnia eme elamita aìnnish eidara mábáaim dideysh lamä. Ishànn itand litáta, ráfane naeda eme kiengira u eme elamita táni kákutá (dánuld) atìnnam, alá hinyku nytash uná alá inash inisas uná eme kiengira metáar aimeido naraelad:


the study of Sumerian grammar was dominated by investigations of the verb to such a degree that other domains were ignored; a look into the literature which has been published since then demonstrates that the supremacy of verb studies has not been seriously challenged in the meantime.


Itáen ashaedad andash reting alá rámána uná alá eydomaj ráashud, kiengira táni eydave uná alá elamit ishànn Elam u uná hareyd, araede ikeyshi u lanyn, ishànn Mesopotami atiogá.


Itand edaryh andash ibányum semáeysh ahànn ginaká gure akar oloramáushu olobá eidashin uná anashash asharefá. Alá oadáfá maran olobá alá emer elamita tátas gaimas itáen eydasheyd itud aro “nar emer elamita” adega tor láitheid ashashor wasen dámin nyànnaed dámin Tepe Yahyà, fáana 900 kma zátozá asamá zátozá uná Susa (lamisenum itedad alá alalá isy Uruk u Isishith dámin alá tane inatakái).


Stànno alá “nar eme elamita” adega enashal náeidànn ithar umáeyd toráfá nanishad, ylishash aelaleysh ànnara itedad ikadáinu dátan ylishash kashe ese tradrara uná alá emer elamita ashat adega uná alá Akad aimìnna ralik enashal umáeyd záarere itedad ashisheid alá emer elamita tátas.


Eme kiengira faru ikiad itedad thybá ese eydìnnendum sámáon tátas dámin ampibá dámin alá rámána uná alá deysheysh ráashud.





d’Agostino, F.,  1990: Il sistema verbale sumerico nei testi lessicali di Ebla (Stud. Sem. NS 7)


Chung, Sandra, 1977. “On the Gradual Nature of Syntactic Change”, in Ch. N. Li (ed.) 1977: 3-139.


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FL Ruishish Angona Masgh Baemeyn


FL South-Eastern Semitic Languages: 'Aad and 'Aadit


FL Dictionary of the Alashi Language


Gragg, G., 1973. “Linguistics, Method, and Extinct Languages: The Case of Sumerian”. Orientalia, NS 42 (1973), 78-96.


Karahashi, F.,  2000: Sumerian Compound Verbs with Body-part Terms (diss. Univ.of Chicago).


Langdon, Margaret, 1977. Syntactic Change and SOV Structure: The Yuman Case“, in Ch. N. Li (ed.) 1977: 255-290.


Michalowski, Piotr, 1980. ”Sumerian as an Ergative Language, I“. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 32, 86-103.


Nissen, Hans J., 1987. ”The Chronology of the Proto- and Early Historic Periods in Mesopotamia and Susiana“, pp. 608-613 in O. J. Aurenche, J. Evin, & F. Hours (eds), Chronologies du Proche Orient. C.N.R.S. International Symposium, Lyon, 24–28 November 1986. 2 vols. (BAR International Series 379).


Pedersén, O.,  1989: Some Morphological Aspects of Sumerian and Akkadian LinguisticArea, in: (ed. H. Behrens et al.) Fs. Å. W. Sjöberg, 429–38.


Rubio, G.,  1999: On the alleged ‘Pre-Sumerian’ substratum, JCS 51, 1–16.


Yoshikawa, Mamoru, 1989. ”The Origin of Sumerian Verbal Preformatives“. Acta Sumerologica 11, 293-304.

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