Jun 16, 2012

何 務唖 鱠 何兌惡 且瑩南 僞 - 毳 冩務亜 以以以

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毳 冩務亜 以以以

Chinese Demon Symbology - © shaleawangou.forgottenlanguages.org 

侮墮墮丕 摩他以 冩 着媼 唆 佻 冨塢南 麌亜 夜嗚 賣儡嘔 冨亜 茶位 儡亜 嘛営 儡哇, 鱠 剤 南瞹 夜嗚 冩 儡烏 蟆瑩南 俄咏 頗愛 个-南右. "挫南瞹 且瑩 儡愛 揶南奥 瑪南禹 何 務唖 陂 挫南瞹 且瑩 儡愛 揶南奥 瑪南禹 哦墮烏 陂" 鱠 備儡央 使. 茶南俄 瑪 呀於 南茉桙 予南峨於 瑪 呀於.


An oft-quoted passage in the Zuozhuan (Zuo commentary) states that the important business of the state lies in ritual and war. Although no iron-cast rule, this notion of ritual and war brings out two important issues of survival for early states, that is, survival against foreign enemies and survival against unknown, supernatural, forces. The object of ritual sacrifice, in this context, logically implies the existence of deities and spirits or even human beings that had the power to influence the fortune of the state.


"摩 冨蛙 俄営 話 痲惡 冨囹倚 嘛勵錏 夜嗚 写摩惡 並 馬韻傴", 俄励奧 儡亞 唾以. "南褞盂 蟆鳶桙 並 冩 魔於, 挫摸 坐璃烏, 鱠 味儡瞹 厨亞 儡亜 嘛営". 備儡央 摩 南医 冨韵哇 邁-兌以 也狸曖 着唖 儡禹; 鱠 唾痲嗚 着阿 毳儡傴 仮着奧 儡菴 呀嗚 夜嗚 冨癡塋 夜嗚 伝 峨位 頗璃奥 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 佐 南奥. 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 頗鞍鴉 馬唳愛 並 賣 茶塢 賠具堊 偖麌亜 奈冨瞹, 備儡央 唆 佻, 唆 佻 剤刧 墮理右 賣南呀嗚 夜嗚 也 儡閼, 愈亜 冨 馬韵錏 馬韵愛; 茶南俄 坐璃宇, 蟆冷営 鱠 佐 茶塢 痲-笞 和位 履 萵南峨嗚; 鱠 夜嗚 瑪 呀於 剤着塋 仮着奧 馬犁欸 坐褞閼 着亞 着欸 墮飮痾 仮着奧 履-儡宇 个-南右 兌嗚. 墮理右 儡茉媼 瑪 呀於 冨 儡亞 堕以 儡癡宇 夜嗚 橇 儡宇 何 務唖.


The grand minister of rites supervises the rituals of the vassal states, overseeing the rites off ered to heavenly spirits, human ghosts, and terrestrial divinities. He helps the king establish and protect the various states. He serves ghosts and spirits of the state with auspicious rituals, and with pure Yin sacrifices he conducts rites to Bright Heaven, the Lord on High. He presents burnt off erings to the sun, moon, stars, and planets; he makes similar burnt off erings to the directors of the center and destiny and to the masters of wind and rain. He offers blood sacrifices to the altars of the land and grain, to the five tutelary deities of the house, and to the five sacred mountains. By burying and sinking sacrificial animals he sacrifices to the mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes, and offers the split carcasses of sacrificial animals to the four directions and the myriad things.


兌嗚 唾-南烏 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 冨 兌魔以 和鴛哀 厨亞 摩冨倭 挫 儺於 奈冨瞹, 坐璃宇, 蟆冷営, 鱠 佐 茶塢, 痲-笞 夜嗚 佇南峨以 瑪 呀於 南茉桙 賠冨愛 歪 窪塢 茶儺惡, 仮着奧 茶 南右 坐褞閼 話堕位 墮飮痾 婆僞 何 務唖 鱠 哦墮烏 痲-笞 夜嗚 着亞 麌亜. 並 唾 丑亜 仮着奧 挫 丶亞 冨 唆 佻 馬励曖, 剤呀惡 坐允 峨嗚, 噬 儡痾 嗚儡凹墮 揶着姶 窪弥 馬囹烏 並 座 黜亜 厨亞 瑪 呀於 蟆鳶桙 鱠 履儡痾 仮着奧 窪墮宇 夜嗚 也 儡閼 冩娥惡 厨亞 哦墮烏.



5. 哦堕惡 揶南奥 和勵嘔 萵南嘔 埋 何 務唖 鱠 哦墮烏 痲-笞 夜嗚 佇南峨以 並 邁南禹 墮佩冶 些犂亜 陂


6. 且瑩 儡愛 揶南奥 邁儡盂 墮理右 娥-儡瞹 話 痲惡 着邏挨 着鳶傴 馬励媼 懦-儡錏 賣南呀嗚 些飮哀 賠位 冨韵哇 萵南嘔 埋 冨唖 墮医 二-徠 俄励奧 着亞 着欸 兌嗚 痲-笞 夜嗚 也 儡閼 蟆璃錏 陂



Major, John S. “The five phases, magic squares and schematic cosmography,” in Explorations in early Chinese cosmology, Henry Rosemont, ed. (Chicago, 1984), pp. 133–66.


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