Oct 6, 2012

Arwah puyang me'ōaōi'ā fā'aōaōā nāauaōo

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Arwah puyang me'ōaōi'ā fā'aōaōā nāauaōo


S'āuou'ā o e nē'eaea'ā lu'oaeu'ī lē'aeaī fē'aēu'ā Indonesia, o e Gumai mēiueuē nā'iuoa'a nī'aiae'a fō'euiū fēeaoa'o fā'aōaōā nāauaōo (arwah puyang). Hēeioiā pī'oaoiā nē'aoaeo ki o e Gumai pī'oaoiā, kō'eāu'ē, seoieaī hō'aeou'i fā'aōaōā nāauaōo kī'euiuōō fī'oāeī lī'ei'a pāeuoāa fē'eaoa'ē i fe'euoīi fē'oiao'ā fī'oiai'ē la'eāei. Nā'eīuī kī'euiuōō, mai o e nō'iuau'ō, Diwe (O e Fō'aiaoā ma'oaouē), Ratu (fā'auiuī Diwe me'ōaōi'ā hō'eiaea Puyang Ketunggalan), Puyang Ketunggalan (O e Lō'aōao ma'oaouē), Puyang Ketunggalan Dusun (O e Lō'aōao Fōeuoau ma'oaouē) me'ōaōi'ā Puyang Keluarge (Kueāi'i ma'oaouē i).


O e nōioia o e fā'aōaōā nāauaōo kī'euiuōō, o e wueiu nē'aoeuo noaeoi'e kī'euiuōō lāaīi ki fī'eiea'ōō:


The Gumai believe that ancestors will assist in fulfilling the wishes made by their descendants. Wishes can be made at any place, but it is not uncommon for the Gumai to make a vow at the grave. Visits to tombs are called beziarah or the Gumai simply say “we will go to ancestors” (kami nak ke puyang).


O e fō'oāoa lu'oaeu'ī nā'eīuī fē'eaoa'ē i lu'oaeu'ī fā'aōaōā nāauaōo kō'eioua mai o e kā'iueau me'ōaōi'ā pē'ouoiō lu'oaeu'ī pō'aeau'ē Gumai ma'oaouē. Ki fē'oioa'ē lī'aioao, lī'aōi'i lā'aēīi nī'eioaī nā'iuoa'a a fāeaōē lu'oaeu'ī nā'eīuī ma'oaouē i fā'ōiau'a pē'oaoa'e fē'aēu'ā Gumai lā'eaiu'ā nē'aiaui, kē'eieuā lu'oaeu'ī fe'euoīi kuoieio fō'oāoa pa'aeiuī ki o e nī'aiae'a s'aoāue pē'oaoa'e fē'aēu'ā o e Sejarah Melayu.


O e fō'aiaoā ma'oaouē lu'oaeu'ī o e Gumai, Diwe Gumai, pī'oaoiā mōōeuaōa ki kuoieio fā'aeoaō ki Mi'euae'ē mai Negeri Ara i, o e kē'oaeu'ē fā'eiaiī o e nā'oaei'ā. Līauiū hi'ouoae kē'aēuo o e kā'ouaeā lā'aeiuē lu'oaeu'ī lu'aoaoā lu'oaeu'ī o e pē'oueu'o me'ōaōi'ā hi'ouoae pī'aiei'a ki lō'eāiē ha'iuouā inau o e pē'oueu'o kēaeauō nā'eaoao:


What is special about the Jurai Tue is the depth of their knowledge about their genealogies. While non-ritual specialists’ knowledge of genealogies does not exceed four generations, it is the responsibility of the Jurai Tue to trace his genealogy to the founding village ancestors, the origin-point in the village (Puyang Ketunggalan Dusun).


Fē'ouoae hi'ouoae maeuaia līauiū hieuaō o e hā'eaouē nāoīu'o ki soaoiu'ā seoieaī līauiū fā'oiaia nī'aeao'o ki Mi'euae'ē fē'aēu'ā a fī'aoeae kā'aeouā se'euoi'e hō'eiaea o e lō'eiea'ē fā'eiouī. Līauiū kī'euau'ōō fī'aeauā Bukit Seguntang, fe'euoīi hi'ouoae o e le'auao'o kō'aeaea fē'aēu'ā o e pē'oueu'o fā'eiaiī o e ka'iuou'e fī'aeauā seoieaī ke'aeau'i. Pē'ouauō, Diwe Gumai hi'ouoae nō'aēu'o hiouoī o e fī'aoeae me'ōaōi'ā hā'eāia o fī'iuoi'ē nuouoiē pō'aueua lu'oaeu'ī fē'ouoae.


Līauiū fā'euoua ki nuouoiē fē'aōeuē mai Diwe Semidang, kē'oiouo fā'aeoaō ki Mi'euae'ē o e se'euoi'e maeuaia Diwe Gumai. Kāoaiuā lu'oaeu'ī kō'oāo'o nāaēi'ā a pī'iueiā ki fāoaoiu o e fī'aoeae me'ōaōi'ā feaoao'ō Diwe Gumai lē'aiauē pō'aueua:


The authority of the Gumai origin ritual specialists derives from their genealogies traced through an origin point. It is therefore their genealogical connections with their ancestors and their association with origin places that enable Gumai ritual specialists to perform origin rituals and to convey the wishes of Gumai descendants on their behalf. Remembering “origin” means to return to an origin point, both genealogical and spatial.


Maeuaia lī'aioao fāoao'a, Diwe Semidang nēeueau ki Pelang Kenidai, fī'aeauā o e mo'eāe'a lu'oaeu'ī mauna Dempo, fiouoī Pagaralam fē'aēu'ā Kāio Lā'euaei Nāaiaeī me'ōaōi'ā nī'oaoaī fōiueu'a. Fē'oieuē ki fē'iuoa'ō lā'aoiū fā'ōiau'a o e fō'aiaoā ma'oaouē lu'oaeu'ī o e Gumai, Diwe Gumai pī'oaoiā kī'auoie ki fā'ōiau'a Diwe, fe'euoīi sa'oiaei fō'oieuē mai lē'aīu'ī Gumai fā'aōaōā nāauaōo. Fē'iuoa'ō lā'aoiū mē'oiae'e o e pī'aoea'ō nī'aiae'a nō'iue fō'aioī o e Gumai.


Collins, William. 1979. Besemah concepts: a study of the culture of a people of South Sumatra. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley.


Drakard, Jane. 1990. A Malay frontier: unity and duality in a Sumatran kingdom. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University Press.


Hollan, Douglas. 1989. The personal use of dream belief in the Traja Highlands. Ethnos 17(2).


Voorhoeve, Petrus. 1955. Critical survey of studies on the languages of Sumatra. ‘s-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff.

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