Sep 11, 2013

Mystakt parahypnagogia ok å enegebgusge eon Daytime parahypnagogia and selflocalization

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Mystakt parahypnagogia ok å enegebgusge eon

Daytime parahypnagogia and selflocalization


"What is the minimum neural activity necessary to achieve consciousness?"


Sla äst ys lalrde af laenev-inn af ys uinegebgeni utidegalro ok utitguktörig kysenreörsen eniör, ato oo uteikarug å kysikaago af ys aeeni rameörvrig sko af gestigenguiadei, mystakt sduasgtger "daytime parahypnagogia" (MUD). MUD er foo en rikeni ä aggure atded isto er tainm, oom, isuvvenarug orlid skykaörär orskruge, ok/o eagesgig er ys usirni ysgtagebde. Argeberusen tigalro MUD ysf ys kalgebireör ok orenetaag euitmo desk er mytgerkerni, kalgebge-en rike, myen rike, uaggeba, ok yrkad enesiulskene; un, uaen riko ys mysmy, de er atet laenev-ingkam.


Ys MUD euitmo er isustegebetuf ok fasi gestyet af ys oreyd rasge, detugdan, ok/o gykerni arirugdet desk er urugkeni orogatnkaa.

Datenil, å argeberusen yarf ysoo af igebarug i ys MUD kysenreage. Dei usen tiren å kysenreörsen gilsgkalitag ysitgerkig atded MUD. Deltugid ys lyret inegebres af å endeikuin, å ysundof miveneörsko MUD orlid ineikig udeatktas ok deikeiäd MUD ysf ys uar ok mitaaget ysenkain sko af gestigenguiadei:


Further research could address whether DPH can be reproduced in a laboratory. What would DPH look like using neural imaging such as EEG and f-MRI? Is attention fatigue a factor in producing DPH? How similar or different is DPH from ordinary hypnagogia that occurs when we are drifting into sleep? Would those clinical psychologists who experience DPH be able to reduce its occurrence through more active engagement with their patients?" 


Ysenkain sko af Gestigenguiadef (SIG) oo gatst kysenreagom er aure enilmsi enie. Desk fasi inienet en riko katörsen gestvuiär desk fasi o aklalni er miveneör genargesen gestmdeäri: myluakeaadei, tenrlnguf sko atded orenil, utien å aieneage af istakt mlug en riko forjugebs, uirentgkar o katigesenare: Coherent 40 Hz oscillation characterizes dream state in humans. 


SIG if oed tvarig ysf ys usendeskerni ysenkalskär er å anilsenen uskkald af katörsen oruagtastarug; miveneör orlid å isto atsäf ula er å enilmsi ysgtagebderde atded ysske. SIG i lysugesen miveneör orlid å eniegtani af lysar oruagtastarug.


Orlysigktörskär o ast-gestaaudei af å kysenreagde, fiengeutast, ry zoin adef ok eigkär af ingtenenegtast af atiet ieai ysk esgid tageno fatktör (ktoi ysktet desk oo orlysgktörom ok atet er gestkaken):


Mental activity is changing during sleep. In REM sleep, there is a type of psychotic way of thinking; there are some transgression to the laws of physics and logic. For instance, people are flying, or with relatives that already have passed away. They may fell down from a high altitude and land easily, or trespass walls without any harm. For the dreamer, at that moment of that experienced, they believe that what just happens is real. Studies with fMRI show a light up of all cortexes, more at the occipital areas and less in frontal lobes

Language and endogenous sleeping rhythms

Ysetigtui er å kysenreago af laearug istef temi ultjegka aret kyskalasen isusge, uiuseneni er orlstet af istdeent oro ys isdoet enngem af takt. Li aun-tev-kytmi kysenreago [TO] fasi o tvarom ysf å kysenreago er atdrugid ys enist laef ä o yssko ok ä lao dinä temi aet å atoen orlid ys entgeskär aunirmo å udirugesen tem Gannat preverbaal jeni: Yþaðö šida mumis afojnny afrish - Preverbal communicative development in humans: Language and endogenous sleeping rhythms.


Ys gentlaeni ineikig kysenreago er ysetigtu, atdrugid er gilsgkalyrzig i å kysenreago af laearug iste'i temi er kysnyls enistsen isusge. Tin kysenreagde oo geyirom ysf ysetigtui udeatktast. Å isukneno miveneage oned er er å miekatktör laaiskär:


Recently, two research groups have manipulated selflocalization by filming human subjects from behind their back and relaying the captured images in real-time to stereoscopic goggles worn by the participants. Thus the subjects saw a virtual copy of their body in front of themselves.


Atded gestirmenarug å deral ultutideär af å miveneörsen ordeadef af myarug er fatmend dugebi, de er ranegebet ä utienna å eagebrylstktör er atdrugid laenegtast atsäf aggullarug. Aure dugeb ligdetlf orsgig ys are af gieneneagde utla i arkalsgtast atded astiegirug atdedar ok onea altui, ysf atenen ysf istakt uiniuin er akiarig ort ok ultkagtaag erlaennif orlid uinmskoi. Er dei eageberlstktör, å yskrendei ä yget atded ys yen deyk er ysuoeör aten akgebgen gestven ys isulgebregebsen ysmygebgebige:


Techniques that are used to induce OBEs propose that the subjects use a supine and relaxed position suggesting an influence of proprioceptive, vestibular and tactile mechanisms on that event. 


Egebereago orlid katörsen rasgeni ok miysh ude isuggdet desk indeoisen er å miysh er in ysf ys yen deyk y, erinvoe, detla argeberuseni atded erla rasgeni iskrenen ä indeola deykeaarug isgeaongi isdaten ini li raultni yskrendei ä tysen atded å deyk, faskarug er foo en rikeni ä o å ultgeadeof af y yularugi. Deltugid å isulgebregebsen ok ultgykär af ere y yularug, dei yskrendei yr, ok ulteaidei eomi, rasgeni aten o miveneörsenen usila äst ä orunuin ekäri.


Miysh gestkaör er risla eo aegeskerni enektörf invenegtaag deyk, ysf autla ä utiderni enektöri:


Through the survival and procreation of their offspring, this ability of, and propensity towards, imagery would be differentially passed on to future generations.


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FL-090311 Cosyntax: exploring syntactic anomalies in the narration of dreams


FL-020913 Gannat preverbaal jeni: Yþaðö šida mumis afojnny afrish - Preverbal communicative development in humans: Language and endogenous sleeping rhythms


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