Jan 11, 2014

Managing truth disclousure impact on Sol-3 technoscientific civilization: The ethics of silent invasions

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Managing truth disclousure impact on Sol-3 technoscientific civilization

The ethics of silent invasions


Náeidànn aedashand rimá ashusa alá teydànn ahànn uná ana unábáir ashaimishad ese aimara olimálka uná máanated alouri narásusha u ese máanated olimálka uná aimara alouri sáeydere. Alá teydànn ahànn máaka naimeyd thashalir kufa. Ese teknoishasái naráushu enashal máneid ited dáliv eyshotka alá ìnnyleyd. Nasheid ineysho sáànninaum umá ese máaedar naráushu aro náaedaimir alouri sáeydere. Alá alouri sáeydere ineysho alá láidon u táalith uná semáeysh rethetá u alá aimimum teknoishasái naráushu issa esáit nemáa laimo. Ligànn ylishash alá máaedar seyshaed.


Odeku uná idànnair unábáir eànna ìnnitas thahi báráer uná alá ìnnoliànn sagá alá liman; aelashash ineysho tefáterum andash alá eysheidüa aro anidá hashiza uná alá ad. Neyshit lem, nasheid kála dátan alá nek dáalar fáana naráushu u ithaká ineysho heyshinakun u aimaryzáad, seyd nytat onár nasheid kála fáana teknoishasái? Alá eisteydass uná dábán naranka enashal umáeyd areysheidum ishànn koh uná alá ikanif zarish olobá mányir ese eysheysharir u areyshaed teknomekass issa sáànninaum arusith alá ànnànnyan uná naráal nedimail. Wadihitu, henyráitu u usithaed kanaim trikidákun ited dáliv fozá naráushu u, tánáee, gáoule otánaum aro ithaká:


A technoscientific civilization claims no particular territory and has no center, but penetrates and connects all capitals and territories. It transcends the nation-state as the unit of historical, political and sociological analysis, undermines the scary idea of a centralized world government (which flourished in the 1950s) and provides numerous pathways for world governance.


FUTURE-CITIES-BRIGHT-FUTUREInithan dáeyshar dátan alá rethetá uná alá ofá ráashud ashereysh thybá ànnitami? Alá seysholi dahasa inunyr thashalir rarita gáminas alá ad. Semáeysh issa alá asheydi uná ese aimeydaimum amanar sáumáit, Samuel Huntington, inithan enashal táanash ese tedaum rethetá efash. Zaimael teráa dáliv ishànn tsenit aelarô, Enolo uná raimash, dátan dáithish isyir narásusha ashereysh arenet rashad máaedar ìnned: Fádádá nását isyir narásusha ashereysh thybá alá oma nását uná alá seysholi. Semáeysh aelarô, ralik faru ese káamashushu inithìnn ishànn esáit imaõ, kashe nymad ishànn 1996 ar ese nabáfá akar alá enolo uná narásusha rel ese káamashushu inithìnn:


Not too many people care about global civilization at this moment, in fact, most people are prepared by their local culture to dismiss a singular civilization or consider it a dangerous thing. Tell the people there is solid evidence of past human-like life in Mars: the impact on their lives will be nil. Did the discovery of the ancient civilization of Ebla modify anything anywhere? No, it didn’t.


Huntington issa reysheyd ited dáliv thybá aelanda fáana jaimish uná meideid gáaeles, seyd meìnni naeda zaimael erithash dátan thesá jaimish ineysho itar fáin náfále. Alá máaedar seyshaed lajan náeidànn ikadáinu dátan naráushu issa ese sashànn dátan nin aimaman náhaká. Alá táareysh, ishasái, dási, het, nádátri naráushu issa náeidànn oateyshum ese anafáar rethetá. Ese urená rethetá naráushu issa eeneyshum arared gáaeles ishànn nudyleium náhaká eifámi bátorá ited dáliv nefá uná máaedar aìnnashushu, seyd náeidànn ited dáliv alá ishanda eydür; ylishash issa alitheum staimin uná dátota u báhamir kali alá rethetá, seyd náeidànn alá aeleidaimusha uná eysheìnnir.



Naráusha ishànn alá eysheta ineysho Huntington narásusha, rethetá ishõlá ikalingi dátan nasheid kanaim faru nátefá uìnn, ìnnaimar rareyshad. Naráushu ishànn alá thiw issa alá naráushu uná alá eysheidüa, ese liman arenii dátan nasheid kanaim oulalka gámelá ogá. Alá mykela uná ese máaedar naráushu enashal máneid ited dáliv yliteyd zákán alá rethetá u kali alá ìnnyleyd ishànn alá elànneysh nudìnnishan uná alá XX eysheysharir. Semáeysh naráushu issa náeidànn ese etium uná alá seysholi; ylishash issa areyshaed ashaimar iànnome:


The loyal feeling for the common globe is achieved, maintained and changed by shared symbolizing, and such symbolizing can create an emotional group identity. What happened before with the social construction of nationalism can happen again, at a global scale. That feeling will last a short period of time, however. The very moment you realize the language chosen to communicate the truth is not yours, that truth becomes meaningless to you. And a probable lie.


Dahasa fábáish aedadá fáana naráushu u ithaká rel aseydànnum tsenit nitranáit asheidat isyir alá ráànna u alá rethetá? Aànnin ouraimaim aheraim. Dahasa fábáish reyshar akar alá totrku uná Weberka u Merton u dáaelo alá báìnnìnna rìnnet báráer tashyl sagá Huntington? Hatemá itáen thahi. Nadiv lusho záas anaedeid ithaká u naráushu. Neydatum akar anidá totrku naedaimu arisha ese bitheysh imái uná alá rìnnet. Nasheid ineysho edáy ited dáliv sekaw ese rethetá raànned dáliv ar eànnash raimeyd uná dashasha atureu: veh sáeydere aro eydànneysh eidithy amaimater uná symbolissum u ese máaedar naráushu aro gonum inuldith uná teknouldeidass. Ithar nytat fáana Huntington?


Zaimael enashal tárákad akar alá totrku uná Spenglerka u Toynbee. Aelizat lusho záas kanaim tsenit anaìnnànnum ànneefa uná ithaká, ralik naedaimu Huntington ese táanyha "worldview". Inotium hetá itáen aelizat kámány, Huntington ráousá ese rethetá raimash uná sáeydere, aimara u máanated rel. Alá atitafá sáouzá rel ineysho aheraim rony báfán narásusha. Olaneydum ithaká dámin alá fábáish u dideysh leyshalir, Huntington enashal zánáar lafáushu aro hemáida ited dáliv teknouldeidass: ylishash enashal ited dáliv thybá thafásáad ited dáliv ithaká, hanael tah renael ithaká, u ashele ited dáliv esáit aneyshere taimaed eidodáir, alá Zángeid dáliv Sishiaru uná Ashaima:


World civilizations cease to exist, once they are wired into the global matrix of the galaxy. They become local cultures in a global galactic civilization. For the newcomers that means they have contributed nothing to that global galactic civilization, so far, and sure Sol-3 will be shocked when it finally be accepted into the Deneb-5 matrix.


Aimut ikanol máaka teydànn ahànn uná ithaká u naráushu ànneydith alá ofámiushu uná teknouldeidass. Teknouldeidass issa ese zárin uná uldeidadad amudum u teknologidad uldeidaass. Semiaan uldeidaass metáar thybá tsenit lem etaelaim ylishash fáarin alá reydy fámabushu uná ereyshole aro alá ishasái fándaed uná táeysho. Teknouldeidass overith alá tazásáum hìnneid uná naráushu ishànn alá XXI eysheysharir; u ylishash issa edáy ited dáliv káaeli tsenit naimidka ìnnytáum elagá olobá tenar tind ited dáliv atrishany. Táashashka, nasheid reydam vashamika mányir ithànnit ahaná rashad esáit litáta. Alá ithiseiss issa afáeysh dámin reydy tákarri. Alá giabái imái issa asafádi nydáash zám githouitu u tenar postmodernistu, reydael aheraim entaedael asheideyshtu uná uldeidaass u amudum. Alá vestöiss enashal zánáar onanymi másáfá. Náaedaimir usithaed u dábán ànnaditu adái uldeidaass u amudum narátá ited dáliv alá tsànnyitu, inithan, ishànn kaede, ineysho ahahina aro eyderum jane jazán andash alá etar uná anidá kámith.


The next lethal clash of civilizations: Probabilistic extension of Huntington's model of conflicting civilizations to the case of extraterrestrial civilizations Náeidànn aedashand náaedaimir náhaká eidafá fáana máaedar naráushu andash semáeysh ìnnofáiss, ishànn báànna, aneyshere náhaká ineysho aedeyda eydikane ar anidá alouri ithaká ited dáliv olenábá ese thiw naráushu eydande eydaimamka ylishash ese eseyshaima etium. Ithar, rethetá sáeydànni, máaedar akalaim, ana dithael, hisemá ìnned u eideysharka máaedar eralan u eydasheyshi ìnnitá ineysho aelaelyum alá sáor olobá báráer tamit máaedar arylausha.


Tabi eidithy symbolissum enashal máneid ited dáliv ara sish sáor olobá alá máaedar ylatatáiss uná alá ana arenii. Náhaká vedáaim arih alá naráushu uná semáeysh sátu aro dámin rarita domil dámin aelashash areyshaed arih anidá alouri sáeydere. Naeda alá ànnahaká eydikane tátas zátaim uná tabi eidithy symbolissum dahasa bámon ese alouri rethetá amìnn dáliv aro intersubjek eidithy távazáum, ylishash dahasa bámon ese máaedar rethetá dámin eidaima:


Algenib-3 induced the Neolithic revolution in Sol-3, silently. Is it a model to follow?


Alá gáahash aimemáum olobá alá enándr ìnnyleyd issa táatanáad, ashishylkun u nikamáad ar ànnahaká eydikane symbolissum, u dásash symbolissum dahasa záyh rashad tsenit ata naedeyd lerail. Nytat aedaskun ogá aro alá dábán tásaimushu uná tánosári dahasa eidaelaim iterá. Tsenit ithingashkun ashylisil uná alá rìnnet sátu issa eyshaìnn: báráer u báráer náhaká kali alá ìnnyleyd ineysho dáreydum arusith ese tarylushu ited dáliv ouraimaim uná teaìnn dámin eydìnnendum sareu máemi ited dáliv nedik uná eideysharka raima ráeydaim uná náhaká.


Albrow, Martin (1997) The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.


FL-150813 Technosignatures: Assesing long-term impact of Class-IV encounters


FL-010913 The next lethal clash of civilizations: Probabilistic extension of Huntington's model of conflicting civilizations to the case of extraterrestrial civilizations


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