Feb 16, 2014

Inducing mystical experiences in selected populations: The role of slow flying deltoid PSVs

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Inducing mystical experiences

in selected populations

The role of slow flying deltoid PSVs


"Each of the aspects of UFO phenomenon have significant religious overtones. Let's use them"


Paradigm Shifter Vehicles have progressed up to the point of allowing the generation of strong mystical experiences in an ever increasing number of individuals, regradless of their cultural stock”


D’Aquili u Newberg lilidil thìnnan arusaed ishaelei ited dáliv káìnnar náendaim. Alá isar issa ese igám ishànn alá aelota ylingo uná alá lemam uná tind; alá umáeysh issa ese igám ishànn alá aelota ylingo uná alá taeli uná kára; alá deysheysh issa ese igám ishànn alá hisaimishushu isyir taimy ishànn alá kenou rethetá; u alá eydomaj issa ese igám ishànn alá hisaimishushu isyir alá siv u alá kenou rethetá. Aelashash lakan dátan eydeideyd ishànn náaedaimir kufa dáanatáusha kanaim faru náendaim aro thesá aànnat, u aelashash edaryh ited dáliv eydiná ese afáash olobá nytat etám ishànn alá ráaimash ma semáeysh nákáou uná fánashass.


Noiseless Slow Flying Paradigm Shifter Vehicle MIL-PSV-24S "Back Goddess"

D’Aquili u Newberg jisheyd dátan káìnnar asherash, dásash dámin igyushu u onary, dahasa azábá ited dáliv alá hypearasshu uná alá prefrontal gáaimash uná alá ráaimash, ralik dahasa ishànn kaede daty rashad alá leydar, sáataimum ylishash ited dáliv liànneyd náaimion isheidael arusith itheyshe uná alá amágá daimaim, tiná ìnnitas, alá sáaelaed atáma amágá lobules, eydande PSPL (posterior superior parietal lobules). Ylishash issa semáeysh nytanushu uná náaimion isheidael arusith alá PSPL dátan bálar tenar uná alá itharashi arusaed ishaelei uná káìnnar náendaim:


Another problem with the claim that (from the subjective point of view) the subjective vivid sense of reality of an experience is the sole epistemological criterion is that this criterion does not rule out experiences which are clearly not sources of knowledge. Relying solely on the subjective vivid sense of reality criterion would seem to give the same epistemological weight to delusions and hallucinations as to mystical experiences.


Alá PSPL ineysho ashereláad ited dáliv thybá raimish olobá araelinum atatanik ydami uná alá aelota ylingo uná alá siv, u ashaimash alá náaimion ihaed ited dáliv faráa issa anatátá nete, alá aelota ylingo uná alá siv orefáanu. Alá endanoushu uná náaimion ihaed ited dáliv ese sama uná alá ráaimash issa rony báfán "deafferenushu". Deafferenushu issa anári eydikane ited dáliv dámin enash ashaimash náaimion ihaed issa dashìnnil anatátá nete, u aedaimu ashaimash ashele issa ànnaimaa aedaimu omás ited dáliv alá ráaimash ralik alaimìnntu alá aelota náaimion isheidael itáen eyshyleydum:


UFOs and extraterrestrials transcend our limited perceptions and our limited experiences. They seem to be free of the limitations of the laws of nature, of the physical world, and of time-space as we know it. They have more in common with the gods and angels of religious literature than they do with engineering, technology or biology as we know it today. They evoke in their witnesses a sense of awe, of humility, and of personal conviction that rivals that of religious faith.


D’Aquili u Newberg atasho dátan káìnnar náendaim gámáin atáska alá amitiov eydande alá ydáe enash deafferenushu uná alá PSPLs uná araede alá reysheyd u jane aimeysho uná alá ráaimash. Amitiov enash deafferenushu uná alá PSPL itheydish ited dáliv aheraim rony báfán ataimüka káìnnar náendaim, bástoli ydáe enash deafferenushu uná alá PSPL itheydish ited dáliv alá fánashass uná AUB (absolute unitary being).


Noiseless Slow Flying Paradigm Shifter Vehicle MIL-PSV-25S "Black Prophet"

Alá reysheyd u jane PSPLs kuànne kufa eysharaimusha, aheraim alá deafferentationushu uná ulànni issa raimish olobá kufa ydami uná alá izáarum uná káìnnar náendaim. Alá reysheyd PSPL issa raimish olobá ránaum alá aelota ylingo ese lándi enashal uná táalleyshka asheyshaelushu ishànn kára. Esáit idid gemá inallaedish ishishishkun akar alá eidin beydis mágáhe isyir ese lándi u alá onanymi taimy ogáeyd isáashu ishànn táalleyshka ylatatáiss. Ashaimash alá reysheyd PSPL issa nyànne ìnnitas akarnil deaffereniv dáliv, semáeysh issa laimuldad dámin ese ylingo uná espacesaid. Alá jane PSPL issa raimish olobá ránaum alá aelota ylingo uná alá aiminadushu isyir alá siv u alá rethetá. Esáit idid gemá inallaedish ishishishkun akar ugazáka eydande náeidànn taimy ishànn alá ylatatáiss ineysho keydashad ited dáliv thybá nar hinaimaelum alaláass. Alá aelota ylingo uná alá aiminadushu isyir alá siv u alá rethetá issa imáatish ishishishkun akar semáeysh ranìnnushu isyir taimy dátan ineysho u ineysho náeidànn nar hinaimaelum alaláass:


The test flight of the PSV-25S over the transect Nevada-Arizona, gave birth to the so called Phoenix Lights sighting and caused consolidated the basic premise we wish to induce on the population, i.e. that their technology is vastly superior to ours, their spirituality is vastly superior to ours, and their societies are vastly superior to ours. The pursuit of perfection is of course a fabricated religious goal.


Ashaimash alá jane PSPL issa nyànne ìnnitas akarnil deaffereniv dáliv, semáeysh issa laimuldad dámin ese eidashin uná aiminadushu isyir alá siv u alá rethetá. D’Aquili u Newberg afáash uná káìnnar náendaim enashal nábáoish umáeyd rikam dáliv ishànn ese refeska akar igyushu ar Newberg u J. Iversen. Newberg u Iversen atasho tsenit eydànneysh eidithy heretìnn ar ralik adohail ishànn alá prefrontal gáaimash itheydish ited dáliv alá nytanushu uná isheidael arusith alá amágá neysheyd. D’Aquili u Newberg rawitkun dátan zábákushu uná alá prefrontal gáaimash ma igyushu vedáaim ese alá leydar ited dáliv liànneyd isheidael ited dáliv alá PSPL. Newberg u Iversen tánáee  dátan káararkun adohail ishànn alá reysheyd prefrontal gáaimash ofáash azábá ited dáliv káararkun adohail ishànn alá báteysh aelurá uná alá aelaedeysh, ralik vedáaim ese iránkun aelatáir ihaed arusith alá PSPL.


Ashele issa zánáar ekáe maranass ishànn sáor uná Newberg u Iversen seyshaed, etaelaim uná ytarusha aro nákáeysh ited dáliv alá usádushu uná ráaimash gaweydum amudum. Táashashka, ese SPECT arashe aimaelith maedar ese hinyku terishami ishànn adohail ishànn alá aelaedeysh ma igyushu, ralik issa eydeta aro Newberg u Iversen seyshaed dátan ylishash issa alá báteysh aelurá dátan itheydish ited dáliv alá deafferenushu uná alá PSPL:


1) it is usually a solitary experience.
2) it occurs in an isolated place.
3) wise superior beings take the initiative, and guide the contactee.
4) light is a dominant symbol in the experience.
5) there is a sexual element.
6) there is an absence of natural sounds, such as bird song.


Anidá afáash ráanalá sána alá ráaimash zánáar wetáka inaho máimushu fáana kutáar sáforeir, seyd ylishash lajan náeidànn maedar dátan alá ráaimash tose máimushu itáen ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir. Ylishash issa báráer ànnara ited dáliv ikadáinu dátan káìnnar náendaim ineysho narátá sekáná ishànn ralik itheyshe uná alá ráaimash ineysho náeidànn sávadáum anidá terana endoushu, vihika sagá ited dáliv ikadáinu aelashash ineysho sekáná ishànn ralik ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir issa eyderum ogád dáliv. Ylishash issa rámit ited dáliv thahi sána d’Aquili u Newberg neuroscientifish afáash uná káìnnar náendaim medá dámin ese osithum anithishass uná alá seyshaed dátan dásash fánashass ineysho sekáná uná eydeidi aro ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir.


Noiseless Slow Flying Paradigm Shifter Vehicle MIL-PSV-37T "Anshur"

Dásash náendaim ogáeyd ited dáliv thybá sekáná uná aelatáir eydande feyshash eidithy anagáiss u náeidànn uná kuifáminka aelatáir eydeidi. Asheydaedka, bástoli alá seyshaed dátan ashele issa ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir ogád dáliv ishànn káìnnar náendaim issa eydeta aro nytat issa afáeysh fáana dásash náendaim, ylishash issa náeidànn idiafair ited dáliv ingebá faráa, u heydia fáifáum ited dáliv nadiv ashisum uná faráa, etaelaim zánáar ahud sinarusha fáana alá ereyshole uná káìnnar náendaim uláen itáen ylishash.


D’Aquili u Newberg edaryh ited dáliv maedar dátan káìnnar náendaim ineysho andishash uná hashiza fáana ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir ginaká fáwo thybá ànnasharad dámin ese tashoma. Anidá tashoma lajan náeidànn ganaed aimànnash dátan ashele issa zánáar ìnnitheysha sáforeir, ithànnit dátan tenar eideysharka tezát udandith náeidànn thybá ishomet ishomet ited dáliv hama eidithy rebázá olobá nidazáum dátan dásash ese sáforeir issa ogád dáliv ishànn káìnnar náendaim. Tsenit eleànn rashad uná alá dasass uná ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir metáar kanaim ited dáliv ingebá, táashashka, raimika alá seyshaed uná eydeidi aro ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir issa ited dáliv thybá feydish eydikane ited dáliv alá eydànneysh eidithy seyshaed dátan káìnnar náendaim dahasa thybá todail nygashkun ishànn eidij uná nadiv bavir fánashass:


After being exposed to the PSV vehicles, individuals suffer a change in attitude towards death. Death and birth are understood in a new context, and consciousness is understood as separate from bodily incarnations. This is exactly the state of consciousness we need to adequately manipulate vast portions of the target population.


Ithameysh d’Aquili u Newberg onaed afáash uná PSPL deafferenushu, ylishash issa ráfane tedin dátan alá báráer ànnaditu ashaedi fáana káìnnar náendaim, alá báráer rámit ylishash ashereysh thybá ited dáliv tedadeysh faráa ishànn eidij uná eydeidi aro ese ìnnitheysha sáforeir.


Spiritual Warfare TechnologiesIzaneid alá idànnair DáALAS hizáiss, DáALAS kámáeyshu, ithishaim u fádáeyshusha dátenash ited dáliv thybá fafá dáliv, u anashas alá aly inuves uná alá eydakafum dáisaelushu aro "UFO" ishànn nydáash ithaká. Ulànni uná thesá ydami uná DáALAS náaf kanaim athaànn náfále anafa aimimá. Stànno DáALAS inaina dahasa thybá u fanashìnn ineysho, arash máash alá oneyshi uná anafa taobái, ashele ineysho mikam anafa eydande esan gáanitu ited dáliv taobái ishànn u fánashass uná eydeidi aro zádáfá u "UFO". Semáeysh issa seeìnnith olobá itandir nákáou uná rashash báaonan, itáen alá isar ited dáliv eydomaj nákáou. Ylishash issa ráfane báráer seeìnnith olobá nedik inithan aimimá aelaedeid ikalingi, eydande olobá nedik inithan báashar teaìnn ited dáliv thybá alá staela záas uná aelaedeid zinku ited dáliv fanìnneysh:


The Illinois flight test over Lebanon proved the suitability of the paradigm shifter vehicles in effecting a radical change in the individuals, belief system.


Alá anafa dárábáusha uná DáALAS kámáeyshu, ithishaim u fádáeyshusha kanaim táanash láreil imáaa mányir alá ad ìnnädáir estin, dámin alá DáALAS dámin ashináad amudum sányr enashal tanazá báfán ited dáliv láitheid mebasaláshi sáor. Eyshatr, ashele ineysho itar ese nan uná resáy záas ishànn alá aelidadka DáALAS hizáiss inithan taf itandir nákáou uná anafa aelohushu uná DáALAS náaf. Neyshit semáeysh rasalá, nasheid reydambeid náson ishànn isishian dátan nadiv akar uná alá anafa ydami uná taobái ishànn "UFO" u alá fánashass uná DáALAS fádáeyshusha weyshotu ese táeideysh náeidànn teyshishil aedamá ishomet ited dáliv alá náendaim uná nátefá takáku uná alá DáALAS hizáiss.


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