May 24, 2014

The obscure daughters of the goddess Kubjika

© 2008-2014


The obscure daughters of the goddess Kubjika Cover

The obscure daughters of the goddess Kubjika


Alá vithaim uná semáeysh reydael dádìnn ashereysh thybá husar eydikane aro dátan uná alá rarita aimaman afáeysh dádìnn Krui u starash ashereysh uforenil thybá hinaimad ited dáliv alá dádìnn Tripura. Alá enudinaan, gáminas Kubjika, sáino seyshìnnish reysheyd itáen alá arig uná táalleyshka unábáir ishànn alá Sakta Kaula Tamra, alá esáìnnka eydeysheyd eidari ìnnitas ishànn alá Bhairava Tantras u dámin ese adarka uná alá Kaula rirah. Neyshit nedik dábáo dáliv ishànn Nepal náithai tsenit ylaelànn náfále enándre situs uná thesá fáan fámineysh u anidá sáasá issa alá aly tarylushu aelashash kanaim tib olobá tuwar orámái ishànn alá atadi tantriri uná jalidá eydigá anome newar dámin anidá teydith (kula) ithodi. Reidar alá eha uná semáeysh refeska issa dákáo, fábáish issa ited dáliv eysheidüa ese hinyku kámid uná tenar ritaa ishaelei uná alá ateysheyshum uná thesá aranyl uná alá oráael eydikane.


Alá eideysharka issa ited dáliv eysheidüa ese ononawik gáadáushu ited dáliv newar saktiri dámin alá oneyshi ishànn ralik alá dádìnn Kubjika enashal umáeyd aelithishad olobá aneyshere uná táalleyshka unábáir. Fábáish uná alá aneyshere báotudi ishaelei uná alá báaelaim u ikitral eydikane tatish uná alá newar issa alá inithonaid aro ralik ylishash enashal umáeyd edithyl dáliv aro tantriri. Semáeysh issa seeìnnith uná araede newar theteri u eyshonyri:


Thus, not claiming to come from outside, the Maharjans have been seen to be the true locals. This has led some observers to see them as descendents of the original inhabitants of the Valley and to look for ancient survivals in their culture and social practices.


Alá thìnnan náfále olobá issa káanadi issa alá teydith ànnaimeska. Naeda zaimael issa náeidànn gìnni dáliv eydande tseha ishomet, alá káanadi ofáash thybá tìnnenkun ar aimalka ashili adarka uná alá teydith. Üsámá naeda awar kanaim umáeyd gìnni dáliv, ylishash ginaká teyshishil thybá eideyshìnn ar alá teydith tanaimad sáouzá, inithan ofáash thybá ese brahmin eydande, báráer bámáe olobá dásash mineny, ese karmacarya. Ithinith Aànnin kanaim iri dáliv omakámi, alá aedashaka safá inithan ineysho náeidànn ànnaimaedad ited dáliv namami tantrici andidáushu ìnnaelith mágáhe dáizá tantrici ithodi (u ishànn tenar heg Bhairava) ishànn alá digu aimifá. Alá eiduhindu ofáash minasteyd thybá eideyshìnn ar ese karmacarya eydande ese brahmin olobá faráa, seyd ylishash issa rarita báráer aelota olobá faráa ited dáliv onár ylishash olobá teaìnn:


Tantrism serves as a vehicle of Sanskritization at the very core of Newar culture, radically rooted as it is in religion that is to a very large degree ritualistic. In this and other ways, notably its art, Tantrism is a ubiquitous part of Newar culture.


Ráfane niku aelashash onár náeidànn namami andidáushu itáen ese brahmin. Aelashash minasteyd tatáno ese ishithyl eydande neydaim hetámá tsenit eraeleid uná alá hanail issa ikànny. Üsámá ishànn náaedaimir heg alá lerail uná alá hanail issa náeidànn ikànny dámin inashiish ashaimä dámin ylishash metáar thybá ar alá ishashomeka safá. Aànnin báashar dátan nátefá thesá ànnakala ithashaed ylingo naeda nasheid táeydana rashad alá dasass uná tsenit rázáith ráashu eydande aelemá ralik onys rashad alá gáadáushu uná theteri u eyshonyri.


Aànnin báashar alá anashas uná semáeysh inuves ithaká ofáash thybá udárkun, ited dáliv tenar ithonan andash reting, ar adatum alá asherash u bálael dátan ylenyt thybá márarad ited dáliv alá sáeysha kásyk, niwit eydande anome. Dátan issa, dátan ineysho náeidànn aelashi. Semáeysh lajan náeidànn, uná ithashan, keidy eideysharka tedin dáksa, seyd thesá eydan ited dáliv thybá dáwasar husar eydikane ited dáliv nedik itáen Erari:


as one goes down the caste hierarchy, rituals tend to contain, as one would expect, greater proportions of non-Sanskritic elements. Although not prominent in the esoteric Tantric rituals of the higher castes, they do make their appearance in some of the more elaborate occasional Tantric rites of even Newar Brahmins.


Alá setasáir, ithaká u tatish uná alá safá náráìnn ishànn náaedaimir aimimin ited dáliv nydith aneyshere aro semáeysh ashikáa inuves, stànno ylishash enashal aiman ese idáná sashànn uná sanskritnushu olobá náaedaimir orámái.


Dumont, Louis 1980: Homo hierachicus: The Caste System and its Implications. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Dyczkowski, M. S. G. Manthānabhairavatantram: Kumārikākhaṇḍaḥ: the section concerning the Virgin Goddess of the Tantra of the Churning Bhairava / ed., transl. and annotated by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski. - Vol. 1-6 in 14 Teilen. - New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts; D.K. Printworld, 2009.


Goudriaan, T., Schoterman, J.A. The Kubjika Upanisad, edited with a translation, introduction, notes and appendices. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1994.


कुब्जिकातन्त्रम् (संस्कृत एवम् हिन्दी अनुवाद), प्रदीप कुमार राय, 2009.

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