Dec 14, 2014

Leys ebera fae lenele - The building of dreams

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Leys ebera fae lenele

The building of dreams


“Man cannot in sleep think about himself unless the thought is itself a dream.”


Þeno tikea ny ari vaton udžy shiiphe valene shaachi. Iphian aed supho aguid iphian kusas dai laleg garce. Modol aguid shaothe kése vyn fae shaachi, ettesh dis leys oosha arulde leser feys tendi, elfse šida gejag, visu marzo echei feys ðingi, zerre šida tertz ny ikid, šida oleði visu leys syoun ephue, beead bas ýha šida fiket Ánnit Maslow egure tertz aktualissi, leys shiiphe visu nead fy tean tonij ty shia:


When a dream ends, the visual sense fades first Other senses may persist longer, with touch being among the last to go. The first sign that a lucid dream is about to end is usually a loss of color and realism in your visual imagery.


Vannas valene ophaan vaton örej fae droou ishuan fae shaachi ehof ðimeh shaaphi aacho. Leys udež fae leys ushoshan ishuan fae shaachi valene ludall visu ritor. Dai nentar, dy lit fy tean nirar, eraóko hanre alávar visu ny innan leys utaan fae fil. Gotje ribde leys minke ohaõ, achiu eraóko okder vannas bas bavan glit penno eraóko jyouna. Dy lit aíc nirar, gotje kelen me eraóko hanre ribde þío oksea beys šida y eshae, verry hanre schug bas ophaan visu usep leys oksea bas aeert visu ostingal gotje tenent glit y lupr. Bas leys zetal klas vannas, fiket dilð iithi feys itola kis canel onmer aguid tenent ei aehan.


Codon mingon oejo behavior šida udž shiiphe. Onmer oaphu wasoku dis nionein vaton žak shiicshan aguid örej muste telor visu bener atharash bas teðef. Leys ocði veden wewer visu bener fiket verry océ, negaá thefi vannas aed soshi upholam edinon dai asot. Fis aed sephi shaopha aed sathe uchulam veden wewer visu ythirash infesh dai euwen beluffed. Dy lit ralit, aed supho lesö shiicshan visu ésa visu éasa riron ei leys iroef fae ferre twijs shiiphe. Sota ochie ei mingá bõr regje shiiphe vode sejng garce bas onmer doeen wanty visu asiá.


Myt lacht vaton lenele aguid mijke fae leys anden idagam da iphian shaaphi onyel. Leys uthep visu tosse shiiphe vaton onmer ashe vevas einas veden seiník onmer gefik ouweg afias.


Hatent, olipro fae örej, tedus paiet ichulam leys achurash fae shiiphe. Dy koyel paiet dayon ulðd dis leys gey anden šida haðõ iphao aguid dalen betet, zozen leys naðhe deing valene tád étig. Leys évõime fae leys deing melve enaki selak ei euwen shaaphi arome. Droou selak nþeiþ hasiþei, emadoul leys lenah visu bener, odine, seangov šida nionein garce aehan shaeshe dy lit leys ny ul naket.


Ny sulam, thefi onmer hanre visu bener getak vaton truid aehan proro modol, henotõ dayon ulðed veeuw cewin hiseiga regje iicho timeli. Treni lader aehan leys minke senen shothes dy lende? Leys aíd valene astur modol valene aoche ei aed sotho dayon ulðed andegur visu leys deing dai hisentu beead aed sivlam. Fiket sy ver aguid ophaan visu lenþað bas iphian nionein dy lit lenele valene jehío da flerk selak aguid ésis ei leys konde dai hasiþei. Blit fiket jehach flerk selak aguid ésis? Leys minke aacho vaton udež tosse shiiphe: ninele šida shaachi.



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Wolfradt, U., and Watzke, S. (1999). Out-of-body-experiences, depersonalization and schizotypal traits. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 93: 249–57.


A. Worsley, “Personal Experiences in Lucid Dreaming, “ in Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain eds. J. Gackenbach and S. LaBerge. New York: Plenum, 1988, 321-342.

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