Jan 15, 2015

Nabu kue kir oraibin anani akirakire eza - Nabu and the tablets of sacred record

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Nabu kue kir oraibin anani akirakire eza

Nabu and the tablets of sacred record


Kir baka esat kir ror amo anani Mullissu tibeles' ber'onakor'o kue kir ikor'ta sinaunin ibikiris anani as'araunin edakir anani alaur'o akiraunine ikat itenen akora aro ena 13 det eni kir anu isker'la lan eni kir redaz abaiseri ziza. Tibas'tan ezat ada neran, itenen kir zenet etet rara tas kir beles'ainor til ar'kireda kir tanaiun sira anani aro ena kar'esar anani kir det zara enat zaz eni isker'la lan:


the contents of the well also included at least 180 human skeletons, many of whom were fettered with iron manacles. Their presence seemed at first to support the original interpretation of the vaulted chambers beneath room 74 as a prison, but we now think this interpretation unlikely, and that the bodies probably represent Assyrian prisoners executed in 612 BC.


Dis'ar bod akora atinali oso ebas'ra ber'onar Mullissu thalor'a ber'ibeles' betinaz eni kir redaz, kue aunined kud, tebikir. Dis'ar bod ital ar'kireda kar'esar anani kir akiraunine ikat s'arokar'es tibeles' dis'ar ber'onakor'o, itenen isker'ntan ebalor' ada. Tek dis'ar bod boun oso tabar'nius anani tebas'at laur'kas tebikir abalkebas' kabar'es arin zaz enato tibeles' rene otat anani kir aiuner beles'fa kue dina tas kir sobetin, ebalker kair kir tanaiun ber'onakor'o ber'ibeles' nakero takirakir ila. Dis'ar bod akora boun oso ber'onuze kir ada ikor'ta anani kud beles'dan det. Les ezat tebas'at aunineni baiserut esat terain teber'oni, itenen ar'kindu ezat sinaunin batol neran. Dis'ar bod ital ar'kireda isker'ntan bas'ata eterakirit kue alober' ada teber'oni oniko arin zara kar'esar nasike rebalke anobin uralor' akirainikor' kir tibas'daunin kub, tibeles' rakaro kir ber ebas'e utibas'bas' arin s'arokar'es:


Of key importance is that the throne room suite, unlike that in the earlier sites so far excavated, includes too adjoining ablution and also the strange object labeled KYR-377.


Isker'ntan beles'eru arin akoni tas tebas'at abalken anani tate eni kir orar'bidi anani olo, esat obar tas kir beles'en anani Sargon anike badi eni kir 7 tik, aro kir rar anani kir bas'ran nar tas kir auninaiunat anani Senakeribe. Alul ubeles'i bod ar'kireda isker'ntan ditakir oniko eni kar'esar ake ber'onukaltur' zoubalke rebalke kir redaibe anani Samsi-ilu, itenen ber'oneare sira izeda, aunined akatuber'on dis'ar ber'ibeles', ber'ibeles' ada. Ikabar' kiz seti kar'esop kir sekon kue kir keta adakir oso ebeles'r kir tar'no kue ubeles're belaur'the akatuber'on neran, azi kir nala ar'kireda ar'kindu utibas'bas' akak oso nari ezat itemis. Eni oki anani bas'ol ido, inab, kota inele zaz naiunas ikor'na isker'ntan eni tikirisse emiso kair kir etir anani kir ber nekaltur' aro Ur tar'tinukar 70 enitaunin une. Kir palaeopatologia anani kir nauninalor' bod anani kules'ikik, kue esu tebas'at ebi anani abar'bas'aunin nalbeze bakiro esat kir ani zata tibeles' itad ar'kindu nauninalor' sidi taiben.


Ikabar' kiz arin ar'kitautina rira abar'ilture tibeles' kir ate teli akirainikor' kir enu anani Nimrud. Elera kir nekaltur' takira anani eber'onakir ur'kekules'abar' nultid azo kar'esar reber' anani takor'oker'e ane disease; ibikiris kir misar daiunabar' eni ber'onakor'o III, kar'esaro 2, zara nar'kibeles' serar. Es anani akar'ese nauninalor', ono ur'kekules'abar' kue rene misar azo laur'raber'on balkezen ainare anike abar'uko kerin eni kobetana. ar'kindu kode daiunabar' Atalia (ber'onakor'o II) kue kir baiserara thoker'e, eke akora tebas'at daiunabar', eni ber'onakor'o III, kar'esaro 2:


The locations of the other Giselian kedeths referred to in the recovered inscriptions remain unknown.




Dis'ar utibas'bas' akak akora ar'kireda kir akos'ar anani kir ber'onabar'to onaibe iunstirabikir nesekar aitude, arekar' edir tibeles' zedo (renu sinaunin bakiro eni kir udak, ibas'e baiseres anani tar'bit Mesopotamia) kue bul bene oso tazal.


Emuna Anu Enlil bod kir eri kez anani tebas'at laur's'arabar' auninaitut ikibas'balke itad itatinakir sedi peb tibeles' etu arat anani kir dotautin, amis, kaunino kue ar'bibeles'i. Kir raber'onabar' anani akatuber'on alakun basakar'e ber'ibeles' anani taiuna tut oso kir binebekon anani kir era, kue Sargon zara sidi zara isker'ntan ikibas'balke oka esat ber'oneare ofo ber'sekar'. Edetera kiz eber'onar sab ar'kireda tebas'at atabekon anani kir ikibas'balke sad Emuna Anu Enlil ber'ibeles' akirair saiuni aro Kalhu eni 707 raken Dinai, renu isker'ntan ele tatu. inab, dis'ar utibas'bas' karet ar'kireda esat kar'esar laur'kas, renu kir era auninaiunat eni 705 raken Dinai, isker'ntan aitutan anani ude ber'ibeles' nakero peb oso Khorsabad. Aneb uber'onan dis'ar zobetin kir nesate onar ber'onabar'to noza ober'ona ziza, itenen dis'ar bod lotar'tin oso arin zaz lakube eni 612 raken Dinai, baiserek rebalke kir sobetin taiuna anani kir nesate onar ber'onabar'to.


Dis'ar zara zaz ar'saitus ando, kir dor tar'eta atal ber'tautini:


This type of objects are virtually unknown elsewhere and their use remain a mystery to us. Their origin is clearly non local and, for what we know, not even regional.


Ar'kitautina talaku abas't sikar, iba udaiun oso kir kam'bar'laku anani ber'onost, anis kota bod ar'kitautina eber'oni adakir oso tibu isker'ntan. Dis'ar bod akora ital ar'kireda kir ude bul ase baiserek rebalke utu nege; zara isker'ntan zaz kir ker'ena, inab, rene utibas'bas' arin katunin aro ena kar'esar anani kir utu oso arin sikar. Edetera, nilture anani tebas'at utu tenu ber'ibeles' ekaltur'd eni kir noza eni ber'aitubekon NN. Mabar'on anani sobetin abu zesar'ki ude bul udal taraibe eni kir auninikar'es ber'onabar'to, kir Nabu aineka (NT 13) kue eni ZT.


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