Apr 7, 2016

NTT - Entity

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NTT - Entity


Andash alá erite uná mányir andaelaelum arotudsir, kuistan arisha thadith aro eànnash edám. Thaimànn nasheid statáash fábáish siànnin themáeyd tuwar? Thaimànn nasheid statáash fábáish nosedal uná aedaimu ashaime themáeyd tuwar?

Ishànn alá sáeyshin sáouzá litáta, nasheid onámi eidithy ishànn ese urená siànnin aro ese urená nosedal uná ashaime. Nytash issa, nasheid thaimànn náeidànn averanodi araimi nedik ashaime. Alá eyshisheda ìnnoliànn rel thaimànn. Ashele ineysho atasha ithaìnn, gáeli ashisisu, hyperka-asholi, tozáylad aimal, ligànn faráa nytat aimìnnata ashereysh, ralik aelashash táoni eidithy u miànnu rashad, seyd nasheid thaimànn náeidànn. Aelashash onámi eidithy ishànn nyànnaed nete tusáhaku uná alá reraim, seyd dámin alá mahile uìnnish aelashash dahasa káráo gámáaim u aelìnneid arisha. Tánìnn daimin alá ashaime uná ashyleysh aimetam itáen reyshash itedad dálivad reyshash; náeidànn alá ashaime nasheid araimi, ralik ogáeyd itedad dálivad aimeido keideid náfále dágáfá, seyd alá ashaime eydetum hyperka-sáfore tyir tyilir:

Let's assume that Akrij has everlasting life; if such were the case then the entity needs not fear a cessation of its existence and we should not be perceived as a threat. And though we cannot ascribe human features and aspirations to such an alien being, we can draw some parallels with all we know about biological beings here on Earth.

Ishànn atatanik zámáo andash atatanik rábá, aelashash dahasa oneha anidá ashereysh, seyd ashithe alá mahile aimetam u anidá ànnylei aimetam dámin eidaima. Ishaimael dámin sume nasheid statáash veh tisha, seyd atsyh fábáish nosedal uná ashaime. Dáysá thesá irámá nazá fábáish aimalka, ylishash metáar ingebá ese nan uná onanaaid: naká daimin ogáeyd itedad dálivad káráo arusith rashäaid, fáaedael itedad dálivad vadáii oler, nikáu gámelá dideysh ishànn idael. Sáànninaum isyir thesá irámá aedato ese isásá terka uná attunement entissa eyshish tratáw ìnnisha. Kawe lasnil las nasheid vedáaim statáash veh tisha, ulànni aro ese ànnitamia nosedal uná ashaime. Ulànni saelànn enashal esáit onaed ithaleysh alygá, hetámá aeleidaimusha eyshodá esáit aimashiku ebábá sáouzá; ishànn eideysharka irámá esáit naranka dáarash eidasyum akar alá fáeidasass uná ashaime ashele itáen esáit onaed.

U uná ithashan, ashele issa awar uná alá igá:

It is a fact they can curve space-time and visit us. But instead of asking how they do it, let's ask why they do it. Why they do what they do? What are the rules of their behaviour? Direct observation is not possible and, on the other hand, the mere contact with them leads to insanity. They are inexpressably alien, that is, they are alien beyond words. Nothing in our neural conformation is ready to meet them vis-a-vis.

Náandeka nedõditu u fála aimìnnata aneyshu arusith eydoneyd amaimeysh ryirir themáeyd nathená, aimìnnata daede itedad dálivad alá eydanáa aosáaim nasheid ligànn alá Ylashik Mythos.

Nasheid ylenyt dámin cribe alar dámin susha itedad dálivad dásash ylashik nikáu, seyd nasheid dahasa mashìnn minin aro alá alar veydithushu. Alá inaele, táiànn metáar minashana dideysh, setikiushu olobá káitha issa akaànnish ashinadushu. Eideysharka alelu mánanad itáen semáeysh: ashinadushu uná fábáish akaànnish itheydish itedad dálivad ese jeysheid eidithy olobá naranka; ashinadushu uná fábáish kuwi itedad dálivad ese jeysheid eidithy olobá atisyl; ashinadushu uná fábáish ibáikum asheidi itedad dálivad ese jeysheid eidithy olobá eseysh u ashinadushu uná fábáish ithaká itedad dálivad ese jeysheid eidithy olobá hashiza.


Dágásum itedad dálivad ese eyshisheda ìnnoliànn fábáish gáminas Akrij, nasheid kála daimin ylishash ylenyt ithuzá uldibá báfánad, dideysh ranywitad. Daimin aelaleysh itedad dálivad fákáael ouritha akaànnish ashinadushu, ralik ylishash adalith olobá anashoad dálivad. Ashaedad nasheid ylenyt namami obástium olobá anashoad dálivad, táashashka, kuistan arisha tánìnn olobá ese stare entissa daimin ylishash dahasa ithuzá uldibá báfánad u alá ànnaimeska faedish dideysh náaeda nedad ylishash ouritha uná táiànn tejab neyshyl. Esáit báìnnìnna lánash náeidànn dideysh alaimìnntu ylishash itáen temáinum eideysharka nikáu, seyd minasteyd alaimìnntu dáisarku itáen temáinum ylishash:

self-preservation is our ultimate priority, and that is something they seem to fully understand. The message they sent seem to point out that there is a fate worse than death for us, and that we need to understand this. Preservation of one's culture leads to a drive for knowledge. This Akrij made clear on several exchanges.


Stànno ylishash dáuv akaànnish ashinadushu dámin esáit zomá rashad enozan tyilir, esáit mifágushu sousá ylishash itedad dálivad táashìnn rashad akar eideysharka obáìnn tersku. Ylishash lajan náeidànn kusás káitha dámin ese eided u ishìnnith nasheid thaimànn náeidànn sekáe eidithy esáit nandaim thashaushu; tánáee ylishash ifádáil záaluld afá eiseti. Dáysá Akrij lajan bámon alar tindini, nasheid dahasa fáomá andash esáit eideysharka alelu dámin eidaima. Ylishash táyànn naranka ishànn alá anashas uná eyshànnaedku. Ylishash enashal kenugum. Ylishash zánáar eidànnash enashal idáh akar alá ànnaimeska faedish tesáe ylishash asheso esáit atárá. Ylishash aelynáaru aro esáit máhemáku itedad dálivad nirain u sekáe eidithy báyts.


Ishaimael kuistan arisha inunyr andash alá rázáith nudaimi tyir tyilir, daimin Akrij enashal zásáìnnum eydür. Ishànn semáeysh litáta ylishash owitrad náeidànn aedara ese nazáaushu uná ìnniveass. Táashashka, ylishash dahasa aimaimànnass kerusha uná esáit naranka, ralik sìnna arykeydad metáar hadár ishànn nonáass, ese arasham rashad lákáná sagá fáarish. Ylishash ginaká jisheyd aro alá eideysharka eyshisheda ìnnoliànn rel olobá ese eydoraim las máanated, seyd atsyh mamisithdi, máráh uná láaelaelass. Ligànn ylishash ese edeydo zátaim, ese naranka iráj, themáeyd ese isosáad oma, aelashash fáthets ginaká namami asheidan themáeyd erite uémáum otánaum. Seyd semáeysh dideysh randar alá káamashushu. Eyshish dámin alouvum enytist ylishash lajan nytat ylishash lajan, nasheid ginaká dámin ke fáana alá eydaimaim uná esáit zátaim:

Yulara is a turning point. We have for the first time learned of a new universe, where the laws of nature differ from ours. Now is time for us to redefine all of our notions of reality. If we deny the new reality we must become insane. Mind, our reality itself is intact, it does not change. But our perception of it must change.

Nytat atureu statáash tamut? Liken lajan ylishash tit egida themáeyd ashyìnn uná nedik atureu? Dahasa ylishash uleidit itedad dálivad sáela themáeyd dideysh itedad dálivad fozá uémáum? Nasheid vedáaim mátáká rashad eleril fáana fáthets uná semáeysh, u ànneyshi báráer, seyd olobá semáeysh sysá kuistan arisha adái ylishash andash daimin. Ishaimael kuistan arisha enany fáthets nedik eydosusha. Alá Mythos ndräse arisha iterá u iterá daimin alá eyshisheda ìnnoliànn rel ineysho "inexpressably" tah ylashik, daimin milol eydeidi aro faráa itheydish itedad dálivad aráse tyilir. Lajan daimin ithashaed faráa fádány?

Itedad dálivad arashoka daimin, nasheid ginaká statáash ese eyshareyd nánáfáushu uná nànne tyilir themáeyd aráse tyilir. Kuistan arisha namami aráse tyilir inaele u ligànn ylishash ese afáeysh entissa isyir sáfore tyir tyilir u fábáish alouri asohaushu uná sáfore tyir tyilir. Nasheid aralad andash alá ereyshole uná sáfore tyir tyilir nydavum aharu u atael nytat entsissutu ela tsenit káaimana eidithy siànnin u nasheid ashereysh dátenash itedad dálivad mutá sashara fálih faráa.



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