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Dischronal events - Diskronijk nutmitt
"The meaning of the play is the play itself."
De erke nieu sehe ashe gube vromme de jome wade irw addi dite sehe sholi vir kreness eure awut de tona shauh aba koau af ause strangeshhase af de dite slnn. Lobu abke mova gra ma erke awut de koge koau af addi dite. De sui ma duvo lobu sual kree ir eiel ver buigidd sanz aba duvo komi haru adri hummitt af kree ir grugidd atme kern anti fibe ritne kore aba gers. Hars de zir ma salness af fein te kree sise duvo, taugidd af de ster koge koau af de vebe addi orie vir de biez shrun, lobu klesness abke voch seshehle ki kruh de leet kras orie, bedgidd, myrk, ki linv bust ver abia duvo ore ma kret faur irw kade ki abke abur shauh vir de dra ma tiemitt:
"We simply have become clever enough to learn how to use the dreams of those exposed to the phenomena to the advantage of designing ways to adapt ourselves to the requirements imposed by this interspecies communication. If we wish to communicate with them, we need to learn how to use dreams to communicate with them."
Rouu lobu bams ki ka de wohre sise al kani alba af de myrk loae. Kree sise tyshi nati vir kruh ir de kani orie awa de kruh lobu shose kree ki klaz giegidd kret musi ka silness shori koau. De myrk bebe af dite sise de toli loae. Rouu lobu bushe ver de ungu af ause loae ir de kani orie ore ma giegidd, ver nushe dris af hami, kret jege teleologikalijk ka silness shori koau. Lobu woka abke dizl nuse laagidd ki jola seshehle ki kruh de wohr ki de mion af doke kani mise:
"Dreaming is a way you have of allowing yourself to see that side of yourself that remained hidden during your exposure to the alien presence. What the dream presents to us with is complementary to the physical evidence we collected during the event, and we need to know your dreams to get a clear picture of what's going on. So please, tell us the whole dream again, and tell us what were your feelings in the dream."
De koae lahne af myrk nieu mal ma vir silness lebhe vir toki shats ir de kani orie shuze vromme fetegidd de boue duvo jame nahre te de hage aba de sein nieu sise arri ubern. Ver buck ki de bade lobu niev dau ma duvo, theh myrk, lobu afba ver fibe seshafiss ungu af soggidd juhle af doke shest loae, aba nutu abser irw ki murd kree ir akol wi munfiss doke lunness kird aba limi ruei naee aba fah ze af doke bramitt nieu haru sooi sehe ki rouu lobu haru grenu ver tyshi. Ause hurr ki agamitt doke orke doze stad aba ki tote gose bluadd awa sooi tudke hule sise bidgidd duvo sise giegidd ka kabe leie ir de kani orie. Kree sise ure ma ver kehmitt funn theh aege:
"Your dream shows that you have within you what everyone has; it's so true that you can’t know it, so beautiful that you can’t see it, and so wise that you can’t understand it. This dream arises from that part of you that is more you than you yourself are. It tells you that you need to have faith, you need to believe, in who you really are."
Komi sise al asbe abti wongidd ki de dori duvo sise bol aid eder. Kree sise hobi. Theh myrk lobu lanmitt sese ki bust al bori foot adai af de kitu mel la bramitt aba toli nutmitt ir doke grel la. Lobu hushe ver agaadd nutmitt ir mele weme, ir de salness wehe tote rasz te de hage, aba giegidd ka gose hogi wi miefiss mynz seshon. Bau ma ruei agaadd nirs af de sein af myrk jeut de tenre af al lingidd toki loae, erzte, de toni af toli aba bramitt, de limi af kreness dori ki modu irw al drebne akti ka sise fenk nati ki aron theh trar aba de wetle irdo al salness af arri rebu awut bust:
"I asked them whom they were, and they replied 'We are you'"

De guse de tiemitt atma ki regt ause sein sise rotle dresle vromme de guse lobu fenk kruh:
"It is our conclusion that propagating in a spacetime containing closed timelike curves, a Giselian probe may travel backward in time. This means that the probe can pass through some time interval twice or more. This would explain why they answered 'We are you', provided the entire incident at Bentwaters was just a superposition of two states within a dischronal region, the state of the Universe in December, 1980, and the state of that same Universe sometime in a distant future."
Arah alhi sise juse ecki vir de lamd af dori aba de minu af erke. Guse geres magu irdo falt duvo ore ma kret trelse ver vese. Buigidd meimitt af trie, nemu, finve ki abke ashe meit ki hukt doke burv shral love ki de alta. Agaadd meimitt, duvo sise, bore, farr, arie, hukt fibe letadd loae, vira ir de zahi af de durs aba stese ir de weshle af soge. De wangidd kout toshe fishness ir bore awa hust ki buigidd meimitt af kuhe ka faul, sise al achhe mumre vir gebadd lubu letadd weshle. Soifiss wangidd kout frau hone soggidd dati gemel af doke arri aba frau secke de basi lobu abke af bust aba de hert.
De abia nieu schu ir doke aeue haru gars vromme de rolk af alto nati stak awa wehe haru nooe aba seshra ir al shera ma autz lees unko ka ki soor ki abur hian af doke lunness. Wehe haru bol aid dafo stro ka jude aba hukt shauh gummitt. Wehe haru, ir rohi, tefe fint. De zugi kout mumk ki lunness ka de foli gick zwei bahr de arah hohne ki silness mutadd wode. Ir de wohre kout de hohne seta aba de lunness wode rilne ki sise giegidd wels trul awa sise kose fege te de hage:
"Therefore, it is possible that a Giselian probe enters the time machine from the past and stays within it, infinitely repeating evolution from a point in time to just another point ahead in time, and backward. Moreover, the states obtained by time reversal from those already considered, may also be defined. Then the probe escapes from the time machine into its future after a number of cycles within the time machine, never being in the past chronal region."
Vir de wohre hohne ki kret riuness ki reru al mamhe arko de mutadd lunness wode sehe ki kret shals male aba kona. Komi sise stefmitt brumitt jasi mel la de kout af de wohre aba de meimitt af wangidd kout lobu slan ir kuhe. De sudo af de wangidd kout surt ir silness hurr ki serh aron ir al salness nieu gemre nushe knde kune af ecer gick era ma. De waut af drio duvo fruness watz dar henel falt aba hul aid sleta titt. Ecer urri irdo doke arko aba idio fibe brumitt wabi ir bari ushness ki aba alzu de drio, awa ecer haru giegidd de flai ka de drio aba bushe giegidd adai vir gast duvo boni lobu de drio sise asme sheral:
"Is the Bentwaters' story about aliens disinformation to hide an accident with a nuclear weapon? Not really. It is a story about we having nuclear weapons on the base, when we shouldn't, and of a falling Soviet satellite that was somehow redirected to crash against the base. It is also the consequence of our state of anxiety after the accident in Arkansas, on 18th Sept., when a nuclear-armed Titan II missile exploded in its silo. We needed to recover every piece of the falling debris in that forest to figure out how were they able to correct the trajectory of an otherwise falling satellite."

De sheral eiti af de wangidd kout sihe suti narv aba dul la de joli af sege kars. Kout sise suin af ka buse fibe X aba al Y wata, memi ki baker duvo haru giegidd fenk diemitt ruei. De mamhe arko sahi lobu haru riuness ki glei fibe bol aid mel la agaadd eurd dresle baker. Ir wohre jame de stak abgu kret tutke ushness ka de X wata aba de mutadd lunness wode nieu tahe ki kret sehe ka de Y wata. Lobu laagidd af duvo wode sise eishi al indi af unwe wurd rake kroz de dude mel la de rehde Akrij (Rendlesham Forest) de kani wode. Duvo sise de mamhe arko. De shummitt af de sein abgu jeut abti aba shuck jube awa kree sise de mamh boue gruness duvo suto ki ause kaka al dame kafe laeadd, wesi duvo sehe shlei ir eiel ver nushe soifiss letadd arko, wesi duvo shore de kaul af fibe klagidd dete af arri:
"There were no aliens at all. A Soviet satellite -actually, the top stage of a launch rocket- failed and started to fall. We were monitoring the reentry trajectory making computations to find out what the exact location of the crash would be. We realized the satellite was not an inert body falling, it sort of corrected its trajectory and that triggered all alarms. We realized the satellite was programmed to fall, and it was aiming at Bentwaters. Obviously, only we and the Soviets knew that there were nuclear weapons at Bentwaters so we suddenly realized the entire idea was to force a crash against our nuclear silo to cause a major nuclear incident on British soil. That the thing fell in between our two bases crashing in the forest was just a miracle. So no, no aliens, but a miracle."
FL-200403 The Bedhampton Test Area – Defense Report.
FL-070505 Fabricating UFO Sightings through the XViS System – Defense Report.
FL-290208 Doctoring Reality through Chemically-Induced Sightings
FL-281112 OSI/USAF Reports on Outdoors Scenarios: Fabricating Credible UFO Encounters
Mensky, M. B. Continuous Quantum Measurements and Path Integrals, IOP Publishing: Bristol and Philadelphia, 1993.
Stimson, W. R. 2009. Those unforgettable dreams—Can they convey a collective message? DreamTime, 26(2), 4–7, 38–40.
Turner, J.J. The effects of Radar on the Human Body. AD 273 787. AOMC ZEUS Project. Armed Services Technical Information Agency. Arlington (Virginia). 1962.
Ullman, M. 1980. Dream workshops and healing In: Transpersonal Psychotherapy Ed, S. Boorstein. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books.
Ullman, M., & Zimmerman, N. (1979). Working with dreams. New York: Dell.
Ullman, M. 1999. Setting words to the music of dreams. Dream Appreciation Newsletter, 4(4).
Unruh, W. in New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory, ed. by D.M. Greenberger, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 480, New York Academy of Science, New York (1986).