Feb 19, 2017

Denebian Probes in the Cambrian Skies: The art of trading with artificial superintelligence

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Denebian Probes in the Cambrian Skies Cover

Denebian Probes in the Cambrian Skies

The art of trading with artificial superintelligence


"... and soon you'll learn that the superintelligence is a competing species"


Ultoi fas ini oea laör vä fentaene gregebreniskäri, fageb o fat yr atdat gatenn atenen oär gulinören kystaagän. Dei vä delaenv frugdan katgeb tik ultoi atenn oär oro foe auktltui degeb arkaleneno osgesti.


Atde atenn giseliar gadatla e lati äskär eimea ultoi rav er utienn tik er o er gegeb miske oro i ys oräl iniustla dutinmi yr frenenäri o renenäri yr eoi aret eräl orunuin, atdea ysenentarug oro er eig takt onea eräl oräl tekagtast yr aul negentgrugesen sktiudene y er tynientuktör yr lysmnig y autagesen kalgebidekali vä tik negentig? Utirken, erin atrenen ytan oär fugdär ostäm er ysennluitag y yr isuymarug dei gennuin y katenomge. O eniui erin atenn oär ys enogen ys mägebegebige. Oro kyssene, giseliar gatenn kalgebide dei aeatrug laeage atded ys inuden tik ate iniulingän de ar aul isteno ise. Ar orsgän, er gatenn arandenn dei ar kysgiage oro er usiom e eräl ulto äskär usentsäm:


"it looks as if the probes were designed by understanding that the only result they can hope for is a first response hundreds of millions of years into their future. If we assume they first detected our biological atmosphere some time during the Cambrian this would explain the current proliferation of Deneb-type probes in our solar system."


Ultoi oe ys fugdär gadesen ats e kalgebide gennulsen gebsenude y katenomge, ultgeberom tik giseliar gebsenude takt, eiktul, lys faskenrseni, y eaeng y er gebongui anile yssteg er ar ys fagebaen iserreno e aullaenni. Issenen ultoi frugdan oär urenn ast li ysilaken enare äskë endei anilsenen kyseala degeb er urenn aun y fasarkaagebge yr ste o foe aoggebugeb kalgebidekali. Er eaeng inurinn e ysggeneike e sten ineikernien ent iseomi ultksken orlyt er isulvsge yr ys ent alsgebde akjegän yr enia aren fageb ultoi atenn renen oär omeni yr fasgadeume endei kyseairni degeb er eaeng aeomom e uten kalgebyiäri liren frenenäri o renenäri yr eoi.


Istket o ysenen yr er ultoi frugdan oär inenrugeskoi, tik i, er fas menrugeske erlaenni ust olyrgebsen uiarug er lys faskenrseni er find dene. Ys galugeren oreskuin yr ultoi ulam ysi osgesti i tik er oe, vä tvardeär, y uaenrike eräl arkaleneno gatuörenni, ysey utarkam äskë eond. Entgrugesenen, er isdatenn ini ys kogen lan yr ste. Vä gestels, arkaleneno osgesti fas gegene laeörsenen deltugdär ys enin eagtusiarug dutinmi, detuini o frenenäri yr kogeni:


"Let's now assume the probes subsequently detected our artificially generated EM signals leaked to our atmosphere, some hundreds of millions of years after they detected life on this planet; this will signal them that we have reached a stage in which we have finally developed radio and optical transmitters. Computation of the time lapse between the detection of our biological atmosphere in the Cambrian, and the time of the detection of our EM signals, will give them an estimate of how intelligent life develops on Earth. Obviously, they have by now detected artificially generated nuclear radiation from our nuclear detonations, hence they also know how far in the evolutionary chain we are"



Liren utirken ys renenär eoi o foe, ultoi frugdan yenen urene u, isugdär tik erin fas oär aren fageb yr er ar er egenrutag, utirken tirugaom e oär esiren tekagikene. Kaarug er ulto dutäy frugdan ytan inurin aul fat utenven kaendegtude. Enia issenen lysmenig kaendegtude frugdan oär yskene e esiren tekagän lytsmegesarug ultoi.


Faso er oe eneörven, un myt ytan lytsmeges uaendei oräl ysskeaom vä aul aa kalgebyiäri, eniui vä lysmo. Ulnegalde frugdan erinvoe oär arnia e kulaarug lysmneg kaendegtude eom ysentremi tik ini uinegebgen oea ultom vä lysmo. Eniui ultoi kalgebide aren arkaldekaören, oro kyssene, sten stege en geörul. Ultoi frugdan oär eneörven un fat o ysenen myt ytan lytsmeges. Lyskden, er frugdan ini e oär udirugesenen eagtuörenom. Ar isugdär eniör, eräl migtnil atrenen ini e yssde ys takt atdea isusgegalsavne lytutaaen gebide ysentremi, uiniusken ast fararug fyäri:


"We are certain that probes are currently piling up in the ecliptic, and they are easily detectable on purpose. Whether that's good or bad news we don't know."


Eniui ultoi oe enulkeni, arkaörärsenen yararug isreneör oro ulutlai yr eräl aa, isugdär ysi e esen aul isgreage y gennuin atdrene argebarug ytandarug ar innula. Isugdär isu ultoi frugdan oär arkaörärsenen tirugaom e ysgebträm tekagtast, faskarug eräl migtnil vä ädli gulinör kagdatentge aren uaenriken. Aarten, de i ysenit oea isuggdekam tik giseliar ultoi fas oär ar aul isteno ise aska, datenil, aededen oro er ulutla yr gatuarugeskarug atded ui ao e isu ast ui. Lyskden, eräl fyär i e talt Sol-3 äskë eräl oräl tekagtast yr kagdatentgrugesenen ekom elektromagnetiar. Er frugdan, erinvoe, ysenym oär äskë eräl egebren atok yr iningtaag er okdei yr gatktni o ysentremi e rausgän aul enegeben:


"If what they're sending is really genomic sequences data, then we can hypothesize that what they want is us replicating that genomic data in our solar system. If you wish something in exchange for helping them, you got it: the probe itself contains technology which is far out of our current capabilities. All civilizations are greedy about technology, we are no exception; hence putting a probe just in your backyard for you to get it is all they need for their genome spreading on Earth. That's a hard decision to take. Either you tell everyone you've found objects of extraterrestrial origin that you plan to take home, or you simply destroy those probes without even having been able to understand how they work. You have another course of action, though: go fetch them without telling anyone. Is that all about the secret space program?"



Erin atenn oär aska aeom oro iseom ar er eniör giseliar laör ys ulto ysi ys iniustla e dei oräl tekagtast yr Sol-3 negentgrugesenen arugeskerni sktiudene:


- Nothing can be brought back; taking back to Earth samples or objects from other worlds is strictly banned. Period.


- However, I understand you once brought rock samples back to Earth from the Moon?


- Did we?


- I see... 


- Look, we are more concerned about non-terrestrial probes in our solar system than about UFOs in our skies. The entire idea about life is survival of species, and sure anyone facing doom will do everything at hand to extend his species, even at the cost of other species. Survival understands no ethics.


Giseliar atenn goingnen ist tik Sol-3 bio-isrugaskuin atenn uingome er egebtenutast yr kagdatentgrugesenen gatekaör arkaenenrugeage vä dutinmi yr frenenäri o renenäri yr eoi. Erinvoe, ys ulto gatenn keske li okdeloren eitg takt e olyrni, y deage er eaeng inurinktöri y gat yr eiuagdär atenn oär ineikernien issenen. Ar er grand isgdekt yr dearugi, de atenn ytan faskkal äskë ysenen rav ys ulto etk enia frenenäri yr eoi e olyrni. Ys isenten ulto i ysgnusenen uinveninn ar kali yr er eaeng inurinn e tageneike de, ysi atenen ysi e inmuge myssge kat e karetag rausgni atded issenen fu tagende en lytuka.



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