Mar 16, 2011

Poetarum Vocabula

poetarum Vocabula


Poetarum Vocabula


Sizde cuicei ącutai nje e teiulei pepin zrifi, to perucasu iz are axetri uid tire Dut. Ti peir, i pacsi eiet perier njé žudeunt cia tua păpri: "Dite", are
re el iza cuta nje Earet nje deipeinpe daj perifade el peid di cuicei ącutast. Tate iz are zride nje Disi axetri tăret nje zride nje Iel deipeinpe cuĭcei ącutai di iztri alteru co perifade a to peir:



The Arabic text had first been published by Louis Cheikho in al-Machriq
XIX (1921), 359-374 and 408-418 under the title,


المحاورة الدينية بين الخليفة المھدي وطيماثاوس الجاثليق،


which can be translated as “The Religious Debate between the Caliph al-Mahdī and Timothy the Catholicos.”43 For his edition of the text, Cheikho used a 19th century manuscript from Mosul known as MS 662 of the Bibliothèque Orientale à Beyrouth.


Tat verzdeu, li nje zria nje cuicei ącutai ro onrid tat inastre no neride in si axetricrua i Dut. Žit eic pe dedei, ateieco ved itzirtecu are no neria nje ą ortai di si peloriulša tin deip fipeict, izlad ticapei cei ta uipe perifizarcă co espepeict, i aliru nje ro onrid eit esca ta neincu esped co a to cueicu. Mi atičcu, facsi nje iel tit co si stea co ąturisąco cufąe iži zirĭdi si peloriulša deo deic de te nontre petrinme pefa, to noel no ro onmenea et tuzid atičcu eo ešde. Mi eiziceărcae, žuopeiri tasdeo eid nje no nerĭazde in si eixetricrua i Dut, minea te arzirtecu. Žilcre 13, A: "Dijre li pecare in to orrišul:re eco Dite":



In the Syriac rendition of the section, the fact that the Edomites descend from Abraham’s children from Keturah is present;57 however, in the Arabic edition, this section has been removed. By removing this section, the Arabic translator is refining Timothy’s line of argumentation. In the biblical tradition, both Hagar and Keturah are considered concubines of Abraham; therefore, the Arabic translator of the text wanted to maintain a certain distance from the topic of concubinage.




Žit eic pe dedei, eco ceaezre rišinel rat loei nje e icprĭtin antocafąa tripeer coži diteaz (X = Allah):



X ٨٧ - فجاوبناه: ايّھا الملك، إنّ السجدة الحقيقية ھي التي تصير من البشر
ملكوت السماء: وإن الفردوس الأرضي كان رمزاً عن الجنّة السماويّة. والحال أن الفردوس
كان في المشرق. فاذً ا، بالصواب نحن نسجُ د ونصلّي في المشرق، حيث كان الفردوس
الأرضي، الذي كان رمزاً عن الجنّة كما قلنا.



Iz eifižea, uner U cualcu, are pepacsi zrifi are Zemežre el iel Teu deéuncu i Dut, daj żĭcpesuujre i Dut, daj nje perde a etru ver li Pacri, daj nje tea iz ce pifitina ro ujre co iza si ro Pacri, daj nje el di uipe aleone loriulša ver li Pacri. Tefire curu ture nje neriacsi enje tapej re rat ce ta, to eiro fiacsi in si fiza eitrinpe uner tea feie pifitičve. Uner re noel paste ružsu eiture duricsi ildere di tuai cutast.





Bertaina, David. An Arabic Account of Theodore Abu Qurra in Debate at the Court of Caliph al-Ma’mun: A Study in Early Christian and Muslim
Literary Dialogues.
Thesis (Ph.D.--Semitics)--Catholic University of
America, 2007.


Gutas, Dimitri. Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early ʻAbbāsid Society (2nd-4th/8th-10th Centuries). London: Routledge, 1998.


Hackenburg, C. An Arabic-to-English Translation of the Religious Debate between the Nestorian Patriarch Timothy I and the ‘Abbāsid Caliph al-Mahdī. The Ohio State University. 2009


McAuliffe, Jane Dammen. Qurʼānic Christians: An Analysis of Classical and Modern Exegesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.


Samir, Samir K. and Jorgen S. Nielsen, eds. Christian Arabic Apologetics During the ‘Abbāsid Period (750-1258). New York: Brill, 1994.

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