Aug 5, 2011

The Language of the Azzazis

The Language of the Azzizis Cover


The Language of the Azzizis



SINIM NIZARIOK Yit wawilis feah wilis yit shuish'ai Asdyshey (Jydyeyh, Azzazi, Alashi...), Morasio (Miryr Miggielre), yudu'ain Minao. Nudais areyn dweyinah shirailit shuish'ai Inrimiok yudu'ain yereahish shuish'ai fish areyn knaws fakainis feah Lirain Inrimiok heyvrimoelas. Nudais yudu'ain ardeyn nelidesh Deilth Inrimiok elnageyigdy inne ysd kielelesh Hasroik seah Inrimiok, yudu'ain kukeishim Fein gwidiahin ta'aish uelger wrodangh:



Such assessments as these, however, are based on the assumption that the Chinese translators must adhere only to the most narrow and literal translation of Sanskrit medical terminology if their output is to be determined accurate or successful. On the contrary, translation theorists have long held that strict formal equivalence between two languages is a logical abstraction that is never achieved in practice. Instead, most scholars of translation understand the construction of equivalence as a dynamic process involving active negotiation and compromise between two different systems of meaning, and understand this process to be situated in a specific historical and social context.

In fact, medieval Chinese translators themselves were all too cognizant of the problem of equivalence.


Nizariok wawilis feah yit shuish'ai feah Nizanena yudu'ain Minao khiena Gnahdokeyn yudu'ain areyn shufim gwidiahin eyngersh denagang seyl wilis ti'ai shuish'ai Gynahoh:

The Azzazi were skillfull translators of both Sanskrit and Chinese, and they too mastered the complex medical terminology at that time. On the other hand, neither the Chinese nor the Brahmi were knowledgable of the Azzazi language, which they consistently confused with Arabic.




Nizariok wawilis feah wilis yudu'ain dayinish kuil yudu'ain elodeyrgokiel yit shuish'ai feah Nizanena Dyshredy, seah Nishreo, shuish'ai Kirmel yudu'ain feah Elkihoddy shuish'ai feah elawer Eybhriddy. Teylin kuilth feah Gynashdok Nizanenaeyn kis givi feah yikait Aseyshnai (Jahs feah Vibdohd) yudu'ain Asdyshey (Jydyeyh). Seyl yit elider evaelvesh sekaishim Kelihhokiel Minagiok weish feah we'ail shuish'ai Zizio g-Giwizdi (272 InG) yudu'ain sekaishim bashd-kelihshokiel gwidiahin feah we'ail shuish'ai Rimeyoi (639IG):



The fundamental ingredient in the ritual that subsequently takes place within this consecrated space is gongyang 供養 (Skt. pūjā). Meaning “to worship,” “to venerate,” “to make offerings,” or, more literally, “to provide support to,” in Buddhist contexts, gongyang usually involves the presentation of material objects in a symbolic gesture of devotion.


Nizariok areyn weishyl keish'ai widath feah Hasroik elodeyrgokiel yit shuish'ai nra Gnahdok Hasrona Khrohdonaodas, dunuahis kradianeyn Gnahdok krakebdeyn yudu'ain Nizoreydona aermeyn liylit eyhesh gwidiahin Hasrona Khrosh donaodas. Hasrona Khrosh donaodas, gwusuitim shakein gwesit shuish'ai nith shuish'ai feah geber gakdrandy yudu'ain aeikhangeyn shuish'ai feah Nizanenah, gady liylit falish nith shuish'ai feah hborodeyiel yudu'ain siruilim aermeyn aynuthim gwidiahin yirilil gokdorairas:



Salgero states that "as early as 653, an imperial decree outlawed the practice of healing and divination by the sangha. Although Buddhist clerics continued to staff hospitals in the eighth century, the sangha gradually lost its autonomy in matters of medical charity as well", though he is unaware that the Azzazi people kept practising divination according to their Nazorean tradition.



Feilis aermish, moheyngerhdaash seah karreybdesh kikaylyl ddem, kuilth hhinesh dunuahis liylit riosreyelelyr arnahmoddesh sekaishim Hasrona Khrohdonaodyr fakainis nudais evaelvesh rirser yudu'ain rirser kithim dwaimah feah fufethit Widais'ai shuish'ai Gnahoh. Feah Sureylis Kivielohdok ridwayl aynainth uwdy dweyinah gevd widath Nizanenaohm yudu'ain gwudweish shuish'ai ardeyn Kivielohdok aermanaelagyr yudu'ain aeikhangeyn eirkre niaynu'ais widath Gnahdok raadh. Nudais aaa duylish
gohkirgesh yudu'ain inelderesh nith fufethit Nizanena krakebdh. Feah fufethit brohdani aeikhangeyn shuish'ai feah Nizanena Qivieldi kimi widath gwuleisish shbnehhesh gwidiahin shakein yuil kaseit Jeygiozesh mnaner, weril nith siruilim aermeyn yudu'ain krakebdeyn gosh sawinyl feah arnahodora dwaimah Nizariok Inrimiok widath feah Inrimiok eyhesh kikaylyl Sureylis Mashdokeyn shuish'ai feah yefithish ingdy.


"As brodydh, dden, yudu'ain khimboraeyn shuish'ai feah hashdem, shuayne'ait vere segwuitish shein duylim shuayne'ait vere kielelesh Nishreo, …ielelegang kis tikeimyl limis shuayne'ait haeyngesh feah gebseyn shuish'ai yodathut".




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