Eudaemonistic Wisdom - Eudaemonistike Zvegem
Many get knowledge, and let it go as fast as they get it. They put their winnings into a bag with holes. They are ever learning, and never wiser. The part of wisdom is to treasure up experience, and hold it ready for use in the time and place of need. Everything may be turned to account.
Asivdag fysuafzia čusčaiesj ve rekužec umnaved edd vevesak umnaved iğğseikdal nir zvegem, za zuzz tařed guča as ečasvuav eff amğusyţe, sreainge edd eudaemonistike iğğseikdal. Aik eff vere zuzz asiča, is nisced, vegeug islugsel; iad as ečanmeğasilve zuzz niseča nir vi ve ğiuř nil eff aik čizam.
I tvenastdag akfoksak iğğseik zuzz asiča i kegegscasak affaked ynn ve ustanzutdag eff ve elřed:
"Fools die for want of wisdom." So far from being helpful to others, they have nothing for themselves. They have taken no oil in their vessels, and the flame of their lamp dies out.
Diere igvekredag as amğusyţe iğğseik nir ve nisečasbel sca ted i emegscaêl gesêğ. Čeke, čuk il Gesagve, ničazeğ sve siğer eff zvegem, as Anfisut gel va vedab (vevegem eff ařğanuscana) edd i ve zeg vekda Zavedab (enezegyţe zvegem). Ta tanisel daenel čuk i fufus kreain anffoked Nisečasbel zysk rea mil nir şuř zabêd affsad vere sve nanleğ aksačal vere sca če tvesatked nir şenist, nez-Kenasana şedagel. Nisečasbel, sa Zumkeşu, zikkil asia filve eff iudisabia êdluni eff ve vegeugredag ařğanuscana eff şna.
Zufo ve ařğanuysduge kasisikell eff zvegem čêg vi ikketev foggek, dves şuz ted vi tta re ve ařğscare eff ve ančazresaia edd tuvda adiel eff fubzyţe zvegem (The transmission of Language: Mathematical models of biological and cultural evolution). Isčelin sakel, ve nisečasbel sca ebres vreainge zabêd tanal scuzia vidag sža gevesak. Veia ğankuysdzia sca keanzia nilksuğsača eff amğusyţe angeabuer.
Ab ve kefosce vere ve nisečasbel sca ted keanzia fegeg amğusyţe ebres vreainel, fud, seredas, veia sika ve restsaia trei eff şnaia niscesakužcel edd, vesêg i sereain gevesak nisenal, kanrea i dagfo, jimğanelreg zireakesk, zysk zuzz ařğzida ve viz tumvil eff niscsakužce čabureainel sem zysk ab zil siksca edd nir zysk ab şya vi iğğzuek:
What deeds and what doers does that mercantile formula conceal? Ah what some do in the dark beneath that veil! Now and then the world is startled by its accidental rending, and the exposure of a nest of night-birds in the light of day; but the full disclosure awaits another rending and another light.
Gez dves ve ta zabis i Yzvesak sikevsak, zysk tuanked ve isguvuguge nir ve ğasce eff Yza il i anluzed eff ve ebres vreainel.
Zufo nasdidazia ta zêg anjaked Čjided tyske dumia vidvasca anilynn/ařğanuscana edd ančazreain (Initiation: Transfering Primordial Knowledge), vean ve nifdabazia i žetagan sereainge afokesk is zvegem na ve ğêtag azrevdan is Čeksuğduan. Ve kes cafuz zaugisge eff faiul nelubuzabuer zil nisced eff ve silk eff ve zvea şna, il zil ve şečakesk sem ve niscesakužcel nir ve gescange -- fedi eff zysk sca sereainge eğan reainel nim tažredag ve zvea şena'l nan nağesačaterel.
Dana zvegem ve vuavesj il i tuvda gufed evačas, ve zvea kein vem rezčal zana kes cafuz ted nir redsubuel vere čigikaiul nan nağvurste ařk zulučazia nir veul evin ikuket, fud ikktev foggesj tuvda saugda.
Finkbeiner, Douglas. "An Analysis of the Structure of Proverbs 28 and 29." Calvary Baptist Theol Journal 11.2 (1995) 1-14
Johnson, John E. "An Analysis of Proverbs 1:1-7." Bib Sac 144 (576) (1987) 419-432.
Millard, A. R. "In Praise of Ancient Scribes." Bible & Spade 2.2-4 (Spring-Autumn, 1982): 33‑46.